ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node autosupport modify

Modify AutoSupport configuration

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system node autosupport modify command modifies the AutoSupport configuration of all the nodes in the cluster.


-node {<nodename>|local} - Node
The AutoSupport configuration will be modified on all nodes in the cluster, even if this parameter is specified.

This parameter is ignored, but retained for CLI backward compatibility.

[-state {enable|disable}] - State

Use this parameter to specify whether AutoSupport is enabled or disabled. The default setting is enable . When AutoSupport is disabled, messages are not sent to anyone, including the vendor’s Fujitsu Support, your internal support organization, or partners.

[-mail-hosts <text>,…​] - SMTP Mail Hosts

Use this parameter to specify up to five SMTP mail hosts through which AutoSupport messages are sent out. This parameter is required if you specify e-mail addresses in the -to, -noteto, or -partner-address parameters or if you specify smtp in the -transport parameter. Separate multiple mail hosts with commas and do not use spaces in between. The AutoSupport delivery engine attempts to use these hosts for delivery in the order that you specify.

You can optionally specify a port value for each mail server. A port value can be specified on none, all, or some of the mail hosts. The port specification for a mail host consists of a colon (":") and a decimal value between 1 and 65335, and follows the mailhost name (for example, mymailhost.example.com:5678 ). The default port value is 587 if -smtp-encryption is set to start_tls . Otherwise, the default is 25 .

Also, you can optionally prepend a user name and password combination for authentication to each mail server. The format of the username and password pair is user1@mymailhost.example.com . User will be prompted for the password. The username and password can be specified on none, all, or some of the mail hosts.

If the user name itself includes the "@" symbol and domain information, the format to be used is user%40domain.com@mymailhost.example.com . User will be prompted for the password.

The default value for this parameter is mailhost .

[-from <mail address>] - From Address

Use this parameter to specify the e-mail address from which all the nodes in the cluster send AutoSupport messages. The default is Postmaster. If you require node-specific "from" addresses, enable the node-specific-from (privilege: advanced) parameter.

[-to <mail address>,…​] - List of To Addresses

Use this parameter to specify up to five e-mail addresses to receive AutoSupport messages that are most relevant for your internal organization. Separate multiple addresses with commas with no spaces in between. For this parameter to have effect, the -mail-hosts parameter must be configured correctly. Individual trigger events can change the default usage of this parameter using the -to parameter of the system node autosupport trigger modify command. By default, no list is defined.

[-noteto <mail address>,…​] - (DEPRECATED) List of Noteto Addresses
This parameter has been deprecated and might be removed in a future version of ONTAP. Instead, use the event notification destination create command to create an email destination and the event notification create command to map the important-events system filter to the newly created event destination. This will send an email notification for all events with a severity of ERROR, ALERT, or EMERGENCY. For events with other severity values, a new event filter needs to be created using the event filter create command. Filter rules can be added to the filter using the event filter rule add command. This newly created filter has to be mapped to the event destination.

Use this parameter to specify up to five addresses to receive a short-note version of AutoSupport messages that are most relevant for your internal organization. Short-note e-mails contain only the subject line of the AutoSupport message, which is easier to view on a mobile device. For this parameter to have effect, the -mail-hosts parameter must be configured correctly. Individual trigger events can change the default usage of this parameter using the -noteto parameter of the system node autosupport trigger modify command. By default, no list is defined.

[-partner-address <mail address>,…​] - List of Partner Addresses

Use this parameter to specify up to five e-mail addresses to receive all AutoSupport messages including periodic messages. This parameter is typically used for support partners. For this parameter to have effect, the -mail-hosts parameter must be configured correctly. By default, no list is defined.

[-support {enable|disable}] - Send AutoSupport Messages to Vendor Support

Use this parameter to specify whether to send all AutoSupport messages to your vendor’s Fujitsu Support. (Destination information is pre-defined and does not require configuration.) When -state is enabled and -support is disabled, messages are sent to the addresses specified in the -to, -noteto, or -partner-address parameters but are not sent to your vendor’s Fujitsu Support. The default is enable .

