SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Creates a new clone job.
Add-SmCloneJob [-CloneJobName] <String> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode> [-CloneToInstance] <String> [-CloneToHost] <String> [-Description] <String> [-ResourceGroupName] <String> [-Resources] <Hashtable[]> [-EnableAsupOnFailure] <Boolean> [-EnableSysLog] <Boolean> [-EnableEmail] <> [-EmailPreference] <SmEmailNotificationPreference>
Detailed Description
Creates a new clone job for the resource group. You can do the following to the clone job: add resources, define specific schedule policy, attach policies, set notification settings for Event Management System (EMS) logs, AutoSupport, send Email notification, specify clone options including clone type and instance, mount options, attach a suffix to the clone job name. Specify the secondary location if you are cloning to a SnapMirror or SnapVault destination.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
CloneJobName |
Specifies the name of the clone job. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PluginCode |
Specifies the plug-in code of the host for which you are creating a clone job. Valid values are SCSQL and SCO. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CloneToInstance |
Specifies the SQL Server instance that you want to clone to. All databases in the clone resource group are cloned to this instance. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CloneToHost |
Specifies the host to which you are cloning. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Description |
Provides an optional description of the clone job you are creating. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ResourceGroupName |
Provides an optional description of the clone job you are creating. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Resources |
Specifies the resources you want to add to the clone resource group. You must provide the resource information in a hashtable, and it must contain the resource name and type, as well as the host on which the resource is located. For example,@{"Host"="localhost";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="Instance\Database"}Valid Type values are SQL Database and Oracle Database. You can include comma-separated values for Names. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EnableAsupOnFailure |
Specifies whether to enable or disable AutoSupport on failure. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EnableSysLog |
Specifies whether to enable or disable sys log in the storage system. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EnableEmail |
Specifies whether to enable or disable email notifications. |
false |
false |
EmailPreference |
Specifies when you will receive email notifications. Possible values: Always, Never, OnError, OnErrorOrWarning. |
false |
false |
AutoAssignMountPoint |
Specifies that the file system mount point is assigned automatically. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
AssignMountPointUnderPath |
Specifies that the file system mount point is created automatically under the specified mount path. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CloneType |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Suffix |
Provides a clone job name suffix. The clone job you create is appended with the suffix name. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ArchivedLocators |
Specifies the secondary storage system details for each of the unique primary storage system resource in the dataset. For example:-ArchivedLocators @{Primary="my_vs1:my_vol_iscsi";Secondary="my_vs1:my_vol_iscsi_SECONDARY"} |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CustomSnapShotFomat |
Specifies the custom Snapshot copy naming format. For example, -CustomSnapShotFomat '$CustomText$ResourceGroup$Policy$HostName' -CustomText NetApp |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CustomText |
Specifies the custom text in the custom Snapshot copy naming format. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
SchedulerCredentialName |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Schedules |
Specifies in a hastable the schedule for the clone job, including the policy name and the schedule type. For example, -Schedules @{"PolicyName"="BackupPolicy";"ScheduleType"="OneTime"}You can specify multiple schedules in a comma-separated list. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
SchedulerType |
Specifies the scheduler type. Possible values are Windows, SQL, and None. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
SchedulerInstance |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
DeleteCloneOnScheduleExpiry |
Specifies that the clone be deleted when the scheduled expiration time is reached. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PreScriptCommand |
Prescript file UNC path with proper privileges for scripts accessibility, (‘\\\\server\\share\path\\file’ for Universal Naming Convention (UNC) names). |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PreScriptArguments |
Specifies the prescript arguments. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PostScriptCommand |
Postscript file UNC path with proper privileges for scripts accessibility, (‘\\\\server\\share\path\\file’ for Universal Naming Convention (UNC) names). |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PostScriptArguments |
Specifies postscript arguments. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ScriptTimeOut |
Specifies the number of seconds before a script times out. The default is 60 seconds. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailBody |
Specifies the body of the email. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailFrom |
Specifies the sender’s email address. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailTo |
Specifies the recipient’s email address. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailSubject |
Specifies the subject of the email. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EnableEmailAttachment |
Specifies whether you are adding an email attachment. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Adding a new clone job
Add-SmCloneJob -CloneJobName TestCLM1 -PluginCode SCSQL -CloneToInstance "CsmDevSuman\INST1" -CloneToHost -Description 'testing clm' -Resources @{"Host"="CsmDevSuman";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="CsmDevSuman\INST1\TrialDB"} -Suffix "_Clone_July_12" -AutoAssignMountPoint
Example 2: Creating a clone job with hourly schedule policy
Add-SmCloneJob -Resources @{"Host"="Cluster50176661";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1\Cluster50176661_MDML_4"} -CloneJobName 'CloneJob_08767' -PluginCode 'SCSQL' -CloneToInstance 'SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1' -CloneToHost 'Cluster50176661' -autoassignmountpoint -suffix '_Clone_08767' -schedulertype 'Windows' -schedules @{"ScheduleType"="Hourly";"StartTime"="05/30/2019 6:00 AM";"EndTime"="05/30/2019 8:57 AM";"RepeatTask_Every_Hour"="01:00"}
Example 3: Creating a clone job with daily schedule policy
Add-SmCloneJob -Resources @{"Host"="Cluster50176661";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1\Cluster50176661_MDSL_4"} -CloneJobName 'CloneJob_00970' -PluginCode 'SCSQL' -CloneToInstance 'SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1' -CloneToHost 'Cluster50176661' -suffix '_Clone_00970' -archivedlocators @{Primary="";Secondary="C_84_173_CIT_SVM_2:QA12050176661_1_MDSL_Data_Log_Vol_SV"} -schedulertype 'Windows' -assignmountpointunderpath 'D:\MSSQL11.CLUSINST1\MSSQL\DATA\Clone10971' -schedules @{"ScheduleType"="Daily";"StartTime"="05/30/2019 6:25 AM";"EndTime"="05/30/2019 9:22 AM";"daysInterval"="1"} -clonetype 1
Example 4: Creating a clone job with weekly schedule policy
Add-SmCloneJob -Resources @{"Host"="Cluster50176661";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1\Cluster50176661_MDML_4"} -CloneJobName 'CloneJob_54758' -PluginCode 'SCSQL' -CloneToInstance 'SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1' -CloneToHost 'Cluster50176661' -autoassignmountpoint -suffix '_Clone_54758' -schedulertype 'Windows' -schedules @{"ScheduleType"="Weekly";"StartTime"="05/30/2019 6:30 AM";"EndTime"="05/30/2019 9:27 AM";"DaysOfTheWeek"="Thursday,Saturday"}
Example 5: Creating a clone job with monthly schedule policy
Add-SmCloneJob -Resources @{"Host"="Cluster50176661";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1\Cluster50176661_MDML_4"} -CloneJobName 'CloneJob_02494' -PluginCode 'SCSQL' -CloneToInstance 'SQL12050176661\CLUSINST1' -CloneToHost 'Cluster50176661' -suffix '_Clone_02494' -assignmountpointunderpath 'D:\MSSQL11.CLUSINST1\MSSQL\DATA\Clone10971' -schedulertype 'Windows' -schedules @{"ScheduleType"="Monthly";"StartTime"="05/30/2019 6:40 AM";"EndTime"="05/30/2019 9:37 AM";"MonthsofTheYear"="May,June";"DaysoftheMonth"="30,4,25"}