ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system health policy definition show

Display system health policy definitions

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system health policy definition show command lists the health monitor policy definitions as described by the health monitor policy file. The command displays the following fields:

  • Node name

  • Monitor name

  • Policy name

  • Policy rule expression

  • Expression for joining two tables

  • Policy status

  • Alert identifier

  • Responsible resource name


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects policy definitions for the specified node.

[-monitor <hm_type>] - Monitor

Selects policy definitions with the specified monitor name.

[-policy-id <text>] - Policy

Selects policy definitions with the specified policy identifier.

[-rule-expression <ArithExpr>] - Rule Expression

Selects policy definitions with the specified rule of expression.

[-where <ArithExpr>] - Variable Equivalence

Selects rules that match the provided expression. This expression is part of the alert definition. It is shown for reference only and cannot be changed.

[-enable {true|false}] - Policy Status

Use this parameter with the value set to "true" to select policy definitions that are enabled. Set the value to "false" to select policy definitions that are disabled.

[-alert-id <text>] - Alert ID

Selects all policy definitions of the specified alert identifier.

[-responsible-resource-info <text>] - Table and ID of Resource at Fault

Selects all policy definitions with the specified responsible resource.

[-asup-enable {true|false}] - Enable AutoSupport for This Alert

Selects policy definitions for which AutoSupport messages are either enabled or disabled.


The example below displays information about all the policy definitions present in the cluster:

cluster1::> system health policy definition show
Node          Monitor                Policy
------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
node1         node-connect           ControllerToShelfIomA_Policy
Policy Rule Expression: nschm_shelf_info.num-paths == 2
                        nschm_shelf_info.iomb-adapter == NULL
                 Where: -
                Enable: true
              Alert ID: ControllerToShelfIomA_Alert
      Number of Alerts: -
  Responsible Resource: nschm_shelf_info.name

The example below displays detailed information about all the policy definitions present in the cluster:

cluster1::> system health policy definition show -instance
Node: node1
                          Monitor: node-connect
                           Policy: ControllerToShelfIomA_Policy
                  Rule Expression: nschm_shelf_info.num-paths == 2  nschm_shelf_info.iomb-adapter == NULL
             Variable Equivalence: -
                    Policy Status: true
                         Alert ID: ControllerToShelfIomA_Alert
Table and ID of Resource at Fault: nschm_shelf_info.name
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