ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

snapmirror show

Display a list of SnapMirror relationships

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The snapmirror show command displays information associated with SnapMirror relationships. By default, the command displays the following information:

  • Source path

  • Relationship Type

  • Destination Path

  • Mirror State

  • Relationship Status

  • Total Progress

  • Healthy

  • Progress Last Updated

The snapmirror show command displays information for SnapMirror relationships whose destination endpoints are in the current Vserver if you are in a Vserver context, or in the current cluster if you are in a cluster context, or on a non-Data ONTAP endpoint that supports SnapMirror (for example, AltaVault).

Some of the SnapMirror relationship information is cached. The snapmirror show command only returns the cached information, therefore there is a delay after the information is changed before it is reflected in the snapmirror show output. Other information, such as progress metrics during a transfer, is only updated periodically and can be very delayed in the snapmirror show output.

The -instance and -fields parameters are mutually exclusive and select the information fields that are displayed. The other parameters to the snapmirror show command select the SnapMirror relationships for which information is displayed. The -instance displays detailed information fields including:

Source Path: Path of the source endpoint.
            Destination Path: Path of the destination endpoint.
           Relationship Type: Type of the SnapMirror relationship. Can be
                              one of the following:
                              - DP: Data protection relationship.
                              - LS: Load-sharing relationship.
                              - XDP: Extended data protection relationship.
                              - RST: Temporary relationship created
                                     during a restore operation, and
                                     deleted if the operation completes
                              - TDP: 7-mode to ONTAP
                                     transition data protection
     Relationship Group Type: For FlexVol relationships, specifies the
                              type of the group relationship that includes
                              this FlexVol. For group relationships,
                              specifies the type of the group
                              relationship. Can be one of the following:
                              - none: No group relationship.
                              - vserver: Vserver relationship.
                              - flexgroup: FlexGroup relationship.
                              - consistencygroup: Consistency Group
Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
         Relationship Status: Status of the SnapMirror relationship.
                              Can be one of the following:
                              - Idle: No transfer operation is in
                                      progress and future transfers are
                                      not disabled.
                              - Queued: A transfer operation has been
                                      accepted and queued in the system,
                                      and future transfers are not
                              - Transferring: A transfer operation is in
                                      progress and future transfers are
                                      not disabled.
                              - Preparing: Pre-transfer phase for
                                      Vault incremental transfers.
                                      For Vault relationships only.
                              - Finalizing: Post-transfer phase for
                                      Vault incremental transfers.
                                      Network traffic will be low as
                                      processing is primarily on the
                                      destination volume.
                                      For Vault relationships only.
                              - Aborting: A transfer abort operation
                                      that might include the removal of
                                      the checkpoint is underway. Future
                                      transfers are not disabled. Only
                                      for relationships with
                                       "Relationship Capability"
                                      of  "9.7 and above" .
                              - Quiesced: No transfer operation is in
                                      progress and future transfers are
                              - Quiescing: A transfer operation is in
                                      progress and future transfers
                                      are disabled.
                              - Checking: Destination volume is
                                      undergoing a diagnostic check,
                                      no transfer is in progress, and
                                      future transfers are not disabled.

                              - Breaking: The SnapMirror relationship is
                                      being broken off and no transfer is
                                      in progress.
The following values are only applicable to
                              relationships with a policy of type
                              sync-mirror, strict-sync-mirror,
            automated-failover, or
                              - OutOfSync: The SnapMirror relationship is
                                      not InSync and no async transfer
                                      operation is in progress.
                              - Transitioning: The SnapMirror relationship
                                      is transitioning to InSync.
                              - InSync: The SnapMirror relationship is
The following values are only applicable to
                             relationships with a policy of type
                             - Modifying: One or more properties of
              the SnapMirror relationship are
              being modified.
Mirror State: State of the destination volume. Can be one
                              of the following:
                              - Uninitialized: Destination volume has not
                                              been initialized.
                              - Snapmirrored: Destination volume has been
                                              initialized and is ready to
                                              receive SnapMirror updates.
                              - Broken-off: Destination volume is RW
                                            and snapshots are present.

