ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

storage failover modify

Modify storage failover attributes

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The storage failover modify command changes the storage-failover options for a node. Some options are available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.


-node {<nodename>|local} - Node

This specifies the node whose storage-failover options are to be modified.

{ [-enabled {true|false}] - Takeover Enabled

This optionally specifies whether storage failover is enabled. The default setting is true .

| [-mode {ha|non_ha}] - HA Mode }

This specifies whether the node is set up in high-availability mode or stand-alone mode. If the node is a member of a high-availability configuration, set the value to ha . If the node is stand-alone, set the value to non_ha . Before setting the HA mode, you must complete the platform dependent steps to set up the system in a stand-alone or HA configuration as shown in the documentation for your platform.

[-auto-giveback {true|false}] - Auto Giveback Enabled

This optionally specifies whether automatic giveback operations are enabled. An automatic giveback operation is invoked when one node of a failover pair is in takeover mode and the failed node is repaired and restarts. When the repaired node boots, the node in takeover mode detects this and initiates a giveback operation. The default setting is true . This parameter is not applicable if takeover was because of a disruption in the partner’s operation. For those cases, use the -auto-giveback-after-panic parameter, instead.

[-detection-time <integer>] - Takeover Detection Time (secs)

This optionally specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that a node remains unresponsive before its partner initiates a takeover operation. Possible values range from 10 to 180 seconds. The default setting is 15 seconds.

[-onfailure {true|false}] - Takeover on Failure Enabled (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies whether the node automatically takes over for its partner node if the partner node fails. The default setting is true .This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-onpanic {true|false}] - Takeover on Panic Enabled

This optionally specifies whether the node automatically takes over for its partner node if the partner node panics. The default setting is true . Changing this parameter on one node automatically makes the same change on its partner node.

[-onshort-uptime {true|false}] - Takeover on Short Uptime Enabled (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies whether the node takes over for its partner node if the partner node fails within 60 seconds of starting up; the time period is modifiable by using the -short-uptime parameter. The default setting is true . This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-short-uptime <integer>] - Short Uptime (secs) (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies the time period used by the -onshort-uptime parameter. The default setting is 60 seconds. This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-attempts <integer>] - Number of Giveback Attempts (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies the number of times the node attempts an automatic giveback operation within 60 minutes; the time period is modifiable by using the -attempts-time parameter. The default setting is 2 attempts. This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-attempts-time <integer>] - Giveback Attempts Period (minutes) (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies the time period used by the -attempts parameter. The default setting is 60 minutes. This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-propagate {true|false}] - Propagate Status via Mailbox (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies whether storage-failover status is communicated via mailbox disks. The default setting is true . This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-read-interval <integer>] - Node Status Read Interval (secs) (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies, in seconds, how frequently the node reads its partner node’s status from the mailbox disks. The default setting is 5 seconds. This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-write-interval <integer>] - Node Status Write Interval (secs) (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies, in seconds, how frequently the node writes its status to the mailbox disks. The default setting is 5 seconds. This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-onreboot {true|false}] - Takeover on Reboot Enabled

This optionally specifies whether the node automatically takes over for its partner if the partner reboots. The default setting is true . Takeover can occur if the partner exceeds the expected time to reboot even when this option is set to false. The expected time to reboot is different for different platforms. The minimum expected time to reboot is 180 seconds. The -inhibit-takeover option of the system node reboot command overrides this option: if a node is rebooted with -inhibit-takeover set to true then takeover does not occur, even if the takeover on reboot option is true. If a node does takeover due to the partner rebooting, then it will automatically giveback after the reboot, even if the -auto-giveback option is set to false . This is non-persistent behavior: if the node does takeover due to partner reboot and then itself reboots (prior to giveback) then it will not automatically giveback if the -auto-giveback option is set to false .

[-delay-seconds <integer>] - Delay Before Auto Giveback (secs)

This optionally specifies the minimum time that a node will stay in takeover state prior to performing an automatic giveback. If the taken over node recovers quickly (for example, if the takeover was due to a reboot), by delaying the giveback for a few minutes the outage during the takeover and giveback can be reduced to two short outages instead of one longer one. The allowed range is 0 to 600, inclusive. The default setting is 600 seconds. This option affects all types of auto-giveback. This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

This delay does not affect manual giveback.
[-hwassist {true|false}] - Hardware Assist Enabled

This optionally specifies whether the hardware assist feature is enabled. If set to true this feature helps in fast takeover detection times in certain cases.

[-hwassist-partner-ip <IP Address>] - Partner’s Hwassist IP

This optionally specifies the Ip address on which the partner node receives hardware assist alerts. For the hardware assist feature to be active,the value of this option should be equal to partner’s node managemant Ip address.

[-hwassist-partner-port <integer>] - Partner’s Hwassist Port

This optionally specifies the port number on which partner node listens to hardware assist alerts.It is recommended to have this value to be between 4000-4500. The default value is 4444.

[-hwassist-health-check-interval <integer>] - Hwassist Health Check Interval (secs)

This optionally specifies,in seconds, how frequently the hardware assist hardware on a node sends a heartbeart to it’s partner.The default value is 180.

[-hwassist-retry-count <integer>] - Hwassist Retry Count

This optionally specifies the number of times we repeat sending an hardware assist alert. The default value is 2.

[-auto-giveback-after-panic {true|false}] - Auto Giveback After Takeover On Panic

This optionally specifies whether a node should attempt automatic giveback operations if takeover was because of a disruption in the partner’s operation. An automatic giveback operation is invoked when one node of a failover pair is in takeover mode and the failed node is repaired and restarts. When the repaired node boots, the node in takeover mode detects this and initiates a giveback operation automatically. The default setting is true .

This parameter is independent of the -auto-giveback parameter. If this parameter is enabled and the takeover is due to disruption in the partner’s operation, giveback will be initiated even if -auto-giveback parameter is false .
[-aggregate-migration-timeout <integer>] - Aggregate Migration Timeout (secs) (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies the amount of time, in seconds, the source node has to wait for the destination node to complete the aggregate migration before declaring the migration as failed. The default setting is 120 seconds.


The following example enables the storage-failover service on a node named node0:

node::> storage failover modify -node node0 -enabled true

The following examples enable storage-failover takeover on a short uptime of 30 seconds on a node named node0:

node::*> storage failover modify -node node0 -onshort-uptime true -short-uptime 30
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