ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver object-store-server bucket lifecycle-management-rule show

Show the lifecycle management rule

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver object-store-server bucket lifecycle-management-rule show command displays information about lifecycle management rules. If no parameters are specified, the command displays the following information about all lifecycle management rule:

  • Vserver name

  • Bucket name

  • Lifecycle Management rule identifier

  • Lifecycle Management rule index

  • Action

  • Enabled

To display detailed information about a single lifecycle management rule, run the command with the -vserver-bucket-rule-id and -index parameters. The detailed view provides all of the information in the default list and the following additional information:

  • Link-id

  • Prefix to be matched with object names

  • Tags

  • Minimum size of the object

  • Maximum size of the object

  • Lifecycle Management Rule Action

  • Number of days since creation after which objects can be deleted

  • Specific Date when the objects should expire cleanup object delete markers

  • Number of latest non-current versions to be retained

  • Number of days after which non-current versions will be deleted

  • Number of days of initiation after which upload can be aborted

To display detailed information about all lifecycle management rules, run the command with the -instance parameter.

You can specify additional parameters to display information that matches only those parameters. For example, to display information only about lifecycle management rules with a specified rule identifier, run the command with the -rule-id specified rule identifier parameter.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

This specifies the fields that need to be displayed.

| [-instance ] }

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about all lifecycle management rule entries.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about all lifecycle management rule entries on the specified vserver.

[-bucket <TextNoCase>] - Object Store Server Bucket Name

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about all lifecycle management rule entries on the specified bucket.

[-rule-id <text>] - Lifecycle Management Rule Identifier

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about all lifecycle management rule entries with the specified rule identifier.

[-index <integer>] - Lifecycle Management Rule Index

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about all lifecycle management rule entries with the specified index.

[-is-enabled {true|false}] - Is This Rule Enabled?

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules that are enabled (true) or disabled (false).

[-prefix <text>] - Prefix to be Matched with Object Names

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified prefix.

[-tags <text>,…​] - Tags in Format <tag> or <tag=value>

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified tags.

[-obj-size-greater-than {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Min Size of the Object

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified object greater than size.

[-obj-size-less-than {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Max Size of the Object

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified object lesser than size.

[-action {Expiration|NoncurrentVersionExpiration|AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload}] - Lifecycle Management Action

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified action.

[-obj-age-days <integer>] - Number of Days since Creation, After Which Current Version of Objects Can be Deleted

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified number of days since creation, after which objects can be deleted.

[-obj-exp-date <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Specific Date When the Objects Should Expire

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified date from when objects can expire.

[-expired-obj-del-marker {true|false}] - Cleanup Object Delete Markers

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules that have delete markers enabled (true) or disabled (false).

[-new-non-curr-versions <integer>] - Number of Latest Non-current Versions to Be Retained

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified non current versions to be allowed.

[-non-curr-days <integer>] - Number of Days after Which Non-current Versions will Be Deleted

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified number of days after which non-current versions can be deleted.

[-after-initiation-days <integer>] - Number of Days of Initiation, After Which Upload Can Be Aborted

If this parameter is specified, the command only displays information about lifecycle management rules with the specified number of days of initiation, after which uploads can be aborted.


The following example displays object store server bucket lifecycle management rule entries for all Vservers.

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket lifecycle-management-rule show
Vserver  Bucket    Rule-identifier Action-identifier Action         Enabled
-------- --------- --------------- ----------------- -------------- ----------
vs1      bucket1   rule1           1                 Expiration     true
vs1      bucket1   rule2           1                 AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload true
vs1      bucket2   rule1           1                 Expiration     true
vs1      bucket2   rule2           1                 AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload true
vs1      bucket3   rule1           1                 Expiration     true
vs1      bucket3   rule2           1                 AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload true
vs2      bucket4   rule1           1                 Expiration     true
vs2      bucket4   rule2           1                 AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload true
vs2      bucket5   rule1           1                 Expiration     true
vs2      bucket5   rule2           1                 AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload true
10 entries were displayed.

The following example displays detailed information about a lifecycle management rule on bucket bucket1 on a Vserver named vs1 with rule identifier rule1 and index 1:

cluster1::*> vserver object-store-server bucket lifecycle-management-rule show -vserver vs1 -bucket bucket1 -rule-id rule1 -index 1
                                        Vserver: vs1
                Object Store Server Bucket Name: bucket1
           Lifecycle Management Rule Identifier: rule1
                Lifecycle Management Rule Index: 1
        Link-id from the Fabriclink Links Table: 4
                          Is This Rule Enabled?: true
         Prefix to Be Matched with Object Names: obj1/
                                 Tags in Format: -
                     Minimum Size of the Object: -
                     Maximum Size of the Object: -
               Lifecycle Management Rule Action: Expiration
      Number of Days Since Creation After Which
                         Objects Can Be Deleted: 100
   Specific Date When the Objects Should Expire: -
                  Cleanup Object Delete Markers: -
    Number of Latest Non-current Versions to be
                                       Retained: -
         Number of Days after Which Non-current
                       Versions will Be Deleted: -
       Number of Days of Initiation After Which
                          Upload Can Be Aborted: -
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