ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

security session show

Show current CLI, ONTAPI, and REST sessions

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The security session show command displays all active management sessions across the cluster.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the node that is processing the session.

[-interface {cli|ontapi|rest}] - Interface

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the interface (CLI, ONTAPI, or REST) that is processing the session.

[-start-time <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Start Time

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the start time of the current active session.

[-session-id <integer>] - Session ID

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This number uniquely identifies a management session within a given node.

[-vserver <vserver>] - Vserver

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the Vserver associated with this management session.

[-username <text>] - Username

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the authenticated user associated with this management session.

[-application <text>] - Client Application

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the calling application by name.

[-location <text>] - Client Location

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the location of the calling client application. This is typically the IP address of the calling client, or "console" or "localhost" for console or localhost connections.

[-ipspace <IPspace>] - IPspace of Location

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the IPspace of the client location.

[-total <integer>] - Total Requests

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the total number of requests that have been made thus far in the active session. The following commands are not counted: top, up, cd, rows, history, exit.

[-failed <integer>] - Failed Requests

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the number of requests that have failed for any reason (including if they were blocked by configured limits).

[-max-time <integer>] - Maximum Time (ms)

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that any request took for this session.

[-last-time <integer>] - Last Time (ms)

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the last request took for this session.

[-total-seconds <integer>] - Total Seconds

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the total time (in seconds) that has been taken by all completed requests for the current session; it does not include session idle time.

[-state {pending|active|idle}] - Session State

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the state (pending, active, or idle) of the session. The state is "pending" if it hit a session limit and the session is waiting for another session to end. The state is "idle" for CLI sessions that are waiting at the command prompt. The state is "active" if the session is actively working on a request.

[-request <text>] - Request Input

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the request (command) that is currently being handled by the session.

[-idle-seconds <integer>] - Idle Seconds

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. When a session is not actively executing a command request (the session is idle), this indicates the time (in seconds) since the last request completed.

[-active-seconds <integer>] - Active Seconds

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. When a session is actively executing a command request, this indicates the time (in seconds) since the current request started.


The following example illustrates displaying all active sessions across the cluster. In this example, we see one active session on node node2 from the console application. We also see three active sessions on node node1 . One is from the console application and two are from the ssh application. Also one of the ssh sessions is from user diag and the other ssh session is from user admin .

cluster1::> security session show

Node: node1               Interface: cli                                   Idle
Start Time     Sess ID Application Location           Vserver Username  Seconds
-------------- ------- ----------- ------------ ------------- -------- --------
03/27 16:58:13 1358    console     console           cluster1 admin           -
    Active Seconds: 0  Request: security session show
03/27 17:17:04 1514    ssh      cluster1 admin         139
03/27 17:17:29 1515    ssh      cluster1 diag          115

Node: node2               Interface: cli                                   Idle
Start Time     Sess ID Application Location           Vserver Username  Seconds
-------------- ------- ----------- ------------ ------------- -------- --------
03/27 17:18:54 1509    console     console           cluster1 admin          23
4 entries were displayed.


The following example illustrates displaying all active sessions that have been idle for longer than 500 seconds.

cluster1::> security session show -idle-seconds > 500

Node: node1               Interface: cli                                   Idle
Start Time     Sess ID Application Location           Vserver Username  Seconds
-------------- ------- ----------- ------------ ------------- -------- --------
03/27 17:17:04 1514    ssh      cluster1 admin         607
03/27 17:17:29 1515    ssh      cluster1 diag          583
2 entries were displayed.

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