ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

volume efficiency show

Display a list of volumes with efficiency

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The volume efficiency show command displays the information about storage efficiency of volumes. The command output depends on the parameter or parameters specified. If no parameters are specified, the command displays the following information for all volumes with efficiency:

  • Vserver: Vserver the volume belongs to.

  • Volume: Name of the volume.

  • State: Current state of efficiency on the volume (Enabled, Disabled, or Mixed).

  • Status: Status of the efficiency on the volume. Following are the possible values:

  • Active : An efficiency operation is currently running.

  • Idle : There are no efficiency operations running.

  • Initializing : An efficiency operation is being initialized.

  • Undoing : Efficiency is being undone on the volume.

  • Pending : An efficiency operation is queued.

  • Downgrading : An efficiency operation necessary to downgrade the efficiency metafiles to a previous ONTAP release is active.

  • Disabled : Efficiency is disabled on the volume.

  • Progress: The progress of the current efficiency operation with information as to which stage of the efficiency process is currently in progress and how much data is processed for that stage. For example: "25 MB Scanned", "20 MB Searched", "500 KB (2%) Compressed", "40 MB (20%) Done", "30 MB Verified".

To display detailed information, run the command with the ` -l ` or -instance parameter. The detailed view provides all information in the previous list and the following additional information:

  • Path: Volume Path.

  • Compression: Current state of compression on the volume (Enabled or Disabled).

  • Inline Compression: Current state of inline compression on the volume (Enabled or Disabled).

  • Type: Type of volume (Regular or SnapVault).

  • Schedule: The schedule of efficiency operation for the volume.

  • Policy: Efficiency policy for the volume.

  • Minimum Blocks Shared: The minimum number of adjacent blocks in a file that can be shared.

  • Blocks Skipped Sharing: Blocks skipped sharing because of the minimum block share value.

  • Last Operation State: Status of the last operation (Success or Failure).

  • Last Successful Operation Begin: The time and date at which the last successful operation began.

  • Last Successful Operation End: The time and date at which the last successful operation ended.

  • Last Operation Begin: The time and date at which the last operation began.

  • Last Operation End: The time and date at which the last operation ended.

  • Last Operation Size: The size of the last operation.

  • Last Operation Error: The error encountered by the last operation.

  • Change Log Usage: The percentage of the change log that is used.

  • Logical Data: The total logical data in the volume, and how much is reached compared to the deduplication logical data limit.

  • Queued Job: The job that is queued. Following are the possible values:

  • - : There are no queued jobs.

  • scan : A job to process existing data is queued.

  • start : A job to process newly added data is queued.

  • check : A job to eliminate stale data from the fingerprint database is queued.

  • downgrading : An efficiency operation necessary to downgrade the efficiency metafiles to a previous ONTAP release is queued.

  • Stale Fingerprints: The percentage of stale entries in the fingerprint database. If this is greater than 20 percent a subsequent volume efficiency start operation triggers the verify operation, which might take a long time to complete.

  • Inline Dedupe: Current state of inline deduplication on the volume (Enabled or Disabled).

  • Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: Current state of cross volume inline deduplication on the volume (Enabled or Disabled).

  • Cross Volume Background Deduplication: Current state of cross volume background deduplication on the volume (Enabled or Disabled).

  • Extended Compressed Data: Is there extended compressed data present on the volume.

  • Inline Adaptive Data Compaction: Whether Inline Adaptive Data Compaction is enabled or disabled on the volume. When enabled, ONTAP combines data fragments to reduce on-disk block consumption.

You can specify additional parameters to display information that matches only those parameters. For example, to display information only about volumes with efficiency in Vserver vs1, run the command with the -vserver vs1 parameter.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

This specifies the fields that need to be displayed. The fields Vserver and volume name are the default fields.

| [-l ]

This option displays detailed information about the volumes with efficiency.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver Name

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified Vserver.

{ [-volume <volume name>] - Volume Name

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified volume.

| [-path </vol/volume>] - Volume Path }

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified volume path.

[-state {Disabled|Enabled|Mixed}] - State

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified state.

[-op-status <Efficiency status>] - Status

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified operation status.

[-progress <text>] - Progress

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified progress.

[-type {Regular|SnapVault}] - Type

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified type of volume.

[-schedule <text>] - Schedule

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified schedule.

[-policy <text>] - Efficiency Policy Name

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified policy.

[-blks-skipped-sharing <integer>] - Blocks Skipped Sharing

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified blocks skipped sharing.

[-last-op-state <text>] - Last Operation State

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified last operation state.

[-last-success-op-begin <Date>] - Last Success Operation Begin

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified last successful operation begin time.

[-last-success-op-end <Date>] - Last Success Operation End

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified last successful operation end time.

