ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node autosupport manifest show

Display AutoSupport content manifest

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system node autosupport manifest show command reports what information is contained in AutoSupport messages. The name and size of each file collected for the message is reported, along with any errors.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-content ]

Use this parameter to display detailed information about the content of the files contained in the report.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport messages sent from the node you specify.

[-seq-num <Sequence Number>] - AutoSupport Sequence Number

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content with the sequence number you specify. Sequence numbers are unique to a node. Use this parameter with the -node parameter to display information about an individual message.

[-prio-num <integer>] - Priority Order of Collection

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content with the collection priority you specify. Content is collected in order, by priority number.

[-subsys <subsys1,subsys2,…​>] - Subsystem

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content collected by the AutoSupport subsystem you specify.

[-cmd-tgt <Execution domain of AutoSupport content>] - Execution Domain for Command

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content produced in the execution domain you specify.

[-body-file <text>] - The AutoSupport Content Filename for this Data

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content stored in the body file with the file name you specify.

[-cmd <text>] - Actual Data Being Collected

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content produced by the D-Blade command, BSD command, file, or XML table you specify.

[-query <text>] - Table Query for XML Collection

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content produced by the table query you specify.

[-size-collected {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Number of Bytes Collected

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content collected in files with the file size you specify.

[-time-collected <integer>] - Collection Time for this Data Item (ms)

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content collected in the amount of time you specify, in milliseconds.

[-status <AutoSupport manifest collection status>] - Status of this Data Item

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content with the collection status you specify. Possible statuses are:

  • requested - The AutoSupport request has been added to the queue and is waiting processing by the collector.

  • working - The AutoSupport collector is actively gathering the needed data.

  • file-not-found - AutoSupport data collection failed because a necessary file is missing.

  • no-such-table - The AutoSupport collector was unable to find the requested SMF table.

  • collection-truncated-size-limit - AutoSupport data was truncated due to size limits, but partial data is available.

  • collection-truncated-file-size-limit - AutoSupport data for a particular data item or file was truncated due to file size limits, but partial data is available.

  • collection-skipped-size-limit - AutoSupport data was skipped due to size limits, and no data is available.

  • collection-truncated-time-limit - AutoSupport data was truncated due to time limits, but partial data is available.

  • collection-skipped-time-limit - AutoSupport data was skipped due to time limits, and no data is available.

  • delivery-skipped-size-limit - AutoSupport data was skipped at delivery time due to size limits.

  • collection-truncated-age - AutoSupport data for the particular data item or file was truncated due to age, but partial data is available.

  • general-error - AutoSupport data collection failed. Additional information (if any) is in the Error String field.

  • completed - AutoSupport data collection is complete, and the AutoSupport message is ready for delivery.

  • content-not-collected-precheck - AutoSupport content was not collected due to pre-check function violation.

  • content-not-collected-privacy - AutoSupport content was not collected because the operation is disabled in privacy mode.

  • content-empty - AutoSupport content was collected successfully, but the output was empty.

  • collection-aborted - AutoSupport data collection was aborted.

[-error <text>] - Textual Description of Error

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content with the error text you specify. If data collection has failed, the error text contains a description of the failure. If data collection completes successfully , this field is empty.

[-content-type <Type of AutoSupport content>] - AutoSupport Content Type for this Data

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content of the type you specify. Types supported are:

  • basic - Configuration data about this subsystem

  • troubleshooting - Detailed diagnostic data about this subsystem

[-orig-size-collected {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Initial Number of Bytes Collected

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content collected in files with the original file size you specify.

[-size-compressed {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Compressed Size

Use this parameter to display information about only AutoSupport message content collected in files with the compressed file size you specify.


This example displays the content of AutoSupport message number 372 on the node "node1".

cluster1::> system node autosupport manifest show -node node1 -seq-num 372
                            AutoSupport    Collected
Node              Sequence  Body Filename  Size        Status    Error
----------------- --------- -------------- ----------- --------- -----------
node1             372
                            SYSCONFIG-A.txt     1.73KB completed
                            OPTIONS.txt        29.44KB completed
                            software_image.xml  7.56KB completed
                            CLUSTER-INFO.xml    3.64KB completed
                            autosupport.xml    12.29KB completed
                                                7.01KB completed
                                               46.52KB completed
                            X-HEADER-DATA.TXT  717.00B completed
                                                35.00B completed
                                                3.29KB completed
                            cm_hourly_stats.gz 151.4KB completed
                            boottimes.xml      56.86KB completed
                                               39.31KB completed
                                                3.43KB completed
14 entries were displayed.

This example shows how you can use parameters to limit output to specific fields of a specific AutoSupport message. This is helpful when troubleshooting.

cluster1::> system node autosupport manifest show -node node5 -seq-num 842 -fields body-file,status,size-collected,time-collected,cmd,cmd-tgt,subsys
node       seq-num prio-num subsys    cmd-tgt body-file       cmd            size-collected time-collected status
---------- ------- -------- --------- ------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------
node5      842     0        mandatory dblade  SYSCONFIG-A.txt "sysconfig -a" 16.44KB        256            completed
node5      842     1        mandatory dblade  OPTIONS.txt     options        29.67KB        3542           completed
node5      842     2        mandatory smf_table software_image.xml software_image 8.68KB    33             completed
node5      842     3        mandatory smf_table CLUSTER-INFO.xml asup_cluster_info 4.75KB   7              completed
node5      842     4        mandatory smf_table autosupport.xml autosupport  12.32KB        10             completed
node5      842     5        mandatory smf_table autosupport_budget.xml autosupport_budget 7.03KB 29        completed
node5      842     6        mandatory smf_table autosupport_history.xml autosupport_history 62.77KB 329    completed
node5      842     7        mandatory custom_fx X-HEADER-DATA.TXT "Custom function" 720.00B 3              completed
node5      842     8        mandatory custom_fx SYSTEM-SERIAL-NUMBER.TXT "Custom function" 31.00B 2        completed
node5      842     9        mandatory smf_table cluster_licenses.xml cluster_licenses 5.62KB 9             completed
node5      842     10       log_files custom_fx log_files.xml "Custom function" 13.07KB     4              completed
node5      842     11       log_files custom_fx EMS-LOG-FILE.gz "Custom function" 25.33KB   24             completed
node5      842     12       log_files dblade_file EMS-LOG-FILE-PARTNER.gz /etc/log/ems -    -              content-not-collected-precheck
node5      842     13       log_files dblade_file MESSAGES.gz /etc/log/messages 35.40KB     42             completed
node5      842     14       log_files dblade_file MESSAGES-PARTNER.gz /etc/log/messages -   -              content-not-collected-precheck
14 entries were displayed.
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