ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system bridge show

Display bridge information

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system bridge show command displays information about all the storage bridges in the MetroCluster configuration. The bridges must have been previously added for monitoring using the system bridge add command. If no parameters are specified, the default command displays the following information about the bridges:

  • Bridge

  • Symbolic Name

  • Vendor

  • Model

  • Bridge WWN

  • Is Monitored

  • Is Bridge Secure

  • Managed By

  • Monitor Status

To display detailed profile information about a single bridge, use the -name parameter.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

Displays the specified fields for all the bridges, in column style output.

| [-connectivity ]

Displays the following details about the connectivity from different entities to the bridge:

  • Node

  • Initiator

  • Initiator Side Switch Port

  • Target Side Switch Port

  • Target Port WWN

  • Target Port Number

| [-cooling ]

Displays the following details about the chassis temperature sensor(s) on the bridge:

  • Sensor Name

  • Reading in degree Celsius ©

  • Fan operational status

  • Minimum Safe Operating Temperature in degree Celsius ©

  • Maximum Safe Operating Temperature in degree Celsius ©

  • Sensor Status

| [-error ]

Displays the errors related to the bridge.

| [-ports ]

Displays the following details about the bridge FC ports:

  • Port number

  • Port administrative status

  • Port operational status

  • Port operating mode

  • Port negotiated speed

  • Peer world wide name

Displays the following details about the bridge SAS ports:

  • Port number

  • Port negotiated data rate

  • Port data rate capability

  • Port PHY1 operational status

  • Port PHY2 operational status

  • Port PHY3 operational status

  • Port PHY4 operational status

  • Port administrative status

  • Port operational status

  • Peer world wide name

| [-power ]

Displays the status of the replaceable power supplies for the FibreBridge 7500N only:

  • Power supply name

  • Power supply status

| [-sfp ]

Displays the following details about the bridge FC ports Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP):

  • Port number

  • SFP vendor

  • SFP serial number

  • SFP part number

  • SFP speed capability

Displays the following details about the bridge SAS ports Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable (QSFP):

  • Port number

  • QSFP vendor

  • QSFP serial number

  • QSFP type

  • QSFP part number

Displays the following details about the bridge SAS ports Mini-SAS HD:

  • Port number

  • Mini-SAS HD vendor

  • Mini-SAS HD serial number

  • Mini-SAS HD type

  • Mini-SAS HD part number

| [-stats ]

Displays the following details about the bridge FC ports:

  • Port number

  • Port operational status

  • Port operational mode

  • Port negotiated speed

  • Port link failure count

  • Port synchronization loss count

  • Port CRC error count

  • Port operational mode

  • Port received word count (Rx)

  • Port transmitted word count (Tx)

Displays the following details about the bridge SAS ports:

  • Port number

  • PHY port number

  • Port negotiated speed

  • Port speed capability

  • Port invalid DWORD count

  • Port disparity error count

  • Port synchronization loss count

  • Port PHY reset count

  • Port link changed count

  • Port CRC error count

| [-instance ] }

Displays expanded information about all the bridges in the system. If a bridge is specified, then this parameter displays the same detailed information for the bridge you specify as does the -name parameter.

[-name <text>] - Bridge Name

Displays information only about the bridges that match the name you specify.

[-wwn <text>] - Bridge World Wide Name

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge WWN you specify.

[-model <text>] - Bridge Model

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge model you specify.

[-vendor {unknown|Atto}] - Bridge Vendor

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge vendor you specify.

[-fw-version <text>] - Bridge Firmware Version

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge firmware version you specify.

[-serial-number <text>] - Bridge Serial Number

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge serial number you specify.

[-address <IP Address>] - Bridge IP Address

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge IP address you specify.

[-is-monitoring-enabled {true|false}] - Is Monitoring Enabled for Bridge?

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge monitoring value you specify.

[-status {unknown|ok|error}] - Bridge Status

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge monitoring status you specify.

[-profile-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge Profile Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the profile data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-symbolic-name <text>] - Bridge Symbolic Name

Displays information only about the bridges that match the symbolic name you specify.

[-snmp-community <text>] - SNMP Community Set on the Bridge

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge SNMP community you specify.

[-managed-by {SNMP|in-band|none}] - Bridge Management Method

This parameter specifies whether the bridge uses the SNMP or in-band management method. FibreBridge 6500N uses SNMP only; FibreBridge 7500N may use either.

