ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

security login motd modify

Modify the message of the day

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The security login motd modify command updates the message of the day (MOTD).

There are two categories of MOTDs: the cluster-level MOTD and the data Vserver-level MOTD. A user logging in to a data Vserver’s clustershell will potentially see two messages: the cluster-level MOTD followed by the Vserver-level MOTD for that Vserver. The cluster administrator can enable or disable the cluster-level MOTD on a per-Vserver basis. If the cluster administrator disables the cluster-level MOTD for a Vserver, a user logging into the Vserver will not see the cluster-level message. Only a cluster administrator can enable or disable the cluster-level message.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

Use this parameter to specify the Vserver whose MOTD will be modified. Use the name of the cluster admin Vserver to modify the cluster-level message.

{ [-message <text>] - Message of the Day (MOTD)

This optional parameter can be used to specify a message. If you use this parameter, the MOTD cannot contain newlines (also known as end of lines (EOLs) or line breaks). If you do not specify any parameter other than the -vserver parameter, you will be prompted to enter the message interactively. Messages entered interactively can contain newlines. Non-ASCII characters must be provided as Unicode UTF-8.

The message may contain dynamically generated content using the following escape sequences:

  • \\ - A single backlash character.

  • \b - No output: supported for compatibility with Linux only.

  • \C - Cluster name.

  • \d - Current date as set on the login node.

  • \t - Current time as set on the login node.

  • \I - Incoming LIF IP address (prints 'console' for a console login).

  • \l - Login device name (prints 'console' for a console login).

  • \L - Last login for the user on any node in the cluster.

  • \m - Machine architecture.

  • \n - Node or data Vserver name.

  • \N - Name of user logging in.

  • \o - Same as \O. Provided for Linux compatibility.

  • \O - DNS domain name of the node. Note that the output is dependent on the network configuration and may be empty.

  • \r - Software release number.

  • \s - Operating system name.

  • \u - Number of active clustershell sessions on the local node. For the cluster admin: all clustershell users. For the data Vserver admin: only active sessions for that data Vserver.

  • \U - Same as \u, but has 'user' or 'users' appended.

  • \v - Effective cluster version string.

  • \W - Active sessions across the cluster for the user logging in ('who').

A backslash followed by any other character is emitted as entered.

| [-uri {scheme://(hostname|IPv4 Address|'['IPv6 Address']')…​}] - Download URI for the MOTD }

Use this parameter to specify the URI from where the message of the day will be downloaded. Note that the message must not exceed 2048 bytes in length. Non-ASCII characters must be provided as Unicode UTF-8.

[-is-cluster-message-enabled {true|false}] - Is Cluster-level Message Enabled?

Use this parameter to enable or disable the display of the cluster-level MOTD for the specified Vserver.


This example shows how to enter a MOTD interactively:

cluster1::> security login motd modify -vserver vs0

Enter the message of the day for Vserver "vs0".
Max size: 2048. Enter a blank line to terminate input. Press Ctrl-C to abort.
0        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
Welcome to the Vserver!
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