The following values are applicable only to
the relationships with a policy of type
automated-failover or
- Expanding: Adding new volumes to
the SnapMirror relationship is
in progress.

Healthy: Condition of the relationship. Can be one of
                              the following:
                              - true: The SnapMirror relationship is
                                      healthy. It has not missed a
                                      scheduled transfer, or experienced
                                      a manual update failure.
                              - false: The SnapMirror relationship is not
                                     healthy. It has missed a scheduled
                                     transfer, or has experienced a manual
                                     update failure.
            Unhealthy Reason: Reason the SnapMirror relationship is not
                              healthy. Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above"
             Newest Snapshot: Name of the newest Snapshot copy on the
                              destination volume.
   Newest Snapshot Timestamp: Timestamp of the newest Snapshot copy.
           Exported Snapshot: Name of the exported Snapshot copy on the
            destination volume. This field is not applicable
              to the policy of type
             automated-failover-duplex .
 Exported Snapshot Timestamp: Timestamp of the exported Snapshot copy.
                    Lag Time: Time since the exported Snapshot copy
                              was created. It is displayed in the
                              format: hours:minutes:seconds.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
               Transfer Type: Type of the current transfer operation.
                              Can be one of the following:
                              - initialize
                              - update
                              - resync
                              - restore
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
           Transfer Snapshot: Name of the Snapshot copy being transferred.
           Snapshot Progress: Amount of data transferred for the transfer
                              snapshot. This parameter is not supported
                              for SnapMirror FlexGroup relationships, but
                              it is supported for FlexGroup constituent
              Total Progress: Total amount of data transferred for the
                              current transfer operation.
   Percent Complete for Current Status: Percent complete for the current value
                              of status. This field is only valid when the
             "Relationship Status"  is
             "Finalizing" .
   Network Compression Ratio: The compression ratio achieved for the data
                              sent over the wire as a part of the current
                              transfer operation. The ratio is not
                              maintained across checkpoint restarts. If
                              network compression is disabled for the
                              transfer, the ratio will be set to 1:1.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              or FlexGroup SnapMirror relationships, but
                              it is supported for FlexGroup constituent
         Snapshot Checkpoint: The amount of data transferred as recorded in
                              the restart checkpoint of the current or most
                              recent transfer snapshot. If a restart
                              checkpoint is present the next transfer will
                              continue from the checkpoint. This parameter
                              is not supported for SnapMirror FlexGroup
                              relationships, but it is supported for
                              FlexGroup constituent relationships.
              Transfer Error: Possible transient error condition if any,
                              encountered by the current transfer
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above".
            Current Throttle: The maximum transfer rate in Kilobytes
                              per second, used for the current transfer
                              between clusters.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
   Current Transfer Priority: Priority assigned to the current transfer.
                              Possible values are:
                              - low
                              - normal
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
          Last Transfer Type: Type of the previous transfer operation:
                              - initialize
                              - update
                              - resync
                              - restore
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
          Last Transfer Size: Total amount of data transferred during the
                              previous transfer operation if it was
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for
                              SnapMirror FlexGroup relationships, but it
                              is supported for FlexGroup constituent
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: The compression ratio achieved
                              for the data sent over the wire as a part of
                              the previous transfer operation. If network
                              compression was disabled for the transfer,
                              the ratio will be set to 1:1.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              or FlexGroup SnapMirror relationships, but it
                              is supported for FlexGroup constituent
      Last Transfer Duration: Duration of the previous transfer
                              operation if it was successful.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
          Last Transfer From: Source endpoint of the previous transfer
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
 Last Transfer End Timestamp: Timestamp of the end of the previous
                              transfer operation.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
         Last Transfer Error: Cause of the failure of the previous
                              transfer operation.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
     Relationship Capability: Management and control compatibility:

