ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

lun import show

Display a list of import relationships

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


This command displays information about the import relationships.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)

Displays import relationships for a specified Vserver.

[-foreign-disk <text>] - Foreign Disk Serial Number (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the import relationship for a particular foreign disk with the specified serial number.

[-path <path>] - LUN Path (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the import relationship for a particular LUN path. Examples of correct LUN paths are /vol/vol1/lun1 and /vol/vol1/qtree1/lun1 .

[-import-home-node {<nodename>|local}] - Import Home Node (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the node that initially started the data import and where the I/O for the foreign disk is directed. If failover occurs, any in-progress data import restarts on the partner node.

[-import-current-node {<nodename>|local}] - Import Current Node (privilege: advanced)

Displays the node that is currently importing data and where the I/O for the foreign disk is directed. During giveback and if the import home node is different from the current home node , import restarts on the initial node (import-home-node).

[-operation-in-progress {import|verify}] - Operation in Progress (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the imports in progress or import verification in progress.

[-admin-state {stopped|started|paused}] - Admin State (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the import relationships for a specified administrative state. For example, you can list all the imports that have started in a cluster.

[-operational-state {in_progress|failed|completed|stopped|paused}] - Operational State (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the import relationships for a specified operational state. For example, you can list all the imports that have completed in a cluster.

[-percent-complete <integer>] - Percent Complete (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the percentage of completion for both import and verification. If you want to see all the complete imports and verifications, you would specify 100.

[-imported-blocks <integer>] - Blocks Imported (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the number of blocks that have been imported to the LUN.

[-compared-blocks <integer>] - Blocks Compared (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the number of LUN and foreign disk blocks that have been compared.

[-total-blocks <integer>] - Total Blocks (privilege: advanced)

Enables you to see the total number of blocks that must be imported to complete the data import to a LUN or the number of blocks that must be compared to complete the import verification.

[-estimated-remaining-duration {<seconds>|[<d> days] <hh>:<mm>[:<ss>]}] - Estimated Remaining Duration (privilege: advanced)

If this parameter is specified, the command displays import or verify operations that match the specified time.

[-failure-reason <text>] - Failure Reason (privilege: advanced)

Selects LUN import operations that match this parameter value.

[-max-throughput-limit {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Maximum Throughput Limit (per sec) (privilege: advanced)

Selects the LUN import operations that match this parameter value. This value is the throughput limit at which an import or verify will be throttled. By default, there is no throttling.

[-current-throughput {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Current Throughput (per sec) (privilege: advanced)

Selects the LUN import operations that match this parameter value. This value is the current throughput for an in-progress import or verify operation.

[-qos-policy-group <text>] - QoS Policy Group (privilege: advanced)

Selects the LUN import operations that match this parameter value. This value is the QoS policy group associated with an import relationship.


cluster1::> lun import show
vserver           foreign-disk                      path                    operation-in-progress   admin-state  operational-state  percent-complete
vs1               6000B5D0006A0000006A020E00040000  /vol/dvol1/lun1         import                  stopped      stopped            0
vs1               60060480343631336433336538366537  /vol/vol1/lun1          import                  started      failed            11
vs2               6000B5D0006A0000006A020E00040001  /vol/dvol1/lun2         verify                  started      in_progress        5

Display information about all import relationships in the cluster

cluster1::> lun import show -instance
                      Vserver Name: vs1
                          LUN Path: /vol/dvol1/lun1
        Foreign Disk Serial Number: 6000B5D0006A0000006A020E00040000
                  Import Home Node: cluster1-01
               Current Import Node: cluster1-01
             Operation in Progress: import
                       Admin State: started
                 Operational State: in-progress
                  Percent Complete: 0%
                   Blocks Imported: 0
                   Blocks Compared: 0
            Total Blocks to Import: 10000000
      Estimated Remaining Duration: 00:01:23
                    Failure Reason: -
Maximum Throughput Limit (per sec): -
      Current Throughput (per sec): -
                  QoS Policy Group: -
Vserver Name: vs2
                          LUN Path: /vol/dvol1/lun2
        Foreign Disk Serial Number: 6000B5D0006A0000006A020E00040001
                  Import Home Node: cluster1-01
               Current Import Node: cluster1-01
             Operation in Progress: verify
                       Admin State: started
                 Operational State: in-progress
                  Percent Complete: 5%
                   Blocks Imported: 10000000
                   Blocks Compared: 500000
            Total Blocks to Import: 10000000
      Estimated Remaining Duration: 00:00:59
                    Failure Reason: -
Maximum Throughput Limit (per sec): 2MB
      Current Throughput (per sec): 1.29MB
                  QoS Policy Group: fli_pg_cf2b638b-606b-11e4-ae4c-000c290d40ff
Vserver Name: vs1
        Foreign Disk Serial Number: 60060480343631336433336538366537
                          LUN Path: /vol/vol1/lun1
                  Import Home Node: cluster1-01
               Current Import Node: cluster1-01
             Operation in Progress: import
                       Admin State: started
                 Operational State: failed
                  Percent Complete: 11
                   Blocks Imported: 932352
                   Blocks Compared: -
                      Total Blocks: 8388608
      Estimated Remaining Duration: -
                    Failure Reason: Source read error - reservation conflict.
Maximum Throughput Limit (per sec): 12MB
      Current Throughput (per sec): -
                  QoS Policy Group: fli_pg_f6632344-60e7-11e4-9bad-000c290d40ff

Display detailed information about all import relationships in the cluster.

cluster1::> lun import show -vserver vs1
vserver   path                  foreign-disk                      admin-state  operational-state  percent-complete
vs1       /vol/dvol1/lun1       vgv3040f46a:vgbr300s70:9.126L1    stop         -                  0%

Display information about the LUNs in an import relationships in a specific vserver.

cluster1::> lun import show -admin-state start
vserver   path                  foreign-disk                      admin-state  operational-state  percent-complete
vs2       /vol/dvol1/lun2       vgv3040f46a:vgbr300s70:9.126L2    start        in-progress        5%

Display active LUN import sessions in a cluster.

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