[-transport {smtp|https}] - Protocol to Contact Support
http transport is no longer supported by AutoSupport servers.

Use this parameter to specify the protocol used to deliver AutoSupport messages to your vendor’s Fujitsu Support. This parameter applies only when the -support parameter is set to enable. If you specify https and your network uses a proxy, you must also set the -proxy-url parameter. If you specify smtp, you must also configure the -mail-hosts parameter.

[-proxy-url <text>] - Support Proxy URL

Use this parameter to specify an HTTP/S proxy if the -transport parameter is set to HTTPS and your organization uses a proxy. Enter the URL with an http:// or https:// prefix. If a scheme is not specified with the URL, it is assumed to be http://. If authentication is required, use the format "[username]@[host][:[port]]". You will be prompted for the password. If using an HTTPS proxy, you also need to install the correct Root CA certificates in ONTAP. The default is an empty string. To specify a proxy that contains a question mark, press ESC followed by the "?". This field can be cleared by setting the value to an empty string using two double quotes ("").

[-hostname-subj {true|false}] - Hostname Subject

Use this parameter to specify whether the hostname of the node is included in the subject line of the AutoSupport message. The default is false . This parameter applies only if the -remove-private-data parameter is true .

[-perf {true|false}] - Performance Data Enable

Use this parameter to specify whether performance data is sent to Fujitsu Support and addresses specified in the -partner-address parameter. The default is true .

[-retry-interval <[<integer>h][<integer>m][<integer>s]>] - Retry Interval

Use this parameter to specify the amount of time to delay before trying to send an AutoSupport message again after a sending failure. Values may end with "s", "m", or "h" to indicate seconds, minutes, or hours, respectively. The minimum interval is 30 seconds and the maximum is 1 day. The default is 4 minutes.

[-retry-count <integer>] - Retry Count

Use this parameter to specify the number of times to try resending mail before dropping it. The minimum number is 5 and the maximum is 30. The default is 15 times.

[-reminder {true|false}] - Reminder Enable

Use this parameter to enable or disable a reminder message that is sent when AutoSupport is not configured to send messages to Fujitsu Support. This reminder is logged as an EMS event called "autosupport.general.reminder" every 24 hours. The default is true .

[-max-http-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Maximum HTTPS Size

Use this parameter to specify the maximum file size (in bytes by default, but can also be specified in KB, MB, TB or PB) for HTTPS transfers. This parameter applies only to messages sent to Fujitsu Support and only if the -transport parameter is set to HTTPS. Setting the value to 0 disables the delivery size budget. The default is 50 MB and the minimum supported size is 2 MB.

If the size of the AutoSupport message exceeds this value, AutoSupport will deliver as much of the message as possible. You can use the "system node autosupport manifest show" command to identify the sections of the message that AutoSupport sent. AutoSupport collects and sends the content in order of priority. The priority is predefined for each AutoSupport message. To identify the collection order for an AutoSupport trigger, use the "system node autosupport trigger show" command with the -instance parameter.

[-max-smtp-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Maximum SMTP Size

Use this parameter to specify the maximum file size (in bytes by default, but can also be specified in KB, MB, TB or PB) for SMTP (e-mail) transfers. This parameter applies to messages sent to the addresses specified in the -to, -noteto, and -partner-address parameters. If the -transport parameter is set to smtp, this parameter also applies to messages sent to the vendor’s Fujitsu Support. Setting the value to 0 disables the delivery size budget. The default is 5 MB and the minimum supported size is 2 MB.

If the size of the AutoSupport message exceeds this value, AutoSupport will deliver as much of the message as possible. You can use the "system node autosupport manifest show" command to identify the sections of the message that AutoSupport sent. AutoSupport collects and sends the content in order of priority. The priority is predefined for each AutoSupport message. To identify the collection order for an AutoSupport trigger, use the "system node autosupport trigger show" command with the -instance parameter.

