ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

cluster image show-update-progress

Display the update progress

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The cluster image show-update-progress command displays information about the current state of an update. By default, the command displays the following information:

  • Update phase

  • Status

  • Estimated Duration

  • Elapsed Duration


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-ndu-phase {validation|prereq-updates|ontap-updates|package-management|default-phase|post-update-checks}] - Update Phase

Displays information about the specified update phase.

[-phase-status {in-progress|waiting|paused-by-user|paused-on-error|completed|canceled|failed|pause-pending|cancel-pending}] - Phase Status

Displays information about progress matching the specified phase status.

[-phase-duration <text>] - Phase Duration

Displays information about progress matching the specified phase duration.

[-phase-comments <text>] - Phase Comments

Displays information about progress matching the specified phase comments.

[-elapsed-duration {<seconds>|[<d> days] <hh>:<mm>[:<ss>]}] - Elapsed duration of the phase

Displays information about progress matching the specified elapsed duration.

[-estimated-duration {<seconds>|[<d> days] <hh>:<mm>[:<ss>]}] - Estimated duration of the phase

Displays information about progress matching the specified estimated duration.

[-phase-description <text>] - Phase Description

Displays information about progress matching the specified phase description.

[-subsystem-name <text>] - Subsystem Name

Displays information about progress matching the specified subsystem name.

[-subsystem-status <text>] - Subsystem Status

Displays information about progress matching the specified subsystem status.

[-subsystem-details <text>] - Subsystem Details

Displays information about progress matching the specified subsystem details.

[-subsystem-action <text>] - Subsystem Action

Displays information about progress matching the specified subsystem action.


The following example shows the automated nondisruptive update of two nodes, nodeA and nodeB. In this case, nodeA’s update is waiting, nodeB’s update is in progress. nodeB’s giveback operation is in progress.

cluster1::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status                   Duration        Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    completed                00:10:00        00:00:02
Data ONTAP updates   in-progress              01:23:00        00:32:07


Node name            Status            Status Description
-------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------
nodeA                waiting
nodeB                in-progress       Performing giveback operation.
3 entries were displayed.


The following example shows the automated nondisruptive update of two nodes, nodeA and nodeB. In this case, automated nondisruptive update is paused-on-error in "Data ONTAP updates" phase. nodeA’s update is waiting, nodeB’s update is failed. "Status Description" show nodeB’s error and action.

cluster1:> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status                   Duration        Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    completed                00:10:00        00:00:02
Data ONTAP updates   paused-on-error          00:49:00        00:05:21


Node name            Status            Status Description
-------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------
nodeA                waiting
nodeB                failed            Error: Takeover of node
                                       "nodeB" is not possible.
                                       Action: Use the "storage failover
                                       show" command to view the cause of
                                       the failure.
2 entries were displayed.

Status: Paused - An error occurred in "Data ONTAP updates" phase. The
non-disruptive update cannot continue until the error has been resolved.
Resolve all issues, then use the "cluster image resume-update" command to
resume the update.


The following example shows that the automated nondisruptive update is paused-on-error in "Post-update checks" update phase and "Status Description" shows the error and action.

cluster1::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status                 Duration        Duration
-------------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Data ONTAP updates   completed              02:19:00        00:00:03
Post-update checks   paused-on-error        00:10:00        00:00:02


Post-update Check    Status         Error-Action
-------------------- -------------- -------------------------------------
Cluster Quorum       Error          Error: Cluster is not in quorum.
                                    Action: Use the (privilege: advanced)
                                    "cluster ring show" command to verify
                                    all replication unit details.
5 entries were displayed.

Status: Paused - An error occurred in "Post-update checks" phase. The
non-disruptive update cannot continue until the error has been resolved.
Resolve all issues, then use the "cluster image resume-update" command
to resume the update.


The following example shows that the automated nondisruptive update is completed on nodeA and nodeB.

cluster1::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status                   Duration        Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    completed                00:10:00        00:00:13
Data ONTAP updates   completed                01:23:00        01:15:11
Post-update checks   completed                00:10:00        00:00:02
3 entries were displayed.

Updated nodes: nodeA, nodeB.

The following example shows the automated update of two-node MetroCluster configuration having clusters cluster_A and cluster_B. In this case, cluster_A’s update is waiting and cluster_B’s update is in progress. cluster_B’s switchback operation is in progress.

cluster_A::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated         Elapsed
Cluster                               Duration        Duration    Status
------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ----------------
cluster_A                             00:00:00        00:00:00    waiting
cluster_B                             00:00:00        00:06:42    in-progress

Details: Switchback in progress.

Waiting for partner cluster "sti60-vsim-ucs134f_siteB" to be up.


The following example shows that the automated update is completed on both cluster_A and cluster_B in two-node MetroCluster configuration.

cluster_A::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated         Elapsed
Cluster                               Duration        Duration    Status
------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ----------------
cluster_A                             00:00:00        00:20:44    completed
cluster_B                             00:00:00        00:10:43    completed

Details: MetroCluster updated successfully.
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