ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

network ping6

Ping an IPv6 address

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The network ping6 command uses the ICMPv6 protocol’s mandatory ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY from a host or gateway. ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST datagrams ("pings") have an IPv6 header, and ICMPv6 header formatted as documented in RFC2463.


{ -node <nodename> - Node Name

Use this parameter to originate ping6 from the specified node.

| -lif <lif-name> - Logical Interface }

Use this parameter to originate ping6 from the specified logical interface.

-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver Name

Use this parameter to originate ping6 from the specified Vserver. The default value is the system Vserver for cluster administrators.

-destination <Remote InetAddress> - Destination

Use this parameter to specify the IPv6 address of the destination node.

[-b, -buffer-size <integer>] - Socket Buffer Size

Use this parameter to set the socket buffer size.

[-c, -count <integer>] - Max Requests to Send/Recieve

Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of requests and replies. The default value is 20.

[-H, -reverse-lookup <true>] - Reverse-lookup of IPv6 addresses

Use this parameter to specify reverse-lookup of IPv6 addresses. Unless this parameter is specified, ping6 command does not attempt reverse lookup.

[-i, -interval <integer>] - Wait between Packets (secs)

Use this parameter to specify the delay time between packets in seconds. The default value is 1 second. This parameter is incompatible with the flood parameter.

[-l, -preload <integer>] - Send Packets as Fast as Possible (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter if preload is required. If specified, ping6 sends that many packets as fast as possibile before falling into its normal mode of behaviour.

[-use-source-port {true|false}] - Use Source Port of Logical Interface (privilege: advanced)

This parameter is only applicable when the -lif parameter is specified. When set to true, the ping packet will be sent out via the port which is currently hosting the IP address of the logical interface. Otherwise, the ping packet will be sent out via a port based on the routing table.

[-p, -pattern <text>] - Up to 16 'pad' Specified for Out Packet

Use this parameter to fill the -16 'pad' bytes in the sent packet. This is useful for diagnosing data dependent problems in a network. For example, -pattern ff causes the sent packet to be filled with all ones.

[-packet-size <integer>] - Packet Size

Use this parameter to specify the number of data bytes to be sent. The default is 56, which translates to 64 ICMP data bytes when combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header data.

[-v, -verbose <true>] - Show All ICMP Packets

Use this parameter to get verbose output. Verbose output displays both source address and destination addresses. Received ICMP packets other than ECHO_RESPONSE are listed. This parameter can be used only in conjunction with the show-detail parameter.

[-s, -show-detail <true>] - Show Detail Output

Use this parameter to display detailed output about the ping.

[-f, -flood <true>] - Flood Ping (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to output packets as fast as they come back or one hundred times per second, whichever is more. For every ECHO_REQUEST sent a period "." is printed, while for every ECHO_REPLY received a backspace is printed. This provides a rapid display of how many packets are being dropped. This can be very hard on a network and should be used with caution.

[-D, -disable-fragmentation <true>] - Disable Fragmentation.

Use this parameter to disallow fragmentation of the outgoing packets, if they do not fit in the Maximum Transmission Unit.


This example shows a ping6 from node 'node1' to the destination server ipv6.google.com with the server responding that it is up and running.

cluster1::> network ping6 -node node1 -destination ipv6.google.com
    ipv6.google.com is alive.
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