ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node autosupport history show

Display recent AutoSupport messages

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system node autosupport history show command displays information about the 50 most recent AutoSupport messages sent by nodes in the cluster. By default, it displays the following information:

  • AutoSupport sequence number

  • Destination type, such as smtp

  • Status of delivery, such as sent-successful

  • Attempt count

  • Time of last update


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-delivery ]

Use this parameter to display destination information about each AutoSupport message.

| [-detail ]

Use this parameter to display trigger and subject information about each AutoSupport message.

| [-instance ] }

Use this parameter to display the following detailed information about all entries:

  • Trigger event

  • Subject of the message

  • Delivery URI

  • Last error

  • Compressed Size

  • Decompressed Size

  • Total Collection Time (in ms)

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages sent from the node you specify.

[-seq-num <Sequence Number>] - AutoSupport Sequence Number

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages with the sequence number you specify. Sequence numbers are unique to a node. Use this parameter with the -node parameter to display information about an individual message.

[-destination {smtp|http|noteto|retransmit}] - Destination for This AutoSupport
http destination indicates the HTTPS protocol was used to deliver the AutoSupport.

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages that were sent to the destination type you specify.

[-trigger <Message Name>] - Trigger Event

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages that match the trigger event you specify.

[-last-update <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Time of Last Update

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages that were updated most recently at the time you specify. Specify time in "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" format.

[-status <AutoSupport general status>] - Status of Delivery

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages with the status you specify. Possible statuses are:

  • initializing - The AutoSupport message request is being processed.

  • collection-failed - The AutoSupport collection failed. View the 'Last Error' field of this message for more information.

  • collection-in-progress - The AutoSupport collection is in progress.

  • queued - The AutoSupport message is queued for delivery.

  • transmitting - The AutoSupport message transmission is in progress.

  • sent-successful - The AutoSupport message was sent successfully.

  • ignore - The AutoSupport message was processed successfully, but the trigger event is not configured for delivery to the current destination type.

  • re-queued - The AutoSupport message transmission failed, has been re-queued, and will be retried.

  • transmission-failed - The AutoSupport message transmission failed, and the retry limit was exceeded.

  • ondemand-ignore - The AutoSupport message was processed successfully, but the AutoSupport On Demand server chose to ignore it.

[-attempt-count <integer>] - Delivery Attempts

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages that the system has attempted to send the number of times you specify. This parameter is most useful when given a range, such as ">5".

[-subject <text>] - AutoSupport Subject

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages of the type you specify.

[-uri <text>] - Delivery URI

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages sent to the destination URI you specify.

[-error <text>] - Last Error

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages that failed with the "Last Error" description you specify.

[-generated-on <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Time of Generation

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages that were generated (collected) at a particular time.

[-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - AutoSupport Compressed Size

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages of the compressed size you specify.

[-percent-complete <integer>] - Percent Complete

Use this parameter to display the percentage completed for any active (incomplete) AutoSupport message.

[-upload-rate {<integer>[Bps|KBps|MBps|GBps]|unlimited}] - Rate of Upload

Use this parameter to display the rate in bytes per second that upload is using currently, otherwise zero when not active.

[-time-remaining <[<integer>d][<integer>h][<integer>m][<integer>s]>] - Time Remaining for Upload

Use this parameter to display the estimated time for the transmission of the AutoSupport message to complete.

[-decompressed-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - AutoSupport Decompressed Size

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages of the decompressed size you specify.

[-total-time <integer>] - Total Collection Time (ms)

Use this parameter to display only AutoSupport messages of total collection time you specify. A value is only shown when the collection has completed.


The following example shows the first three results output by the history command. Note that "q" was pressed at the prompt.

cluster1::> system node autosupport history show -node node1
             Seq                                    Attempt  Last
Node         Num   Destination Status               Count    Update
------------ ----- ----------- -------------------- -------- -----------------
node1        56
                   smtp        ignore               1        11/18/2010 01:10:01
                   http        re-queued            2        11/18/2010 02:50:07
                   noteto      transmitting         1        11/18/2010 01:10:01
                   smtp        ignore               1        11/18/2010 00:53:59
                   http        sent-successful      3        11/18/2010 01:50:03
                   noteto      sent-successful      1        11/18/2010 00:53:59
                   smtp        ignore               1        11/17/2010 12:18:58
                   http        sent-successful      4        11/17/2010 16:07:22
                   noteto      sent-successful      1        11/17/2010 12:18:58
Press <space> to page down, <return>> for next line, or 'q' to quit... q
9 entries were displayed.
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