                              - "9.7 and above": Full support of clustered
                                Data ONTAP 9.7 or later SnapMirror
                                relationship management and control.
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
             Relationship ID: The unique identifier of the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
        Current Operation ID: Operation unique identifier of the currently
                              executing SnapMirror operation.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
           Throttle (KB/sec): Configured maximum transfer rate for
                              cross-cluster transfers.
      SnapMirror Policy Type: Type of the SnapMirror policy associated
                              with the relationship. Can be one of the
                              - async-mirror
                              - vault
                              - mirror-vault
Refer to the man page for the
                              link:snapmirror-policy-create.html[snapmirror policy create] command
                              for a description of what these types mean.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
           SnapMirror Policy: Name of the SnapMirror policy associated
                              with the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
         SnapMirror Schedule: Name of the schedule (empty if there is
                              no schedule) associated with the
                 Tries Limit: Maximum number of times a transfer will be

                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
     Destination Volume Node: Node which owns the destination volume
                              of the relationship. For FlexGroup
                              relationships it is the node which owns
            the root constituent destination volume.
            For object store relationships it is the
            node which owns the source volume.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
Identity Preserve Vserver DR: Whether or not the identity of the source
                              Vserver is replicated to the destination
                              Vserver. Can be:
                              - true:  Source Vserver's configuration will
                                       additionally be replicated to the
                                       destination, along with the
                                       Vserver's volumes and RBAC
                              - false: Only volumes and RBAC configuration
                                       of the source Vserver is replicated
                                       to the destination.
                              This parameter is supported only for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
      Volume MSIDs Preserved: Whether or not the MSIDs of the source
                              volumes are retained while creating
                              destination volumes.
                              Can be:
                               - true: MSIDs of source Vserver volumes and
                                       destination Vserver volumes match.
                               - false: MSIDs of source Vserver volumes and
                                        destination Vserver volumes do not
                              This parameter is supported only for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
      Is Auto Expand Enabled: Whether or not the auto expand is enabled.
            Can be:
            - true: Auto Expand is enabled.
            - false: Auto Expand is disabled.
            This parameter is supported only for FlexGroup
            SnapMirror relationships.
         Is Adaptive Enabled: Whether or not adaptive is enabled.
            Can be:
            - true: Adaptive is enabled.
            - false: Adaptive is disabled.
            This parameter is supported only for FlexVol
            SnapMirror relationships between Data ONTAP
         Backoff level: Level of backoff of SnapMirror relationship
            transfers in the presence of client ops.
            Can be:
            - high
            - medium
            - none
            This parameter is supported only for FlexVol
            SnapMirror relationships.
Number of Successful Updates: The number of successful SnapMirror update
                              operations for the relationship since the
            last reboot, aggregate relocation, takeover/
            giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback
            involving the node that hosts the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
    Number of Failed Updates: The number of failed SnapMirror update
                              operations for the relationship since the
            last reboot, aggregate relocation, takeover/
            giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback
            involving the node that hosts the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
Number of Successful Resyncs: The number of successful SnapMirror resync
                              operations for the relationship since the
            last reboot, aggregate relocation, takeover/
            giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback
            involving the node that hosts the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
    Number of Failed Resyncs: The number of failed SnapMirror resync
                              operations for the relationship since the
            last reboot, aggregate relocation, takeover/
            giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback
            involving the node that hosts the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
 Number of Successful Breaks: The number of successful SnapMirror break
                              operations for the relationship since the
            last reboot, aggregate relocation, takeover/
            giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback
            involving the node that hosts the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
     Number of Failed Breaks: The number of failed SnapMirror break
                              operations for the relationship since the
            last reboot, aggregate relocation, takeover/
            giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback
            involving the node that hosts the relationship.
                              Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
        Total Transfer Bytes: Cumulative bytes transferred for the
                              relationship. Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.
Total Transfer Time: Cumulative total transfer time in seconds for
            the relationship since the last reboot, aggregate
            relocation, takeover/giveback, or metrocluster
            switchover/switchback involving the node that
            hosts the relationship. Only for relationships with
                               "Relationship Capability"
                              of  "9.7 and above" .
                              This parameter is not supported for Vserver
                              SnapMirror relationships.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

{ [-S, -source-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>}] - Source Path

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching source path name.

| [-source-cluster <Cluster name>] - Source Cluster

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching source cluster name. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP, FlexGroup volume, or Vserver source endpoints.

