SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Enables you to modify the configuration settings for the SnapCenter Server host or a SnapCenter plug-in host.
Set-SmConfigSettings [-Server] <> [-configSettings] <Hashtable> [-Agent] <> [-HostName] <String> [-configSettings] <Hashtable> [-Plugin] <> [-HostName] <String> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode> [-configSettings] <Hashtable>
Detailed Description
Enables you to modify the configuration settings for the SnapCenter Server host or a SnapCenter plug-in host.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Server |
Modifies the configuration values for the server on which SnapCenter is installed. |
true |
false |
configSettings |
Specifies in a hash table the configuration settings you want to modify. |
true |
false |
Agent |
Specifies that you want to modify configuration values for the SMCore agent. |
true |
false |
HostName |
Specifies the name of the host on which you want to modify configuration settings. |
true |
false |
Plugin |
Specifies that you want to modify the configuration information of the plug-in host. |
true |
false |
PluginCode |
Specifies the plug-in code for the plug-in host for which you are modifying configuration settings. |
true |
false |
Example 1: Modifying multiple configuration settings for a custom plugin
Set-SmConfigSettings -Agent -HostName -configSettings @{"SERVER_API_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC"="300";"ALLOWED_CMDS"="mount *; unmount *"}
This example syntax sets 2 configuration settings key-values for a custom plug-in.
Name Value
---- -----
ALLOWED_CMDS mount *; unmount *
Example 2: Modifying a single configuration setting on the SnapCenter Server
Set-SmConfigSettings -Server -configSettings @{"WindowsRemoteInstallProcessTimeout"="900"}
This example syntax modifies the specified configuration setting on the SnapCenter Server.
Name Value
---- -----
WindowsRemoteInstallProcess… 900
Example 3: Setting the chunk size for which files are grouped for a directory restore from primary storage
Set-SmConfigSettings -Server -configSettings @{"PrimaryRestoreFileChunkSize"="500";}
This example syntax specifies the file chunk size to restore from primary storage. The default primary restore chunk is 500. You can increase or decrease the chunk size, but the size must be greater than 0.
Example 4: Setting the chunk size for which files are grouped for a directory restore from secondary storage
Set-SmConfigSettings -Server -configSettings @{" SecondaryRestoreFileChunkSize "="8";}
This example syntax specifies the file chunk size to restore from secondary storage. The default secondary restore chunk is 8. You can increase or decrease the chunk size, but the size must be greater than 0.
Example 5: Setting a custom port
Set-SmConfigSettings -Agent -configSettings @{"PORT"="8174"} -HostName
This example syntax specifies the custom port number for the SMCore agent as 8174.
Name Value
---- -----
PORT 8174
Example 6: Setting load sharing mirror retry
Set-SmConfigSettings -Agent -configSettings @{"lsmsleep"="9997"} -HostName localhost
This example syntax sets the load sharing mirror retry time to 9997 milliseconds to enable load sharing mirrors to finish updating before retrying mount or restore operations.
Name Value
---- -----
lsmsleep 9997
Example 7: Setting the access method of SQL log backups for reseed and restore operations of availability group database
Set-SmConfigSettings -Server -configSettings @{"ReseedLogBackupMount"="true"]
The example syntax sets the log backup’s access as mount and copy for restore and reseed operations of availability group database. Setting the flag to true indicates that the SQL availability group database reseed and restore operations should mount the log backups on the target host rather than accessing them as a network share.
The default value is "false".