ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system license entitlement-risk show

Display Cluster License Entitlement Risk

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command displays information about license entitlement risk of the cluster for each license package. The command displays license package name, entitlement risk, corrective action to reduce the entitlement risk for each package, and the names and serial numbers for the nodes that do not have a node-locked license for a given package. If command is used with the "-detail" parameter, the output displays the names and serial numbers for all nodes in the cluster instead of only the nodes missing a node-locked license. It also displays whether each node has a license and if the features corresponding to the package are used in the past week.

License entitlement risk does not apply to base license. If a node has a site or a valid demo license for the given package, the entitlement risk will be shown as "medium" and the nodes missing a node-locked license will be displayed. The corrective action, if the cluster has a site license for the given package is, "Verify all controllers are entitled". If the entitlement risk is high, the corrective action is "Acquire node-locked license". For the low entitlement risk and if the cluster is unlicensed for a given package, the corrective action is "None". If the license entitlement risk cannot be computed because of infrastructure issues, the entitlement risk is shown as "unknown" and the corrective action is displayed as "Verify system health". For more information regarding license entitlement risk, see http://mysupport.fujitsu.com/licensing/ontapentitlementriskstatus


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

With this parameter, you can specify which fields should be displayed by the command. License package names and node serial numbers are always displayed.

| [-detail ]

If you use this parameter, the command displays the license package name, entitlement risk, corrective action, all nodes' names, their serial numbers, whether a node-locked license is present and whether a given license package has been in use in the past week for each node in the cluster.

| [-instance ] }

If this parameter is used, the command displays values for all fields for each license package and each node in the cluster individually.

[-package <Licensable Package>] - Package Name

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the specified license package.

[-serial-number <text>] - Node Serial Number

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the node with the specified serial number. The displayed entitlement risk and corrective action apply to the entire cluster.

[-node-name <text>] - Node Name

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the node with the specified name. The displayed entitlement risk and corrective action apply to the entire cluster.

[-risk {high|medium|low|unlicensed|unknown}] - Entitlement Risk

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the license packages that have the specified license entitlement risk.

[-action <text>] - Corrective Action

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the license packages which need the specified corrective action to reduce entitlement risk.

[-is-licensed {true|false}] - Is Node-Locked License Present

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the license packages for which at least one node in the cluster has a node-locked license. It also displays the nodes in the cluster which do not have a node-locked license.

[-in-use {true|false}] - Usage Status

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the license packages with corresponding features in use.

[-missing-serial-numbers <text>,…​] - Serial Numbers Missing a Node-Locked License

If you use this parameter, the command displays the packages for which the node with the specified serial number does not have a node-locked license.

[-missing-node-names <text>,…​] - Node Names Missing a Node-Locked License

If you use this parameter, the command displays all the packages for which the node with the specified name does not have a node-locked license.

[-action-code {acquire-license|adjust-capacity|verify-entitlement|verify-system-health|none}] - Corrective Action Code

If you use this parameter, the command displays information only for the license packages which need specified corrective action code to reduce entitlement risk. This parameter is same as the parameter "action".


The following example displays the information for license package NFS. NFS is unlicensed in the cluster and no action is necessary to reduce the entitlement risk. The nodes, cluster1-01 and cluster-02, are missing a node-locked license. The serial numbers for both nodes are also displayed.

cluster1::> system license entitlement-risk show
Package             Entitlement Risk Corrective Action
------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------
NFS                 unlicensed       None
           Nodes Without a Node-Locked License
           cluster1-01                    1-81-0000000000000004073806282
           cluster1-02                    1-81-0000000000000004073806283

The following example displays the information for license package CIFS. The cluster has high entitlement risk for CIFS. The command displays serial numbers for all nodes in the cluster. Both nodes are missing a node-locked CIFS license. Node with serial number 1-81-0000000000000004073806282 has used CIFS feature in the past week, and the node with serial number 1-81-0000000000000004073806283 has not used this feature in the past week.

cluster1::> system license entitlement-risk show -detail
Package             Entitlement Risk Corrective Action
------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------
CIFS                high             Acquire a node-locked license
                           Serial Numbers                 Licensed Usage
                           ------------------------------ -------- -----
                           1-81-0000000000000004073806282 false    true
1-81-0000000000000004073806283 false    false
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