[-source-vserver <vserver name>] - Source Vserver

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching source Vserver name. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP source endpoints.

[-source-volume <volume name>] - Source Volume }

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching source volume name. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP source endpoints.

{ [-destination-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>}] - Destination Path

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching destination path name.

Using wildcards with this parameter:
  • To match all Vserver Snapmirror relationships, use: `-destination-path`*:

  • To match all the Snapmirror relationships except Vserver Snapmirror relationships in the cluster, use: `-destination-path`*

| [-destination-cluster <Cluster name>] - Destination Cluster

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching destination cluster name. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP, FlexGroup volume, or Vserver destination endpoints.

[-destination-vserver <vserver name>] - Destination Vserver

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching destination Vserver name. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.

[-destination-volume <volume name>] - Destination Volume }

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching destination volume name. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.

[-type <snapmirrorType>] - Relationship Type

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching relationship type. Vservers support only DP SnapMirror relationships. Possible values are:

  • DP

  • LS

  • XDP

  • TDP

  • RST

[-relationship-group-type {none|vserver|consistencygroup|flexgroup|vserverflexgroup|vserverconsistencygroup}] - Relationship Group Type

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching relationship group type. Possible values are:

  • none

  • vserver

  • flexgroup

  • consistencygroup

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Managing Vserver

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching managing Vserver name. The -vserver option is currently a reserved option.

[-schedule <text>] - SnapMirror Schedule

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching schedule.

[-policy-type {vault|async-mirror|mirror-vault|strict-sync-mirror|sync-mirror|automated-failover|automated-failover-duplex|continuous}] - SnapMirror Policy Type

Selects SnapMirror relationships that have a matching SnapMirror policy type. Possible values are:

  • async-mirror

  • vault

  • mirror-vault

  • automated-failover

  • automated-failover-duplex

  • sync-mirror

  • strict-sync-mirror

[-policy <sm_policy>] - SnapMirror Policy

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching SnapMirror policy.

[-tries <integer_or_unlimited>] - Tries Limit

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching tries limit.

[-k, -throttle <throttleType>] - Throttle (KB/sec)

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching throttle.

[-cg-item-mappings {<source volume>:@<destination volume>|<source item path>:@<destination item path>}] - Consistency Group Item Mappings

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching cg-item-mappings.

[-current-throttle <throttleType>] - Current Transfer Throttle (KB/sec)

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching current throttle.

[-state <mirror state>] - Mirror State

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching mirror state. Possible values are:

  • Uninitialized

  • Snapmirrored

  • Broken-off

[-status <mirror status>] - Relationship Status

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching relationship status. Possible values are:

  • Idle

  • Queued

  • Transferring

  • Preparing

  • Finalizing

  • Aborting

  • Quiesced

  • Quiescing

  • Checking

Status values Finalizing, Checking, Waiting and Preparing are not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-file-restore-file-count <integer>] - File Restore File Count

The number of files being restored by file restore.

[-file-restore-file-list <text>,…​] - File Restore File List

List of the destination file names of the files being restored by file restore.

[-transfer-snapshot <text>] - Transfer Snapshot

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching transfer Snapshot copy.

[-snapshot-progress {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Snapshot Progress

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching Snapshot progress.

[-total-progress {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Progress

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching total progress.

