ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

volume object-store tiering show

Display Tiering Status of FabricPool Volumes

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The volume object-store tiering show command displays information about the tiering scanner status of FabricPool aggregate volumes. The tiering scanner will, depending on the combination of the tiering-policy and cloud-retrieval-policy settings, both retrieve from and tier to the capacity tier. This show command can be used to display the status of the scanner, whether it has aborted, what errors it has encountered and when it will be scheduled to run again.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver (privilege: advanced)

vserver name

[-volume <volume name>] - Volume (privilege: advanced)

volume name

[-node <nodename>] - Node Name (privilege: advanced)

node name

[-vol-dsid <integer>] - Volume DSID (privilege: advanced)

volume dsid

[-aggregate <aggregate name>] - Aggregate Name (privilege: advanced)

aggregate name

[-scanner-state {ready|active|waiting}] - State (privilege: advanced)

The state of the scanner. The values active, ready and waiting may appear in this field. Active means the scanner is currently running, waiting means the scanner is waiting to be scheduled, and ready means the scanner is ready to run. Once a scanner is ready to run, it must be scheduled by the system’s scan scheduler, the amount of time it takes for it to become active is variable and depends on how busy the system is..

[-scanner-last-status {aborted-nospace-promote|aborted-fabricpool|aborted-nospace-defrag|aborted-nospace|aborted-exception|aborted-policy|aborted|completed|prev-not-run|aborted-defrag-throttled|aborted-nospace-revert-format|aborted-revert-format-paused|aborted-dual-tier-dirty-failed}] - Previous Run Status (privilege: advanced)

The status of the tiering scanner the last time it ran. This field will indicate if the scanner has aborted or completed. Possible status options are:

  • aborted-nospace-promote : The tiering scanner was aborted because of an internal space check error or a lack of space while promoting data from the capacity tier to the performance tier. Please check the promotion-space-needed field.

  • aborted-fabricpool: The tiering scanner was aborted because it tried running inactive data reporting on a FabricPool volume.

  • aborted-nospace-defrag : The tiering scanner was aborted because of an internal space check error while defragmenting.

  • aborted-nospace : The tiering scanner was aborted because of an internal space check error.

  • aborted-exception : The tiering scanner encountered an exception while reading data from the capacity tier. Check the scanner-abort-exception field to see the error code that caused the exception.

  • aborted-policy : The tiering scanner was aborted because either the tiering-policy or the cloud-retrieval-policy changed while the scan was in progress.

  • aborted : The tiering scan was manually aborted.

  • completed : The tiering scanner was completed successfully.

  • prev-not-run : The tiering scanner has not run before.

  • aborted-defrag-throttled : The tiering scanner was aborted because the defragmentation cannot continue due to its threshold limit.

  • aborted-nospace-revert-format : The tiering scanner was aborted because of an internal space check error while reverting unified object format to native format.

  • aborted-revert-format-paused: The tiering scanner was aborted because it failed to drain waiting objects while reverting unified object format to native format.

  • aborted-dual-tier-dirty-failed: The tiering scanner was aborted because it failed to tier blocks while reverting unified object format to native format.

[-scanner-abort-exception <integer>] - Aborted Exception Status (privilege: advanced)

If the scanner last status indicates the scanner aborted with an exception then this field is set to the exception error code that caused the abort.

[-time-last-scan <Date>] - Time Scanner Last Finished (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the date and time the last scanner status field was set.

[-scan-percent <percent>] - Scanner Percent Complete (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the completion percentage of scans in the active state.

[-time-next-scan <Date>] - Time Waiting Scan will be scheduled (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the date and time scans in the waiting state will enter the ready state.

[-tiering-policy <Tiering Policy>] - Tiering Policy (privilege: advanced)

The tiering policy. This field displays the current tiering-policy in effect on the volume.

[-promotion-space-needed {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Estimated Space Needed for Promotion (privilege: advanced)

If the scanner aborted due to no space for promote, then this field is set to the estimated minimum space required for promotion to take effect.

[-scan-start-time <Date>] - Time Scan Started (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the date and time the scan, if in active state, started.

[-cloud-retrieval-policy {default|on-read|never|promote}] - Cloud Retrieval Policy (privilege: advanced)

The cloud retrieval policy. This field displays the current cloud-retrieval-policy in effect on the volume.

[-scan-elapsed-time <[<integer>d][<integer>h][<integer>m][<integer>s]>] - Elapsed Time Scanner Ran (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the time it took for the last scan to run to complete or abort.

[-revert-scan-state <text>] - Object Format Revert Scan State (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the state of object format revert scan. The values inactive, ready, active and complete may appear in this field. Inactive means revert scan is not running on this volume, ready means scan is waiting to start running, active mean scanner is running and complete indicates revert scan is complete on this volume.

[-scan-last-space-err <integer>] - space error code encountered in last scan (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the most recent space check error code, if any, that was encountered.

[-blocks-promoted <integer>] - Blocks Promoted (privilege: advanced)

This field displays the number of blocks that were promoted from the capacity tier to the performance tier.


cluster1::> volume object-store tiering show
Vserver Volume Aggregate State   %Complete  Tiering   CloudRetrieve LastStatus
------- ------ --------- -------- --------- --------- ------------- ----------
vs1     vol    aggr1     waiting          - snapshot-only
                                                      default       completed

Shows the tiering status for all FabricPool volumes.

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