SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Sync the snapmirror backups.
Refresh-SmSyncSnapMirrorBackups [-AppObjectList] <String> [-RefreshAllObjects] <>
Detailed Description
In a snapmirror active sync relationship when one site is down, backups are taken on the site which is up and running. When the site comes back online, ONTAP resync backups from the current primary to replica site which SnapCenter is not aware of. Executing this commandlet shall ensure consistency between ONTAP and SnapCenter for Application consistent backups across primary and replica site.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
AppObjectList |
Object id list |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
RefreshAllObjects |
Refresh backups for all app objects. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Refresh sync backups of all the resources in the SnapCenter Server
Refresh-SmSyncSnapMirrorBackups -RefreshAllObjects
This example syntax sync all backups for all the resources in the SnapCenter Server through ONTAP.
Example 2: Refresh sync backups by resource name
Refresh-SmSyncSnapMirrorBackups -AppObjectList R708202074BV1\SQL2019\MDSL_DB3
This example syntax sync all backups by resource name through ONTAP.
Example 3: Refresh sync backups by resource name list
Refresh-SmSyncSnapMirrorBackups -AppObjectList R708202074BV1\SQL2019\MDSL_DB1,R708202074BV1\SQL2019\MDSL_DB2
This example syntax sync all backups by resource name list through ONTAP.