[-network-compression-ratio <text>] - Network Compression Ratio

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching network compression ratio. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-snapshot-checkpoint {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Snapshot Checkpoint

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching Snapshot copy checkpoint. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-newest-snapshot <text>] - Newest Snapshot

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching newest Snapshot copy.

[-newest-snapshot-timestamp <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Newest Snapshot Timestamp

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching newest Snapshot copy timestamp.

[-exported-snapshot <text>] - Exported Snapshot

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching exported Snapshot copy name. For load-sharing mirror relationships, if the exported-snapshot field for a relationship has a dash (-), the load-sharing mirror is lagging behind the up-to-date mirrors in the set.

[-exported-snapshot-timestamp <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Exported Snapshot Timestamp

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching exported Snapshot copy timestamp.

[-healthy {true|false}] - Healthy

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching healthy condition.

[-relationship-id <UUID>] - Relationship ID

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching relationship ID. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-current-operation-id <UUID>] - Current Operation ID

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching operation unique identifier of the currently executing SnapMirror operation.

[-current-transfer-type {initialize|update|resync|restore|check|file_restore|cggrs_initialize|cggrs_resync|cg_update|cg_initialize|cg_resync|cg_restore|catalog_metadata|cg_file_restore|failover|aufo|failover_incapable|cg_migrate}] - Transfer Type

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching current transfer type.

[-current-transfer-error <text>] - Transfer Error

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching current transfer error.

[-last-transfer-type {initialize|update|resync|restore|check|file_restore|cggrs_initialize|cggrs_resync|cg_update|cg_initialize|cg_resync|cg_restore|catalog_metadata|cg_file_restore|failover|aufo|failover_incapable|cg_migrate}] - Last Transfer Type

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching last transfer type.

[-last-transfer-error <text>] - Last Transfer Error

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching last transfer error.

[-last-transfer-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Last Transfer Size

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching last transfer size.

[-last-transfer-network-compression-ratio <text>] - Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching last transfer network compression ratio. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-last-transfer-duration <[[<hours>:]<minutes>:]<seconds>>] - Last Transfer Duration

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching last transfer duration.

[-last-transfer-from <text>] - Last Transfer From

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching last transfer source.

[-last-transfer-end-timestamp <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Last Transfer End Timestamp

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching last transfer end timestamp.

[-unhealthy-reason <text>] - Unhealthy Reason

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching unhealthy reason.

[-progress-last-updated <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Progress Last Updated

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching progress last updated.

[-relationship-capability <text>] - Relationship Capability

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching relationship capability. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-lag-time <[[<hours>:]<minutes>:]<seconds>>] - Lag Time

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching lag time.

[-current-transfer-priority {low|normal}] - Current Transfer Priority

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching current transfer priority.

[-is-smtape-op {true|false}] - SMTape Operation

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching smtape operation.

[-destination-volume-node <nodename>] - Destination Volume Node Name

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching destination volume node name. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-identity-preserve {true|false}] - Identity Preserve Vserver DR

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching value for identity-preserve. This parameter is valid only for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-expand <true>] - Show Constituents of the Group

Specifies whether to display constituent relationships of Vserver, FlexGroup and Consistency Group SnapMirror relationships. By default, the constituents are not displayed.

[-update-successful-count <integer>] - Number of Successful Updates

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching number of successful updates. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-update-failed-count <integer>] - Number of Failed Updates

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching number of failed updates. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-resync-successful-count <integer>] - Number of Successful Resyncs

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching number of successful resyncs. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-resync-failed-count <integer>] - Number of Failed Resyncs

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching number of failed resyncs. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-break-successful-count <integer>] - Number of Successful Breaks

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching number of successful breaks. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-break-failed-count <integer>] - Number of Failed Breaks

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching number of failed breaks. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-total-transfer-bytes <integer>] - Total Transfer Bytes

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching total transfer bytes. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-total-transfer-time-secs <integer>] - Total Transfer Time in Seconds

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching total transfer time in seconds. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-msid-preserve {true|false}] - Source Volume MSIDs Preserved

This parameter specifies whether the volume MSIDs are preserved at the destination. This parameter is applicable only for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-is-auto-expand-enabled {true|false}] - Is Auto Expand Enabled

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching value for auto expand. This parameter is supported only for FlexGroup SnapMirror relationships. Possible values are:

  • true

  • false

[-percent-complete-cur-status <integer>] - Percent Complete for Current Status

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching percent complete for the current status.