[-last-op-begin <Date>] - Last Operation Begin

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified last operation begin time.

[-last-op-end <Date>] - Last Operation End

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified last operation end time.

[-last-op-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Last Operation Size

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified last operation size.

[-last-op-error <text>] - Last Operation Error

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified last operation error.

[-changelog-usage <percent_no_limit>] - Changelog Usage

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified change log usage.

[-logical-data-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Logical Data Size

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified logical data size.

[-logical-data-limit {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Logical Data Limit

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified logical data limit.

[-logical-data-percent <percent_no_limit>] - Logical Data Percent

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified logical data percentage.

[-queued-job <text>] - Queued Job

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified number of queued jobs.

[-stale-fingerprint-percentage <integer>] - Stale Fingerprint Percentage

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified stale fingerprint percentage.

[-compression {true|false}] - Compression

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified compression setting.

[-inline-compression {true|false}] - Inline Compression

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified inline compression setting.

[-compression-type {none|secondary|adaptive}] - Compression Type (privilege: advanced)

Displays information about the type of compression on the volume[adaptive or secondary].

[-storage-efficiency-mode {default|efficient}] - Storage Efficiency Mode

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified storage efficiency mode. The default mode sets 8k adaptive compression on the volume. The efficient mode sets auto adaptive compression on the volume.

The available efficiency modes are:

  • default

  • efficient

[-is-constituent {true|false}] - Constituent Volume

Displays information only for those volumes that either are or are not constituents of a FlexGroup, depending on the value provided.

[-inline-dedupe {true|false}] - Inline Dedupe

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified inline deduplication setting.

[-data-compaction {true|false}] - Data Compaction

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified data compaction setting.

[-cross-volume-inline-dedupe {true|false}] - Cross Volume Inline Deduplication

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified cross volume inline deduplication setting.

[-cross-volume-background-dedupe {true|false}] - Cross Volume Background Deduplication

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified cross volume background deduplication setting.

[-extended-compressed-data {true|false}] - Extended Compressed Data

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified extended compressed data value. Extended compressed data is enabled on a volume when both adaptive compression configured with application IO size 8K and data compaction are enabled. Once enabled, extended compressed data can only be disabled by using the volume efficiency revert-to command.

[-extended-auto-adaptive-compression {true|false}] - Volume Has Extended Auto Adaptive Compression (privilege: advanced)

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified extended auto adaptive compression setting.

[-active-data-extended-auto-adaptive-compression {true|false}] - Volume Has Active Data Extended Auto Adaptive Compression (privilege: advanced)

Displays information only for those volumes that match the specified active data extended auto adaptive compression setting.


The following example displays information about all volumes with efficiency on the Vserver named vs1:

cluster1::> volume efficiency show -vserver vs1
Vserver     Volume              State    Status       Progress
----------- ------------------- -------- ------------ -------------------
vs1         vol1                Enabled  Idle         Idle for 22:37:53
vs1         vol2                Enabled  Idle         Idle for 22:37:53
vs1         vol3                Enabled  Idle         Idle for 22:37:49
vs1         vol4                Enabled  Idle         Idle for 22:37:53
vs1         vol5                Enabled  Idle         Idle for 22:37:53
vs1         volham              Enabled  Idle         Idle for 22:37:53
vs1         volham1             Enabled  Idle         Idle for 22:37:53
7 entries were displayed.

The following example displays detailed information about a volume named vol1 on a Vserver named vs1:

cluster1::> volume efficiency show -vserver vs1 -volume vol1
                        Vserver Name: vs1
                         Volume Name: vol1
                         Volume Path: /vol/vol1
                               State: Enabled
                              Status: Idle
                            Progress: Idle for 02:14:28
                                Type: Regular
                            Schedule: sun-sat@0
              Efficiency Policy Name: -
              Blocks Skipped Sharing: 0
                Last Operation State: Success
        Last Success Operation Begin: Wed Jul 14 03:08:44 2021
          Last Success Operation End: Wed Jul 14 03:08:46 2021
                Last Operation Begin: Wed Jul 14 03:08:44 2021
                  Last Operation End: Wed Jul 14 03:08:46 2021
                 Last Operation Size: 2.52MB
                Last Operation Error: -
                     Changelog Usage: 0%
                   Logical Data Size: 20.48MB
                  Logical Data Limit: 640TB
                Logical Data Percent: 0%
                          Queued Job: -
        Stale Fingerprint Percentage: 0
                         Compression: true
                  Inline Compression: true
             Storage Efficiency Mode: -
                  Constituent Volume: false
                       Inline Dedupe: false
                     Data Compaction: false
   Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: false
ross Volume Background Deduplication: false
            Extended Compressed Data: false
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