[-remove-private-data {true|false}] - Remove Sensitive Data

Use this parameter with the value true to remove, encode, or mask sensitive data from AutoSupport attachments and headers. Use this feature to eliminate private data from all AutoSupport messages. The default is false .

Eliminated data can include: IP addresses, MAC addresses, URIs, DNS names, e-mail addresses, port numbers, node names, Vserver names, cluster names, aggregate names, volume names, junction paths, policy names, user IDs, group IDs, LUNs, NVMe namespaces and qtree names.

Unstructured log files (such as the EMS event log) are also no longer collected by AutoSupport to ensure sensitive data is not included. As a result, log files will need to be manually collected and provided to Fujitsu Support for troubleshooting purposes.

Changing this value from false to true deletes the AutoSupport history and all files associated with it.
[-validate-digital-certificate {true|false}] - Validate Digital Certificate Received (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the value true to force each node to validate digital certificates that it receives. The default is true . When this value is true, the certificate might be validated by OCSP. The OCSP validation for these certificates is controlled by security config ocsp enable -app autosupport and security config ocsp disable -app autosupport .

[-ondemand-state {enable|disable}] - AutoSupport OnDemand State (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify whether the AutoSupport OnDemand feature is enabled or disabled. The default is enable . When AutoSupport OnDemand is enabled, support personnel can remotely trigger new AutoSupport messages, re-send existing AutoSupport messages and decline the delivery of unwanted AutoSupport messages. When this option is disabled, this node will not respond to any AutoSupport OnDemand requests from support personnel.

[-ondemand-remote-diagnostics-state {enable|disable}] - AutoSupport OnDemand Remote Diagnostics State (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify whether the AutoSupport OnDemand Remote Diagnostics feature is enabled or disabled. The default is enable . When AutoSupport OnDemand Remote Diagnostics is enabled, support personnel can remotely trigger new AutoSupport messages on this node to gather information during troubleshooting scenarios. When this option is disabled, support personnel will still be able to re-send existing AutoSupport messages that may not have been transmitted correctly.

[-node-specific-from {enable|disable}] - Node-Specific From Address (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify whether the "from" e-mail address needs to be node-specific. If enabled, the node-specific "from" e-mail address is generated by prepending the node name and "-" to the configured "from" address. For example, if the node name is "cluster-01" and the "from" parameter is "prod@company.com", the generated "from" e-mail address is "cluster-01-prod@company.com".

[-validate-smtp-certificate {true|false}] - Validate Certificate of SMTP Server (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the value true to force each node to validate digital certificates that it receives from the SMTP server. The default is true . When this value is true, the certificate might be validated by OCSP. The OCSP validation for these certificates is controlled by security config ocsp enable -app autosupport and security config ocsp disable -app autosupport .

[-smtp-encryption {none|start_tls}] - SMTP Encryption

Use this parameter to specify the encryption protocol used to deliver AutoSupport messages to the configured mail servers. When this parameter is set to none , the SMTP AutoSupport message is not encrypted. When this parameter is set to start_tls , the existing plaintext channel is upgraded to a TLS encrypted channel using the STARTTLS protocol. If the TLS connection fails, there is no fallback to plaintext transfer. The default is none .


The following example enables AutoSupport on all nodes in the cluster with the following settings:

  • SMTP mail host named smtp.example.com.

  • E-mail "from" address of alerts@example.com

  • E-mail "to" address of support@example.com

  • AutoSupport messages sent to support personnel

  • HTTPS set as transport protocol

  • If sending fails, the system will wait 23 minutes before retrying.

cluster1::> system node autosupport modify -state enable -mail-hosts smtp.example.com -from alerts@example.com -to support@example.com -support enable -transport https -retry-interval 23m

The following examples show how to modify AutoSupport URLs when using IPv6 address literals:

cluster1::> system node autosupport modify -mail-hosts [2620:10a:4002:6004::bbbb]:25
cluster1::> system node autosupport modify -proxy-url username:password@[2620:10a:4002:6004::bbbb]:8080
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