[-backoff-level {high|medium|none}] - SM Backoff Level due to Client Ops

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching value for backoff level. This parameter is supported only for FlexVol SnapMirror relationships. Possible values are:

  • high

  • medium

  • none


The example below displays summary information for all SnapMirror relationships with destination endpoints in the current cluster:

cluster2::> snapmirror show
Source            Destination  Mirror  Relationship  Total             Last
Path        Type  Path         State   Status        Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            DP   cluster2-dvs2.example2.com:
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            DP   cluster2-vs2.example.com:dp_dst1
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            XDP  cluster2-vs2.example.com:xdp_dst1
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            LS   cluster2://cluster2-vs1.example.com/ls_mr1
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
5 entries were displayed.

The example below displays detailed information for the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint cluster2-vs2.example.com:dp_dst1 .

cluster2::> snapmirror show -destination-path cluster2-vs2.example.com:dp_dst1
Source Path: cluster2-vs1.example.com:dp_src1
                       Destination Path: cluster2-vs2.example.com:dp_dst1
                      Relationship Type: DP
                Relationship Group Type: none
                    SnapMirror Schedule: -
                 SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                      SnapMirror Policy: DPDefault
                            Tries Limit: -
                      Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                           Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                    Relationship Status: Idle
                      Transfer Snapshot: -
                      Snapshot Progress: -
                         Total Progress: -
    Percent Complete for Current Status: -
              Network Compression Ratio: -
                    Snapshot Checkpoint: -
                        Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.3d19af37-8f5e-11e1-8c83-123478563412_2147484676.2012-04-27_025137
              Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 04/27 02:51:42
                      Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.3d19af37-8f5e-11e1-8c83-123478563412_2147484676.2012-04-27_025137
            Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 04/27 02:51:42
                                Healthy: true
                       Unhealthy Reason: -
                Destination Volume Node: cluster2-node1
                        Relationship ID: cdc70a81-8f5f-11e1-8392-123478563412
                   Current Operation ID: -
                          Transfer Type: -
                         Transfer Error: -
                       Current Throttle: -
              Current Transfer Priority: -
                     Last Transfer Type: update
                    Last Transfer Error: -
                     Last Transfer Size: 530.2MB
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: 111.7:1
                 Last Transfer Duration: 0:2:53
                     Last Transfer From: cluster2-vs1.example.com:dp_src1
            Last Transfer End Timestamp: 04/27 02:51:45
                  Progress Last Updated: -
                Relationship Capability: 9.7 and above
                               Lag Time: 133:50:40
           Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
           Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
                Is Adaptive: -
           Number of Successful Updates: 1
               Number of Failed Updates: 0
           Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
               Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
            Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                   Total Transfer Bytes: 663552
         Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 3

The example below displays detailed information for the Vserver SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint cluster2-dvs2.example2.com: .

