ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

volume efficiency inactive-data-compression modify

Modify volume inactive data compression configuration of a volume

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The volume efficiency inactive-data-compression modify command is used to modify the state of inactive data compression on a volume.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the Vserver of the volume.

-volume <volume name> - Volume Name (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the volume on which the inactive data compression state should be modified.

[-progress <text>] - Progress (privilege: advanced)

Progress of the scan.

[-status <text>] - Status (privilege: advanced)

Operation on the scan succeeded or failed.

[-failure-reason <text>] - Failure Reason (privilege: advanced)

If scan failed, the reason of the failure.

[-total-blocks <integer>] - Total Blocks to be Processed (privilege: advanced)

Total number of blocks which must be processed by inactive data compression scanner.

[-total-processed <integer>] - Total Blocks Processed (privilege: advanced)

Total number of blocks which are already processed by inactive data compression scanner.

[-percentage <percent>] - Progress (privilege: advanced)

Scan progress in percentage.

[-is-enabled {true|false}] - State of Inactive Data Compression on the Volume (privilege: advanced)

Enable or disable inactive data compression on the volume. Disabling inactive data compression is not allowed on Capacity optimized Flash with QAT supported platforms.

[-threshold-days <integer>] - Inactive data compression scan threshold days value (privilege: advanced)

Threshold days value for inactive data compression scan. Valid values for this option range from -threshold-days-min to -threshold-days-max . This field is not supported on QAT supported platforms.

[-threshold-days-min <integer>] - Inactive data compression scan threshold minimum allowed value. (privilege: advanced)

Minimum allowed value in threshold days for inactive data compression scan. Valid values for this option range from 1 to -threshold-days-max . This field is not supported on QAT supported platforms.

[-threshold-days-max <integer>] - Inactive data compression scan threshold maximum allowed value. (privilege: advanced)

Maximum allowed value in threshold days for inactive data compression scan. Valid values for this option range from -threshold-days-min to 60 . This field is not supported on QAT supported platforms.

[-read-history-window-size <integer>] - Time window(in days) for which client reads data is collected for tuning. (privilege: advanced)

Client read history window. Valid values for this option range from 1 to 60 . This field is not supported on QAT supported platforms.

[-tuning-enabled {true|false}] - State of auto-tuning of Inactive data compression scan on volume. (privilege: advanced)

Auto-tuning state of inactive data compression scan. This field is not supported on QAT supported platforms.

[-compression-algorithm {lzopro|zstd|zlib}] - Inactive data compression algorithm (privilege: advanced)

Inactive data compression algorithm. The only supported algorithm is ZLIB on QAT supported platforms.


The following example displays information for modifying the state of inactive data compression scan on volume "vol1":

cluster:::> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression modify -vserver vs1 -volume vol1 -is-enabled true
Inactive data compression scan enabled on volume vol1 in Vserver vs1.
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