ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node upgrade-revert show

Display upgrade/revert node status.

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The system node upgrade-revert show command displays information about the status of upgrades or reversions. If an upgrade has failed, this command enables you to determine which phase of the upgrade contains the failed upgrade task and the reason for the failure.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to display status information only about upgrades or reversions that are slated to occur on the nodes you specify.

[-upgrade-version <integer>] - Cluster Upgrade Version (privilege: advanced)

Selects status information about upgrades or reversions that are to the version number you specify.

[-startup-phase {pre-root|pre-apps|post-apps}] - Startup Phase (privilege: advanced)

Selects status information about upgrades or reversions that are slated to occur during the startup phase you specify. Startup phases are:

  • pre-root - Upgrade is applied before mroot is mounted

  • pre-apps - Upgrade is applied before other cluster apps are started

  • post-apps - Upgrade is applied after all RDB apps are online

[-status <Upgrade/Revert Execution Status>] - Execution Status (privilege: advanced)

Selects status information about upgrades or reversions that have the execution status you specify. Execution statuses are:

  • prepared - Ready to upgrade

  • applied - Successful upgrade

  • reverted - Successful reversion

  • failed - Unsuccessful upgrade or reversion

  • aborted - Unsuccessful upgrade or reversion

  • skipped - Upgrade or reversion was skipped for that phase

  • locked - Upgrading or reverting

[-status-msg <text>] - Status Message (privilege: advanced)

Selects status information about upgrades or reversions that have the status message you specify. The status message displays the current status of the phase with which it appears.

[-direction {upgrade|revert}] - Upgrade/Revert Direction (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the value upgrade to select status information about upgrades. Use this parameter with the value revert to select status information about reversions.

[-node-status {reverting|complete|not-needed|aborted|failed|waiting|in-progress|stopped}] - Node Status (privilege: advanced)

Selects status information about upgrades or reversions that have the status you specify on nodes where they are slated to occur. Node statuses are:

  • aborted - Upgrade process aborted. Contact support personnel.

  • failed - Upgrade process failed. Contact support personnel.

  • stopped - Upgrade process stopped due to node or management application restart. Use the system node upgrade-revert upgrade command to complete the upgrade manually.

  • complete - Upgrade process completed successfully.

  • waiting - Upgrade process is waiting the replication database to come online or for applications to be stable. If the RDB is not online, check network connectivity using cluster show and cluster ping-cluster to ensure that all nodes are healthy and in communication.

[-node-status-msg <text>] - Node Status Message (privilege: advanced)

Selects status information about upgrades or reversions that have the node status message you specify. The node status message displays the upgrade or reversion status of the node with which it appears. If the upgrade or reversion fails, this message provides information that helps to diagnose the cause of the failure.


The following example shows typical output for a cluster with two nodes. Status messages for each phase display information about the tasks in that phase.

cluster1::*> system node upgrade-revert show

Node: node1                                           Status: complete

Status Message: The upgrade is complete.
Vers Phase      Status   Upgrade Phase Status Message
---- ---------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------
200  pre-root   applied  No upgrade is required for this phase.
200  pre-apps   applied  Upgrade successful.
200  post-apps  applied  Upgrade successful.

Node: node2                                           Status: complete

Status Message: The upgrade is complete.
Vers Phase      Status   Upgrade Phase Status Message
---- ---------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------
200  pre-root   applied  No upgrade is required for this phase.
200  pre-apps   applied  Upgrade successful.
200  post-apps  applied  Upgrade successful.
6 entries were displayed.
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