ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

storage aggregate show-cumulated-efficiency

Display cumulated storage efficiency details

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The storage aggregate show-cumulated-efficiency command displays information about the cumulated storage efficiency of all the aggregates. The storage efficiency is displayed at four different levels:

  • Total

  • Aggregate

  • Volume

  • Snapshot and FlexClone volume


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-details ]

Use this parameter to show additional Storage Efficiency Ratios.

| [-all-details ] (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to show additional Storage Efficiency Ratios and size values.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-aggregates <aggregate name>,…​] - List of Aggregates to cumulate Storage Efficiency ratio

If this parameter is specified, the command calculates the cumulated storage efficiency of the specified list of aggregates.

[-nodes {<nodename>|local}] - List of Aggregates to cumulate Storage Efficiency ratio

If this parameter is specified, the command calculates the cumulated storage efficiency of aggregates that are located on the specified list of node.

[-total-logical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Logical Size Used by volumes, clones, Snapshot copies in the Aggregate (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total logical size used in all the specified aggregates. This includes Volumes, Clones and Snapshots in all the specified aggregates. The logical size is computed based on physical usage and savings obtained in all the specified aggregates.

[-total-physical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Physical Used (privilege: advanced)

Displays the physical size used by all the specified aggregates.

[-total-storage-efficiency-ratio <text>] - Total Storage Efficiency Ratio

Displays the total storage efficiency ratio of the aggregate.

[-total-data-reduction-logical-used-wo-snapshots {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total logical size used in all the specified aggregates excluding Snapshot copies.

[-total-data-reduction-physical-used-wo-snapshots {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total physical size used by all the specified aggregates aggregates excluding Snapshot copies.

[-total-data-reduction-efficiency-ratio-wo-snapshots <text>] - Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots

Displays the total storage efficiency ratio obtained by Deduplication, Compression, Data Compaction, Pattern Detection and FlexClone data reduction technologies excluding snapshot copies on the specified aggregates.

[-total-data-reduction-logical-used-wo-snapshots-flexclones {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total logical size used in all the specified aggregates excluding Snapshot copies and FlexClones.

[-total-data-reduction-physical-used-wo-snapshots-flexclones {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total physical size used by all the specified aggregates aggregates excluding Snapshot copies and FlexClones.

[-total-data-reduction-efficiency-ratio-wo-snapshots-flexclones <text>] - Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones

Displays the total storage efficiency ratio obtained by Deduplication, Compression, Data Compaction, Pattern Detection data reduction technologies excluding snapshot copies on the specified aggregates.

[-total-performance-tier-data-reduction-physical-used-wo-snapshots-flexclones {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier

Displays the total performance tier physical size used by all the specified aggregates aggregates excluding Snapshot copies and FlexClones.

[-volume-logical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Logical Space Used for All volumes (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total logical size used by all the volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-volume-physical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Physical Space Used for All volumes (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total physical size used by all volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-volume-dedupe-zero-pattern-saved {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Space Saved by volume Deduplication and pattern detection (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total disk space that is saved by deduplication, Zero pattern detection and FlexClone for files, LUNs or NVMe namespaces by all volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-volume-efficiency-saved-ratio <text>] - Volume Deduplication Savings ratio

Displays the storage efficiency ratio for savings by deduplication and FlexClone for files, LUNs or NVMe namespaces by all volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-volume-compression-saved {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Space Saved by volume Compression (privilege: advanced)

Displays the total disk space that is saved by compressing blocks by all volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-volume-compression-saved-ratio <text>] - Volume Compression Savings ratio

Displays the storage efficiency ratio for savings by compressing blocks on all volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-volume-data-reduction-storage-efficiency-ratio <text>] - Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio

Displays the storage efficiency ratio of all the volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-aggr-logical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Logical Space Used by the Aggregate (privilege: advanced)

Displays the logical size used by all the specified aggregates.

[-aggr-physical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Physical Space Used by the Aggregate (privilege: advanced)

Displays the physical size used by all the specified aggregates.

[-aggr-data-reduction-storage-efficiency-ratio <text>] - Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio

Displays the storage efficiency ratio of the aggregate.

[-snapshot-logical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Logical Size Used by Snapshot copies (privilege: advanced)

Displays the logical size used by all Volume Snapshots residing in all the specified aggregates.

[-snapshot-physical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Physical Size Used by Snapshot copies (privilege: advanced)

Displays the physical size used by all Volume Snapshots residing in all the specified aggregates.

