ONTAP 9.15.1 commands


Display/Set CLI session settings

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The set command changes attributes of the user interface.


[-privilege <PrivilegeLevel>] - Privilege Level

Use this parameter to specify the privilege level of the command session. Possible values are

  • admin - Used for routine system management commands

  • advanced - Used for infrequent, dangerous, or complicated commands

  • diagnostic - Used for detailed diagnostic commands that are used only by support personnel

[-confirmations {on|off}] - Confirmation Messages

Use this parameter with the value on to specify that the interface prompt for confirmation before executing potentially dangerous commands. Use this parameter with the value off to specify that the interface not prompt for confirmation, even before potentially dangerous commands execute. The default setting is on .

[-showallfields {true|false}] - Show All Fields

Use this parameter with the value true to specify that the interface display all field columns when displaying tabular output. Use this parameter with the value false to specify that the interface display only selected columns. The default setting is false .

[-showseparator <text>] - Show Separator

Use this parameter to specify the characters to use as the field separator. The field separator is used between field columns when -showallfields is set to "true". The separator can be from one to three characters in length. When specifying the separator, enclose it in quotation marks (" ). Set the separator to one or more spaces to disable this feature.

[-active-help {true|false}] - Active Help

Use this parameter with the value true to specify that pressing the question mark (? ) key is sufficient to execute a help request. Use this parameter with the value false to specify that you must press the Return key after the question mark key to execute a help request. The default setting is true .

[-units {auto|raw|B|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB}] - Data Units

Use this parameter to specify the default units used when reporting data sizes. Possible values are:

  • auto - Auto-scale data size for human-readable output

  • raw - Bytes without unit designation

  • B - Bytes

  • KB - Kilobytes (1024 bytes, aka kibibytes)

  • MB - Megabytes (KB x 1024, aka mebibytes)

  • GB - Gigabytes (MB x 1024, aka gibibytes)

  • TB - Terabytes (GB x 1024, aka tebibytes)

  • PB - Petabytes (TB x 1024, aka pebibytes)

The default setting is auto .

[-rows <integer>] - Pagination Rows ('0' disables)

Use this parameter to specify the number of rows that can be displayed in the current CLI session before the interface pauses output. If you do not set this value, it adjusts automatically based on the actual height of your terminal. If the actual height is undefined, the default number of rows is 24.

Setting this value manually disables auto-adjustment. Specify zero (0 ) to disable pausing.

You can also set this value using the rows command.

[-vserver <text>] - Default Vserver

Use this parameter to specify the name of the Vserver to use as the default value for the -vserver parameter of commands.

Vserverized commands that only have a single required parameter, which is the <userinput>-vserver<userinput>, allow the Vserver to be specified positionally, without <userinput>-vserver<userinput> preceding it. Due to this, care must be taken when using CLI commands that do not require the <userinput>-vserver<userinput> parameter. For example, using the "vserver nfs delete " command will ignore the "set -vserver" value as the parser considers the "" to be the Vserver.
[-node <text>] - Default Node

Use this parameter to specify the name of the node to use as the default value for the -node parameter of commands.

[-stop-on-error {true|false}] - Stop On Error

Use this parameter with the value true to specify that continuing commands should stop if they encounter an error. Use this parameter with the value false to specify that continuing commands should continue if they encounter an error.

[-prompt-timestamp {above|inline|none}] - Display Prompt Timestamp

Print the current date and time as a part of the prompt. The possible values are

  • above - print the timestamp using the system timestamp format on the line above the remainder of the prompt.

  • inline - print the timestamp using the system timestamp format at the beginning of the line with the remainder of the prompt.

  • none - do not print the timestamp.

The default value is none .


The following example sets the privilege level to advanced.

cluster1::> set -privilege advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when
         directed to do so by Fujitsu personnel.
Do you wish to continue? (y or n): y


The following examples cause all columns to be shown in output rows, with a comma used as the field separator.

cluster1::> set -showallfields true

cluster1::> set -showseparator ","

cluster1::> network port show
Node,Port,Role,Link,MTU,Auto-Negotiation Administrative,Auto-Negotiation Operational,Duplex Mode Administrative,Duplex Mode Operational,Speed Administrative,Speed Operational,Flow Control Administrative,Flow Control Operational,MAC Address,Up Administrative,Port Type,Interface Group Parent Node,Interface Group Parent Port,Distribution,Create Policy,Parent VLAN Node,Parent VLAN Port,VLAN Tag,

The following example shows how to create a prompt with a timestamp.

cluster1::> set -prompt-timestamp above
[2/25/2016 16:38:38]
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