ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node image update

Perform software image upgrade/downgrade

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The system node image update command downloads the software image from a specified location and updates the alternate software image (that is, the image that is not currently running on the node). By default, validation of the software image is not performed. Use the "-validate-only" parameter to validate the software image first, before performing the update on the cluster nodes.

At the advanced privilege level, you can specify whether to disable version-compatibility checking.


-node {<nodename>|local} - Node (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the node on which the software image is located.

-package <text> - Package URL (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the location from which the software image is to be downloaded. The location can be specified in any of the following ways:

  • As an HTTP URL in the form http://host_name:port/path_to_file . For instance, http://example.com/downloads/image.tgz . The management utility prompts you for a user name and password before beginning the download.

If you use HTTP to transfer software images, be aware that the management utility does not check whether the Web server is password protected; if it is not, press Enter at the prompt for user name and password.
  • As an HTTPS URL in the form https://host_name:port/path_to_file . For instance, https://example.com/downloads/image.tgz .

The HTTPS URL scheme requires that you install the HTTPS server certificate on the system by using the command "security certificate install -type server-ca".
  • As an FTP URL in the form ftp://host_name:port/path_to_file . For instance, ftp://example.com/downloads/image.tgz . If required, the management utility prompts you for a user name and password before beginning the download.

  • As a filename of a package left behind by a previous installation, or a package fetched using system node image get . For example, image.tgz . Available packages can be displayed using system node image package show .

  • As a path to a package in a mounted file system in the form file://localhost/path_to_file . For example, file://localhost/mroot/etc/software/image.tgz .

  • The FILE URL scheme can be used to specify the location of the package to be fetched from an external device connected to the storage controller. Currently, only USB mass storage devices are supported. The USB device is specified as file://usb0/<filename> . Typically, the file name is image.tgz . The package must be present in the root directory of the USB mass storage device.

[-replace {image1|image2}] - Image to Replace (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies the image that is to be replaced when the node is booted from the network.

[-setdefault <true>] - Set Newly Updated Image as Default (privilege: advanced)

This optionally specifies whether to set the newly updated image as the default image (that is, the image that runs the next time the node is restarted). Note that for this parameter to work correctly, the cluster must be in quorum when the image is updated.

[-replace-package <true>] - Replace the Local File (privilege: advanced)

Specifies whether an existing package is deleted and replaced with a new package. If this command is entered without using this parameter, its effective value is false and an existing package is not replaced with the new one. If this parameter is used without a value, it is set to true and an existing package is replaced with the new one.

[-rename-package <text>] - Rename the File (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to enter a package name that is different than the file name in the URL.

[-background <true>] - Run in the Background (privilege: advanced)

This parameter will allow the operation to run in the background. The progress of the operation can be checked with the command system node image show-update-progress . If this command is entered without using this parameter, its effective value is false and the operation will run in the foreground. If this parameter is used without a value, it is set to true.

[-validate-only <true>] - Validate the Package before Installation (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to validate the package. Validation consists of verifying whether there is enough space on the system to install the package, verifying the checksum for each component within the package and so on. Validation usually takes from 30 to 60 minutes. If you specify this parameter, the package will be validated only, not installed.


The following example updates the software image on a node named node0 from a software package located at ftp://ftp.example.com/downloads/image.tgz:

node::> system node image update -node node0 -package ftp://ftp.example.com/downloads/image.tgz -setdefault true
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