ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

network interface show

Display logical interfaces

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The network interface show command displays information about logical interfaces.

Running the command with the -failover parameter displays information relevant to logical interface failover rules.

Running the command with the -status parameter displays information relevant to logical interface operational status.

Running the command with the -by-ipspace parameter displays information relevant to logical interfaces on a specific IPspace.

See the examples for more information.

You can specify additional parameters to display only information that matches those parameters. For example, to display information only about logical interfaces whose operational status is down, run the command with the -status-oper down parameter.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>,…​ parameter, the command displays only the fields that you specify.

| [-by-ipspace ]

Use this parameter to display logical-interfaces sorted by IPspace and Vserver.

| [-dns-zones ]

Use this parameter to display logical-interfaces and whether the interface is associated with a Domain Name System (DNS) load balancing zone.

| [-failover ]

Use this parameter to display logical-interface failover information.

| [-status ]

Use this parameter to display detailed logical-interface status information.

| [-instance ] }

Use this parameter to display all the fields for the specified logical-interfaces.

[-vserver <vserver>] - Vserver Name

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces on the Vserver you specify.

Use this parameter plus the -lif parameter to display detailed information only about the logical interface you specify.

[-lif <lif-name>] - Logical Interface Name

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that match the name you specify.

Use this parameter with the -vserver parameter to display detailed information only about the logical interface you specify.

[-service-policy <text>] - Service Policy

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the service policy you specify.

[-services <LIF Service Name>,…​] - Service List

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that support all services in a comma-separated list of service names.

[-role {undef|cluster|data|node-mgmt|intercluster|cluster-mgmt}] - (DEPRECATED)-Role
This parameter has been deprecated and may be removed in a future version of ONTAP. Use either the -service-policy or -services parameter instead.

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that are associated with network ports that have the role you specify.

[-data-protocol {nfs|cifs|iscsi|fcp|fcache|none|fc-nvme|s3|nvme-tcp}] - Data Protocol

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the enabled data protocols you specify.

[-address <IP Address>] - Network Address

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that match the IP address or address range you specify.

[-netmask <IP Address>] - Netmask

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the netmask you specify.

[-netmask-length <integer>] - Bits in the Netmask

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces with a netmask that has the number of bits you specify.

[-is-vip <true>] - Is VIP LIF

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that are VIP LIFs or not as you specify.

[-subnet-name <subnet name>] - Subnet Name

Use this parameter to display the logical interfaces that matches the subnet name.

[-home-node <nodename>] - Home Node

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the home node you specify.

[-home-port {<netport>|<ifgrp>}] - Home Port

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the home port or interface group you specify.

[-curr-node <nodename>] - Current Node

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that are currently located on the node you specify.

[-curr-port {<netport>|<ifgrp>}] - Current Port

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that are currently located on the port or interface group you specify.

[-status-oper {up|down}] - Operational Status

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the operational status you specify.

[-status-extended <text>] - Extended Status

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that match the extended status that you specify.

[-numeric-id <integer>] - Numeric ID (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces with the numeric ID (or range of IDs) you specify. The numeric ID is an integer that identifies the logical interface in the cluster.

[-is-home {true|false}] - Is Home

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that are (true) or are not (false) currently located on their home node and port.

[-status-admin {up|down}] - Administrative Status

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the administrative status you specify.

[-failover-policy {system-defined|local-only|sfo-partner-only|disabled|broadcast-domain-wide}] - Failover Policy

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that use the failover policy you specify.

[-firewall-policy <policy>] - (DEPRECATED)-Firewall Policy
This parameter has been deprecated and may be removed in a future version of ONTAP. Use the -service-policy parameter instead.

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that use the firewall policies you specify.

[-auto-revert {true|false}] - Auto Revert

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have auto-revert setting you specify.

[-sticky {true|false}] - Sticky Flag (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that are "sticky". A sticky logical interface is one that has been manually migrated to another node and is not subject to auto-revert settings. A sticky logical interface remains at the migrated location until it is manually reverted or until it fails over to another node.

[-dns-zone {<zone-name>|none}] - Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces in the specified DNS zone.

[-listen-for-dns-query {true|false}] - DNS Query Listen Enable

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the DNS query listen value you specify.

[-allow-lb-migrate {true|false}] - (DEPRECATED)-Load Balancing Migrate Allowed (privilege: advanced)
This parameter has been deprecated and may be removed in a future version of Data ONTAP.

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces for which load balancing migration is activated (true) or not activated (false).

[-lb-weight {load|0..100}] - Load Balanced Weight (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the load balancing weight you specify.

[-failover-group <failover-group>] - Failover Group Name

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that are in the failover group you specify. Logical interfaces in the same failover group are capable of failing over to the same set of ports.

[-wwpn <text>] - FCP WWPN

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the Fibre Channel Protocol port identifier (World Wide Port Name) you specify.

[-address-family {ipv4|ipv6|ipv6z}] - Address family

Use this parameter to view the address family that is in use on the interface. Only IPv4 and IPv6 non-zoned addresses can be configured. Configuration of IPv6z addresses is not allowed.

[-comment <text>] - Comment

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have the comment you specify.

[-ipspace <IPspace>] - IPspace of LIF

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces on the IPspace you specify.

[-is-dns-update-enabled {true|false}] - Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces that have (true) or do not have (false) dynamic DNS updates enabled for them.

[-probe-port <integer>] - Probe-port for Cloud Load Balancer

Use this parameter display the probe-port for the logical interface in the Azure environment.

[-broadcast-domain <text>] - Broadcast Domain

Use this parameter to display the broadcast domain that contains the home port of the logical interface.

[-vserver-type <vserver type>] - Vserver Type

Use this parameter to display information only about logical interfaces owned by Vservers of the specified type.

[-rdma-protocols <roce>,…​] - Required RDMA offload protocols

Use this parameter to display the logical interfaces associated with one or more RDMA protocols.


The following example displays general information about all logical interfaces.

cluster1::> network interface show
            Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                       up/up      node0         e0M     true
                       up/up      node0         e0M     true
                       up/up      node1         e0M     true
                       up/up     node0         e0a     true
                       up/up     node0         e0b     true
                       up/up     node1         e0a     true
                       up/up     node1         e0b     true

The following example displays failover information about all logical interfaces.

cluster1::> network interface show -failover
         Logical         Home                  Failover        Failover
Vserver  Interface       Node:Port             Policy          Group
-------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- ---------------
         cluster_mgmt    node0:e0M             broadcast-domain-wide
                         Failover Targets: node0:e0M,
         node0_mgmt1     node0:e0M             local-only      Default
                         Failover Targets: node0:e0M,
         node1_mgmt1     node1:e0M             local-only      Default
                         Failover Targets: node1:e0M,
         node0_clus1     node0:e0a             local-only      Cluster
                         Failover Targets: node0:e0a,
         node0_clus2     node0:e0a             local-only      Cluster
                         Failover Targets: node0:e0b,
         node1_clus1     node1:e0a             local-only      Cluster
                         Failover Targets: node1:e0a,
         node1_clus2     node1:e0a             local-only      Cluster
                         Failover Targets: node1:e0b,
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