[-snapshot-volume-data-reduction-storage-efficiency-ratio <text>] - Snapshot volume Data Reduction Ratio

Displays the Snapshot volume storage efficiency ratio of the aggregate.

[-flexclone-volume-logical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Logical Size Used by FlexClone volumes (privilege: advanced)

Displays the logical size used by all FlexClone volumes residing in all the specified aggregates.

[-flexclone-volume-physical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Physical Sized Used by FlexClone volumes (privilege: advanced)

Displays the physical size used by all FlexClone volumes in all the specified aggregates.

[-flexclone-volume-data-reduction-storage-efficiency-ratio <text>] - FlexClone volume Data Reduction Ratio

Displays the FlexClone volume storage efficiency ratio of the aggregate.

[-snapshot-flexclone-volume-data-reduction-storage-efficiency-ratio <text>] - Snapshot And FlexClone volume Data Reduction SE Ratio

Displays the Snapshot and FlexClone volume storage efficiency ratio of the aggregate.

[-number-of-offline-volumes <integer>] - Number of volumes Offline

Displays the number of volumes that are offline in all the specified aggregates.

[-number-of-sis-disabled-volumes <integer>] - Number of SIS Disabled volumes

Displays the number of volumes on which volume efficiency is disabled in all the specified aggregates.

[-number-of-sis-change-log-disabled-volumes <integer>] - Number of SIS Change Log Disabled volumes (privilege: advanced)

Displays the number of volumes on which efficiency change log is disabled in all the specified aggregates. The scheduled background Deduplication will be disabled on these volumes.

[-number-of-skipped-aggregates <integer>] - Number of Skipped Aggregates

Displays the number of aggregates that were skipped for calculating the cumulated storage efficiency.

[-skipped-aggregates <aggregate name>,…​] - List of Aggregates skipped

Displays the list of aggregates that were skipped for calculating the cumulated storage efficiency.


The following example displays information about all aggregates that are owned by nodes in the local cluster:

cluster::> aggr show-cumulated-efficiency
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio:  5.00:1
Total Storage Efficiency Ratio:         6.97:1

cluster::> aggr show-cumulated-efficiency -details
                   Total Data Reduction Ratio: 8.44:1
               Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 6.97:1
Aggregate level Storage Efficiency
(Aggregate Deduplication and Data Compaction): 1.00:1
              Volume Deduplication Efficiency: 1.12:1
                       Compression Efficiency: 5.73:1
Snapshot Volume Storage Efficiency: 1.00:1
          FlexClone Volume Storage Efficiency: 1.00:1
                    Number of Offline Volumes: 0
                 Number of Skipped Aggregates: 0
        Number of Efficiency Disabled Volumes: 0

cluster::> aggr show-cumulated-efficiency -aggregates aggr1
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio:  6.00:1
Total Storage Efficiency Ratio:         7.41:1
saiscluster-1::*> aggr show-cumulated-efficiency -all-details
----- Total Data Reduction Efficiency ---------
    Logical    Physical                 Storage
       Used        Used        Efficiency Ratio
----------- ----------- -----------------------
    89.11MB     10.69MB                  8.34:1

----- Total Storage Efficiency ----------------
    Logical    Physical                 Storage
       Used        Used        Efficiency Ratio
----------- ----------- -----------------------
    89.11MB     12.91MB                  6.90:1

-- Aggregate level Storage Efficiency ---------
    Logical    Physical                 Storage
       Used        Used        Efficiency Ratio
----------- ----------- -----------------------
    12.91MB     12.91MB                  1.00:1

-------- Volume level Storage Efficiency -----------
    Logical    Physical      Total Volume Level Data
       Used        Used   Reduction Efficiency Ratio
----------- -----------   --------------------------
    84.74MB      5.51MB                      15.39:1
---- Deduplication ---- ------ Compression ----
    Savings  Efficiency     Savings  Efficiency
                  Ratio                   Ratio
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
     9.27MB      1.12:1     69.96MB      5.73:1

    Logical    Physical           Storage
       Used        Used  Efficiency Ratio
----------- -----------  ----------------
         0B      2.22MB            1.00:1
    Logical    Physical           Storage
       Used        Used  Efficiency Ratio
----------- -----------  ----------------
         0B          0B            1.00:1
Number of Offline Volumes: 0
                       Number of Skipped Aggregates: 0
              Number of Efficiency Disabled Volumes: 0
Number of Background Deduplicaiton Disabled Volumes: 2
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