ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

volume efficiency policy modify

Modify an efficiency policy

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The volume efficiency policy modify command can be used to modify the policy attributes.

The attributes of the inline-only predefined policy cannot be modified.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver

This specifies the Vserver on which the volume is located.

-policy <text> - Efficiency Policy Name

This specifies the policy name.

[-type {threshold|scheduled}] - Policy Type

This specifies the policy type. The policy type defines when the volume using this policy will start processing a changelog. There are two possible values:

  • threshold means changelog processing occurs when the changelog reaches a certain percentage.

  • scheduled means changelog processing will be triggered by time.

The default value is scheduled .

[-schedule <text>] - Job Schedule Name

This specifies the job schedule. Use job schedule show to show all the jobs.

[-duration <text>] - Duration

This specifies the duration that an efficiency operation can run in hours. The possible value is between 1 and 999 inclusive.

[-start-threshold-percent <percent>] - Threshold Percentage

The percentage at which the changelog will be processed. The percentage is checked on an hourly basis. The default value is 20. Valid only if -type parameter is set as threshold .

[-qos-policy {background|best_effort}] - QoS Policy

This specifies how the efficiency operations are throttled. This option can be configured to be background or best-effort . Default value is best-effort . If background is specified, the efficiency operations are run with minimum or no impact on the data serving client operations. If best-effort is specified, the efficiency operations might have some impact on the data serving client operations.

[-enabled {true|false}] - Enabled

This specifies whether the policy is enabled or not. Default value is true.

[-comment <text>] - Comment

User specified comment.


The following example modifies efficiency policy.

cluster1::> volume efficiency policy modify -policy policy1 -schedule hourly
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