ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

snapmirror show-history

Displays history of SnapMirror operations.

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The snapmirror show-history command displays the history of the last 24 hours of SnapMirror operations. This command is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP endpoints.

By default, the command displays the following information:

  • Destination Path

  • Source Path

  • Operation

  • Start Time

  • End Time

  • Result

The snapmirror show-history command displays - in reverse chronological order - the history of completed SnapMirror operations whose destination endpoints are in the current Vserver for Vserver administrators, or the current cluster for cluster administrators. This command does not return information on the following operations and relationships:

  • Operations on FlexGroup constituent relationships.

The -instance parameter displays the following detailed information:

             Destination Path: Path of the destination endpoint.
                  Source Path: Path of the source endpoint.
              Relationship ID: The unique identifier of the relationship.
                               This parameter is not supported for
                               Vserver SnapMirror relationships.
      Relationship Group Type: For FlexVol relationships, specifies the
                               type of the group relationship that
                               includes this FlexVol. For group
                               relationships, specifies the type of the
                               group relationship. Can be one of the
                               - none: No group relationship.
                               - vserver: Vserver relationship.
                               - flexgroup: FlexGroup relationship.
                    Operation: Type of the operation.
                               Can be one of the following:
                               - create
                               - modify
                               - quiesce
                               - resume
                               - delete
                               - initialize
                               - manual update
                               - scheduled update
                               - break
                               - resync
                               - abort
                               - restore
                 Operation ID: The unique identifier of the operation.
                   Start Time: Timestamp of the start of the operation.
                     End Time: Timestamp of the end of the operation.
                       Result: Result of the SnapMirror operation.
                               Can be one of the following:
                               - success
                               - failure
                Transfer Size: Total amount of data transferred during the
                               SnapMirror operation.
       Additional Information: A message describing the cause of the
                               failure or additional information about a
                               successful operation, such as if a checkpoint
                               was cleared as part of an abort operation.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

{ [-destination-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>}] - Destination Path

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching destination path name.

| [-destination-vserver <vserver name>] - Destination Vserver

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching destination Vserver name.

[-destination-volume <volume name>] - Destination Volume }

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching destination volume name.

[-operation-id <UUID>] - Operation ID

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching operation ID.

[-source-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>}] - Source Path

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching source path name.

[-source-vserver <vserver name>] - Source Vserver

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching source Vserver name.

[-source-volume <volume name>] - Source Volume

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching source volume name.

[-operation-type {create|modify|quiesce|resume|delete|initialize|manual-update|scheduled-update|break|resync|abort|restore|failover|rsetup|baseline-gather}] - Operation Type

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching operation type. Possible values are:

  • create

  • modify

  • quiesce

  • resume

  • delete

  • initialize

  • manual-update

  • scheduled-update

  • break

  • resync

  • abort

  • restore

[-start-time <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Start Time

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching start time.

[-end-time <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - End Time

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching end time.

[-relationship-id <UUID>] - Relationship ID

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching relationship ID.

[-relationship-group-type {none|vserver|consistencygroup|flexgroup|vserverflexgroup|vserverconsistencygroup}] - Relationship Group Type

Select SnapMirror relationships that have a matching relationship group type. Possible values are:

  • none

  • vserver

  • flexgroup

[-result {success|failure}] - Result of the Operation

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching result. Possible values are:

  • success

  • failure

[-transfer-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Transfer Size

Select SnapMirror operations that have a matching transfer size.

[-additional-info <text>] - Additional Information

Select SnapMirror operations that have matching additional information.

[-max-rows-per-relationship <integer>] - Maximum Number of Rows per Relationship

Select a matching number of SnapMirror operations per relationship.

[-expand <true>] - Show Constituents of the Group.

Select SnapMirror operations on relationships that are constituents and non-constituents of a group.


The example below displays summary information for all SnapMirror operations on relationships with destination endpoints in the current cluster:

cluster2::> snapmirror show-history
Destination Source                Start       End
Path        Path        Operation Time        Time        Result
----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- -------
dvs2:       vs2:        create    8/15/2013 08:22:23
                                              8/15/2013 08:22:25
vs1:vol1    vs1:aggr1   manual-update
                                  8/15/2013 08:22:44
                                              8/15/2013 08:22:44
vs1:vol1    vs1:aggr1   initialize
                                  8/15/2013 08:22:25
                                              8/15/2013 08:22:26
vs1:vol1    vs1:aggr1   create    8/15/2013 08:22:15
                                              8/15/2013 08:22:16
vs1:vol2    vs1:aggr1   initialize
                                  8/15/2013 08:23:23
                                              8/15/2013 08:23:23
vs1:vol2    vs1:aggr1   create    8/15/2013 08:23:10
                                              8/15/2013 08:23:10
6 entries were displayed.

The example below displays detailed information for the SnapMirror operation with operation ID dc158715-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412

cluster2::> snapmirror show-history -operation-id dc158715-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
Destination Path: vs1:vol1
                Source Path: vs1:aggr1
            Relationship ID: cb3d30a0-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
    Relationship Group Type: none
                  Operation: manual-update
               Operation ID: dc158715-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
                 Start Time: 8/15/2013 08:22:44
                   End Time: 8/15/2013 08:22:44
                     Result: failure
              Transfer Size: -
     Additional Information: Volume vs1:vol1 is restricted. Use the command "volume online" to bring the volume online.

The example below displays detailed information for all SnapMirror operations on relationships with the Result of "success" and whose destination endpoints are in the current cluster.

cluster2::> snapmirror show-history -result success -instance
           Destination Path: vs1:vol1
                Source Path: vs1:aggr1
            Relationship ID: cb3d30a0-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
    Relationship Group Type: none
                  Operation: initialize
               Operation ID: d03ce1db-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
                 Start Time: 8/15/2013 08:22:25
                   End Time: 8/15/2013 08:22:26
                     Result: success
              Transfer Size: 1.09MB
     Additional Information: -
Destination Path: vs1:vol1
                Source Path: vs1:aggr1
            Relationship ID: cb3d30a0-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
    Relationship Group Type: none
                  Operation: create
               Operation ID: cb3d305d-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
                 Start Time: 8/15/2013 08:22:15
                   End Time: 8/15/2013 08:22:16
                     Result: success
              Transfer Size: -
     Additional Information: -
Destination Path: vs1:vol2
                Source Path: vs1:aggr1
            Relationship ID: eb92c549-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
    Relationship Group Type: none
                  Operation: create
               Operation ID: eb92c506-0583-11e3-89bd-123478563412
                 Start Time: 8/15/2013 08:23:10
                   End Time: 8/15/2013 08:23:10
                     Result: success
              Transfer Size: -
     Additional Information: -

3 entries were displayed.

The example below displays summary information for all SnapMirror operations on relationships with max-rows-per-relationship of 1 and whose destination endpoints are in the current cluster.

cluster2::> snapmirror show-history -max-rows-per-relationship 1

Destination Source                Start       End
Path        Path        Operation Time        Time        Result
----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- -------
vs1:vol1    vs1:aggr1   manual-update
                                  8/15/2013 08:22:44
                                              8/15/2013 08:22:44
vs1:vol2    vs1:aggr1   initialize
                                  8/15/2013 08:23:23
                                              8/15/2013 08:23:23
2 entries were displayed.
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