ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

event status show

Display event status

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The event status show command summarizes information about occurrences of events. For detailed information about specific occurrences of events, use the event log show command.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects the event records that match this parameter value. Events are tracked on a node-by-node basis, rather than being rolled up cluster-wide.

[-message-name <Message Name>] - Message Name

Selects the event records that match this parameter value. The message name is a short descriptive string. Filtering output by message name displays messages of a specific type.

[-indications <integer>] - Number of Indications

Selects the event records that match this parameter value. This parameter is most useful when used with a range, such as using the range ">20" to display only events that have been posted more than 20 times.

[-drops <integer>] - Number of Drops

Selects the event records that match this parameter value.

[-last-time-occurred <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Last Indication Time

Selects the event records that match this parameter value.

[-last-time-dropped <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Last Suppressed Indication Time

Selects the event records that match this parameter value.

[-last-time-processed <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Last Processed Indication Time

Selects the event records that match this parameter value.

[-stat-starting-time <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Stat Starting Time

Selects the event records that match this parameter value.

[-last-hour-histogram <integer>,…​] - 60-minute Histogram (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the -fields parameter to display the "last hour" histogram for each event type. The last hour histogram records the number of times each event occurred in the last hour. The histogram is divided into sixty buckets, and each bucket collects one minute’s events. The buckets display with the most recent event first.

[-last-day-histogram <integer>,…​] - 24-hour Histogram (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the -fields parameter to display the "last day" histogram for each event type. The last day histogram records the number of times each event occurred in the last day. The histogram is divided into 24 buckets, and each bucket collects one hour’s events. The buckets display with the most recent event first.

[-last-week-histogram <integer>,…​] - 7-day Histogram (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the -fields parameter to display the "last week" histogram for each event type. The last week histogram records the number of times each event occurred in the last week. The histogram is divided into 7 buckets, and each bucket collects one day’s events. The buckets display with the most recent event first.


Selects events that have the event severity you specify. Severity levels sort with the most severe levels first. Severity levels:

  • NODE_FAULT - The node has detected data corruption, or is unable to provide client service.

  • SVC_FAULT - The node has detected a temporary loss of service. Typically, this is caused by a transient software fault.

  • NODE_ERROR - The node has detected a hardware error that is not immediately fatal.

  • SVC_ERROR - The node has detected a software error that is not immediately fatal.

  • WARNING - A high-priority message that does not indicate a fault.

  • NOTICE - A normal-priority message that does not indicate a fault.

  • INFO - A low-priority message that does not indicate a fault.

  • DEBUG - A debugging message. These messages are typically suppressed.

  • VAR - These messages have variable severity. Severity level for these messages is selected at runtime.

The examples below illustrate how to query on severity.


The following example displays recent event-occurrence status for node1:

cluster1::> event status show -node node1
Node              Message                      Occurs Drops Last Time
----------------- ---------------------------- ------ ----- -------------------
node1             raid.spares.media_scrub.start
                                               6      0     3/11/2010 15:59:00
node1             raid.uninitialized.parity.vol
                                               3      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             raid.vol.state.online        3      0     3/11/2010 15:58:29
node1             reg.defaultCommit.set.timeTaken
                                               1      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             scsitgt.ha.state.changed     2      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             ses.multipath.notSupported   2      0     3/11/2010 15:58:43
node1             shelf.config.mpha            1      0     3/11/2010 15:58:48
node1             sk.hog.runtime               1      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             snmp.agent.msg.access.denied 1      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             snmp.link.up                 6      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             tar.csum.mismatch            2      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             tar.extract.success          2      0     3/11/2010 15:58:28
node1             vifmgr.lifsuccessfullymoved  3      0     3/11/2010 15:58:46
node1             vifmgr.portdown              1      0     3/11/2010 15:58:48
node1             vifmgr.portup                5      0     3/11/2010 15:58:48
node1             vifmgr.startedsuccessfully   1      0     3/11/2010 15:58:43

The following example displays a summary of events which are warnings or more severe:

cluster1::> event status show -node node1 -severity <=warning -fields indications,drops,severity
node    message-name             indications drops severity
------- ------------------------ ----------- ----- --------
node1   api.output.invalidSchema 5463        840   WARNING
node1   callhome.dsk.config      1           0     WARNING
node1   callhome.sys.config      1           0     SVC_ERROR
node1   cecc_log.dropped         145         0     WARNING
node1   cecc_log.entry           5           0     WARNING
node1   cecc_log.entry_no_syslog 4540        218   WARNING
node1   cecc_log.summary         5           0     WARNING
node1   cf.fm.noPartnerVariable  5469        839   WARNING
node1   cf.fm.notkoverBadMbox    1           0     WARNING
node1   cf.fm.notkoverClusterDisable 1       0     WARNING
node1   cf.fsm.backupMailboxError 1          0     WARNING
node1   cf.takeover.disabled     23          0     WARNING
node1   cmds.sysconf.logErr      1           0     NODE_ERROR
node1   config.noPartnerDisks    1           0     NODE_ERROR
node1   fci.initialization.failed 2          0     NODE_ERROR
node1   fcp.service.adapter      1           0     WARNING
node1   fmmb.BlobNotFound        1           0     WARNING
node1   ha.takeoverImpNotDef     1           0     WARNING
node1   httpd.config.mime.missing 2          0     WARNING
node1   mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec 1           0     WARNING
node1   monitor.globalStatus.critical 1      0     NODE_ERROR
node1   raid.mirror.vote.versionZero 1       0     SVC_ERROR
node1   ses.multipath.notSupported 2         0     NODE_ERROR
node1   snmp.agent.msg.access.denied 1       0     WARNING
24 entries were displayed.

The above example makes use of several features which are common to all show commands:

  • A query is specified for the severity parameter. A query restricts the output of the show command; only rows matching the query will be displayed. In this case, the query indicates that only events which have a severity of "WARNING" or more severe will be displayed.

  • The fields parameter selects the fields to display. Note that the severity field is not displayed in the default output.

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