ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

security dynamic-authorization trust-score-component show

Display trust score components

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The security dynamic-authorization trust-score-component show displays information about the components that comprise the trust score.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

Selects the fields that you specify.

| [-instance ] }

Displays all the fields for the specified dynamic authorization trust score components.

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-component <text>] - Component Name

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-weight <integer>] - Score Weight

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-max-percent-score-weight <double hundredths>] - Max Percentage Score Weight

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-provider-uri {scheme://(hostname|IPv4 Address|'['IPv6 Address']')…​}] - Trust Score Provider URI of Component

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-max-score <integer>] - Max Trust Score of Component

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-min-score <integer>] - Min Trust Score of Component

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-score-field <text>] - Score field to check in JSON response

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.

[-score-type {trust-score|risk-score}] - Score Type

This parameter specifies if the score returned from the components is trust score or risk score. The trust score is in ascending order with a higher score denoting a higher trust level, while the risk score is in descending order. The default value is trust-score .

[-provider-http-headers <text>,…​] - Provider HTTP headers

Selects the dynamic authorization trust score components that match this parameter value.


The example below displays information about all dynamic authorization trust score components, both built-in and custom:

cluster1::> security dynamic-authorization trust-score-component create -component comp1 -weight 20 -max-score 100 -provider-uri https://provider.example.com/trust-scores/users/admin1/component1.json -score-field score

cluster1::> security dynamic-authorization trust-score-component show
Vserver           Component Name                   Score Weight   Score Weight
---------------   ------------------------------   ------------   ------------
cluster1          authentication_history_policy              20          33.33
cluster1          comp1                                      20          33.33
cluster1          trusted_device                             20          33.33
svm0              authentication_history_policy              20          50.00
svm0              trusted_device                             20          50.00

5 entries were displayed.

The following command displays the details of all components matching the name comp1 :

cluster1::> security dynamic-authorization trust-score-component show -vserver cluster1 -component comp1 -instance
Vserver: cluster1
            Trust Score Component Name: comp1
               Weight of the Component: 20
Max Percentage Weight of the component: 50.00
 Trust Score Provider URI of Component: https://provider.example.com/trust-scores/users/admin1/component1.json
                Max Score of Component: 100
 Score field to check in JSON response: score
                 Provider HTTP headers: -
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