[-is-bridge-secure {true|false}] - Is Security Enabled For Bridge?

Displays information only about the bridges that match the bridge security value you specify.

[-node-visible-list <text>,…​] - Nodes Bridge is Visble To

Displays information only about the bridges that are available to the node.

[-error-text-list <text>,…​] - Bridge Error Description List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the errors you specify.

[-temp-sensor-name <text>] - Temperature Sensor Name

Displays information only about the bridges that have the temperature sensor with the name you specify.

[-min-safe-oper-temp <integer>] - Minimum Safe Operating Temperature in Degree Celsius

Displays information only about the bridges that have the temperature sensor with the minimum safe operating temperature you specify.

[-max-safe-oper-temp <integer>] - Maximum Safe Operating Temperature in Degree Celsius

Displays information only about the bridges that have the temperature sensor with the maximum safe operating temperature you specify.

[-temp-reading <integer>] - Chassis Temperature Sensor Reading in Degree Celsius

Displays information only about the bridges that have the temperature sensors with the reading you specify.

[-temp-sensor-status {normal|warning|critical}] - Chassis Temperature Sensor Status

Displays information only about the bridges that have the temperature sensor with the status you specify.

[-temp-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge Chassis Temperature Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the temperature sensor data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-fc-port-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the indexes you specify.

[-fc-port-oper-state-list {unknown|online|offline}] - Bridge FC Port Operational State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the operational states you specify.

[-fc-port-admin-state-list {unknown|disabled|enabled}] - Bridge FC Port Admin State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the administrative states you specify.

[-fc-port-negotiated-data-rate-list {unknown|2|4|8|16}] - Bridge FC Port Negotiated Data Rate List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the negotiated data rates you specify.

[-fc-port-negotiated-conn-mode-list {unknown|loop|n-port}] - Bridge FC Port Negotiated Connection Mode List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the negotiated connection modes you specify.

[-fc-port-wwn-list <text>,…​] - Bridge FC Port WWN List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the world-wide names you specify.

[-fc-port-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge FC Port Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the FC ports data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-fc-port-stats-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the indexes you specify.

[-fc-port-tx-words-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Transmitted Word Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the number of transmitted words you specify.

[-fc-port-rx-words-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Received Word Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the number of received words you specify.

[-fc-port-link-failures-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Link Failure Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the number of link failures you specify.

[-fc-port-sync-losses-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Sync Loss Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the number of synchronization losses you specify.

[-fc-port-invalid-crc-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Invalid CRC Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the ports with the number of invalid CRCs you specify.

[-fc-port-stats-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge FC Port Stats Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the FC port stats data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-sas-port-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the indexes you specify.

[-sas-port-oper-state-list {unknown|online|offline|degraded}] - Bridge SAS Port Operational State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the operational states you specify.

[-sas-port-phy1-oper-state-list {unknown|online|offline}] - Bridge SAS Port PHY1 Operational State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the PHY1 operational states you specify.

[-sas-port-phy2-oper-state-list {unknown|online|offline}] - Bridge SAS Port PHY2 Operational State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the PHY2 operational states you specify.

[-sas-port-phy3-oper-state-list {unknown|online|offline}] - Bridge SAS Port PHY3 Operational State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the PHY3 operational states you specify.

[-sas-port-phy4-oper-state-list {unknown|online|offline}] - Bridge SAS Port PHY4 Operational State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the PHY4 operational states you specify.

[-sas-port-admin-state-list {unknown|disabled|enabled}] - Bridge SAS Port Administrative State List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the administrative states you specify.

[-sas-port-data-rate-capability-list {unknown|1.5Gbps|3Gbps|6Gbps|12Gbps}] - Bridge SAS Port Data Rate Capability List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the data rate capabilities you specify.

[-sas-port-negotiated-data-rate-list {unknown|1.5Gbps|3Gbps|6Gbps|12Gbps}] - Bridge SAS Port Negotiated Data Rate List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the negotiated data rates you specify.

[-sas-port-wwn-list <text>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port WWN List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the world-wide names you specify.

[-sas-port-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge SAS Port DB Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the SAS ports data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-sas-port-stats-phy-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port PHY Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the PHY indexes you specify.