cluster2::> snapmirror show -destination-path cluster2-dvs2.example2.com:
Source Path: cluster1-vs2.example1.com:
                       Destination Path: cluster2-dvs2.example2.com:
                      Relationship Type: DP
                Relationship Group Type: -
                    SnapMirror Schedule: -
                 SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                      SnapMirror Policy: DPDefault
                            Tries Limit: -
                      Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                           Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                    Relationship Status: Idle
                File Restore File Count: -
                 File Restore File List: -
                      Transfer Snapshot: -
                      Snapshot Progress: -
                         Total Progress: -
    Percent Complete for Current Status: -
              Network Compression Ratio: -
                    Snapshot Checkpoint: -
                        Newest Snapshot: vserverdr.1d519e9c-7838-11e3-91fb-123478563412.2014-01-13_110707
              Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 01/13 11:07:07
                      Exported Snapshot: vserverdr.1d519e9c-7838-11e3-91fb-123478563412.2014-01-13_110707
            Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 01/13 11:07:07
                                Healthy: true
                       Unhealthy Reason: -
                Destination Volume Node: -
                        Relationship ID: -
                           Operation ID: -
                          Transfer Type: -
                         Transfer Error: -
                       Current Throttle: -
              Current Transfer Priority: -
                     Last Transfer Type: resync
                    Last Transfer Error: -
                     Last Transfer Size: -
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                 Last Transfer Duration: -
                     Last Transfer From: cluster1-vs2.example1.com:
            Last Transfer End Timestamp: -
                  Progress Last Updated: -
                Relationship Capability: -
                               Lag Time: 18:47:9
           Identity Preserve Vserver DR: false
                 Volume MSIDs Preserved: true
           Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
                Is Adaptive: -
           Number of Successful Updates: -
               Number of Failed Updates: -
           Number of Successful Resyncs: -
               Number of Failed Resyncs: -
            Number of Successful Breaks: -
                Number of Failed Breaks: -
                   Total Transfer Bytes: -
         Total Transfer Time in Seconds: -

The following example displays detailed information for the SnapMirror relationship with the AltaVault destination endpoint :

cluster2::> snapmirror show -destination-path
Source Path: cluster2-vs1.example.com:data_ontap_vol
           Destination Path:
          Relationship Type: XDP
    Relationship Group Type: none
        SnapMirror Schedule: -
     SnapMirror Policy Type: vault
          SnapMirror Policy: XDPDefault
          Tries Limit: -
          Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
         Mirror State: Snapmirrored
        Relationship Status: Idle
          Transfer Snapshot: -
          Snapshot Progress: -
       Total Progress: -
    Percent Complete for Current Status: -
        Network Compression Ratio: -
        Snapshot Checkpoint: -
      Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.3d19af37-8f5e-11e1-8c83-123478563412_2147484676.2012-04-27_025137
        Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 04/27 02:51:42
          Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.3d19af37-8f5e-11e1-8c83-123478563412_2147484676.2012-04-27_025137
      Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 04/27 02:51:42
        Healthy: true
           Unhealthy Reason: -
    Destination Volume Node: -
      Relationship ID: cdc70a81-8f5f-11e1-8392-123478563463
       Current Operation ID: -
        Transfer Type: -
       Transfer Error: -
           Current Throttle: -
        Current Transfer Priority: -
         Last Transfer Type: update
        Last Transfer Error: -
         Last Transfer Size: 530.2MB
  Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: 1:1
     Last Transfer Duration: 0:2:53
         Last Transfer From: cluster2-vs1.example.com:data_ontap_vol
      Last Transfer End Timestamp: 04/27 02:51:45
      Progress Last Updated: -
    Relationship Capability: 9.7 and above
             Lag Time: 133:50:40
     Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
     Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
           Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
                Is Adaptive: -
     Number of Successful Updates: 1
         Number of Failed Updates: 0
     Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
         Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
      Number of Successful Breaks: 0
    Number of Failed Breaks: 0
       Total Transfer Bytes: 663552
   Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 3

The example shows the usage of the -expand parameter to additionally display the constituents of Vserver SnapMirror relationships with destination endpoints in the current cluster. Note that in the following example, since there is no volume level relationship for the root volume of a Vserver, it is not shown in the output:

cluster2::> snapmirror show -expand
Source            Destination  Mirror  Relationship  Total             Last
Path        Type  Path         State   Status        Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            DP   cluster2-dvs1.example2.com:
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            DP   cluster2-dvs1.example2.com:vol1
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            DP   cluster2-dvs2.example2.com:
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            DP   cluster2-dvs2.example2.com:vol1
                                      Idle           -         true    -
4 entries were displayed.
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