ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node autosupport trigger show

Display AutoSupport trigger configuration

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system node autosupport trigger show command displays what system events trigger AutoSupport messages. When a trigger event occurs, the node may send an AutoSupport message to a predefined destination, and a short note to another destination. The full AutoSupport message contains detail for troubleshooting. The short message is meant for short pager or SMS text messages.

Use the system node autosupport destinations show command to view available destinations.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-basic ]

Use this parameter to display which subsystem information is included as basic content when the AutoSupport message is triggered.

| [-troubleshooting ]

Use this parameter to display which subsystem information is included as troubleshooting content when the AutoSupport message is triggered.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Use this parameter to display AutoSupport triggers only on the node you specify.

[-autosupport-message <Autosupport Message>] - EMS Message

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport triggers with the name you specify. AutoSupport triggers are EMS messages whose names begin with "callhome.". However, for the purposes of this command, "callhome." is implied, does not need to be entered, and will not be displayed in command output.

[-to {enabled|disabled}] - Deliver to AutoSupport -to Addresses

Use this parameter with the value "enabled" to display only AutoSupport messages that send full messages to the "to" address when triggered. Use this parameter with the value "disabled" to display only AutoSupport messages that do not send full messages.

[-noteto {enabled|disabled}] - (DEPRECATED) Deliver to AutoSupport -noteto Addresses
This parameter has been deprecated and might be removed in a future version of Data ONTAP.

Use this parameter with the value "enabled" to display only AutoSupport messages that send short notes to the "noteto" address when triggered. Use this parameter with the value "disabled" to display only AutoSupport messages that do not send short notes.

[-basic-default <subsys1,subsys2,…​>,…​] - Default Subsystems Reporting Basic Info

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport triggers that include in their messages, by default, basic content from the subsystems you specify.

[-troubleshooting-default <subsys1,subsys2,…​>,…​] - Default Subsystems Reporting Troubleshooting Info

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport triggers that include in their messages, by default, troubleshooting content from the subsystems you specify.

[-additional-content <Type of AutoSupport content>,…​] - Additional Content Flag

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport triggers that have been configured to include additional basic or troubleshooting content.

[-basic-additional <subsys1,subsys2,…​>,…​] - Additional Subsystems Reporting Basic Info

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport triggers that have been configured to include additional basic content from the subsystems you specify.

[-troubleshooting-additional <subsys1,subsys2,…​>,…​] - Additional Subsystems Reporting Troubleshooting Info

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport triggers that have been configured to include additional troubleshooting content from the subsystems you specify.

[-suppress {true|false}] - Suppress all occurrences of this trigger

Use this parameter with the value "true" to display only AutoSupport messages that have been suppressed.


This example shows the first page of output from the command. Note that "q" was pressed at the prompt to quit.

cluster1::> system node autosupport trigger show
             AutoSupport                                       Additional
Node         Message                   To        Note To       Content
------------ ------------------------- --------- ------------- ---------------
node1        aggr.offline              enabled   enabled       -
node1        aggr.restricted           disabled  enabled       -
node1        aggr.wafliron             disabled  enabled       -
node1        bad.ram                   disabled  disabled      -
node1        battery.failure           enabled   enabled       -
node1        battery.low               disabled  disabled      -
node1        battery.notice            enabled   enabled       -
node1        battery.overchg           enabled   enabled       -
node1        battery.overtemp          enabled   enabled       -
node1        battery.warning           enabled   enabled       -
node1        bmc.bus                   disabled  disabled      -
node1        bmc.hb.stop               disabled  disabled      -
node1        bmc.post                  disabled  disabled      -
node1        bootfs.chkdsk             enabled   enabled       -
node1        c.fan                     enabled   enabled       -
node1        c.fan.fru.degraded        disabled  disabled      -
node1        c.fan.fru.fault           disabled  enabled       -
node1        c.fan.fru.rm              disabled  enabled       -
node1        c.fan.fru.shut            enabled   enabled       -
node1        ch.ps.degraded            disabled  disabled      -
Press <space> to page down, <return> for next line, or 'q' to quit... q
20 entries were displayed.
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