[-sas-port-link-changed-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Link Changed Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the link changed count you specify.

[-sas-port-invalid-crc-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Invalid CRC Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the invalid CRCs you specify.

[-sas-port-phy-reset-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port PHY Reset Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the PHY reset count you specify.

[-sas-port-sync-losses-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Sync Loss Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the synchronization losses you specify.

[-sas-port-disparity-count-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Disparity Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the disparity count you specify.

[-sas-port-invalid-dword-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Invalid DWORD Count List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the invalid DWORD count you specify.

[-sas-port-stats-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the indexes you specify.

[-sas-port-stats-data-rate-capability-list {unknown|1.5Gbps|3Gbps|6Gbps|12Gbps}] - Bridge SAS Port Data Rate Capability List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the data rate capabilities you specify.

[-sas-port-stats-negotiated-data-rate-list {unknown|1.5Gbps|3Gbps|6Gbps|12Gbps}] - Bridge SAS Port Negotiated Data Rate List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the negotiated data rates you specify.

[-sas-port-stats-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge SAS Port Statistics Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the SAS port stats data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-fc-sfp-port-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge FC Port Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the FC ports with the indexes you specify.

[-fc-port-sfp-vendor-list <text>,…​] - Bridge FC Port SFP Vendor List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the FC ports with the SFP vendors you specify.

[-fc-port-sfp-serial-number-list <text>,…​] - Bridge FC Port SFP Serial Number List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the FC ports with the SFP serial numbers you specify.

[-fc-port-sfp-part-number-list <text>,…​] - Bridge FC Port SFP Part Number List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the FC ports with the SFP part numbers you specify.

[-fc-port-sfp-data-rate-capability-list {2Gb|4Gb|8Gb|16Gb|32Gb}] - Bridge FC Port SFP Data Rate Capability List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the FC ports with the SFP data rate capabilities you specify.

[-fc-port-sfp-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge FC Port SFP Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the FC ports SFP data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-sas-qsfp-port-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the indexes you specify.

[-sas-port-qsfp-vendor-list <text>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port QSFP Vendor List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the QSFP vendors you specify.

[-sas-port-qsfp-serial-number-list <text>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port QSFP Serial Number List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the QSFP serial numbers you specify.

[-sas-port-qsfp-type-list {unknown|optical|active-copper|passive-copper}] - Bridge SAS Port QSFP Type List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the QSFP types you specify.

[-sas-port-qsfp-part-number-list <text>,…​] - Bridge SAS Port QSFP Part Number List

Displays information only about the bridges that have the SAS ports with the QSFP part numbers you specify.

[-sas-port-qsfp-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge SAS Port QSFP Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the SAS ports QSFP data last successful refresh timestamp you specify.

[-mini-sas-hd-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge Mini-SAS HD Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have SAS ports with the Mini-SAS HD indexes that you specify.

[-mini-sas-hd-vendor-list <text>,…​] - Bridge Mini-SAS HD Vendor List

Displays information only about the bridges that have SAS ports with the Mini-SAS HD vendors that you specify.

[-mini-sas-hd-serial-number-list <text>,…​] - Bridge Mini-SAS HD Serial Number List

Displays information only about the bridges that have SAS ports with the Mini-SAS HD serial numbers that you specify.

[-mini-sas-hd-type-list <text>,…​] - Bridge Mini-SAS HD Type List

Displays information only about the bridges that have SAS ports with the Mini-SAS HD types that you specify.

[-mini-sas-hd-part-number-list <text>,…​] - Bridge Mini-SAS HD Part Number List

Displays information only about the bridges that have SAS ports with the Mini-SAS HD part numbers that you specify.

[-mini-sas-hd-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge Mini-SAS HD Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the SAS ports Mini-SAS HD data with the last successful refresh timestamp that you specify.

[-power-supply-index-list <integer>,…​] - Bridge Power Supply Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that have power supplies with the indexes that you specify.

[-power-supply-name-list <text>,…​] - Bridge Power Supply Name List

Displays information only about the bridges that have power supplies with the name that you specify.

[-power-supply-status-list {unknown|down|up}] - Bridge Power Supply Status List

Displays information only about the bridges that have power supplies with the status that you specify.

[-power-supply-data-last-successful-refresh-timestamp {MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [{+|-}hh:mm]}] - Bridge Power Supply Data Last Successful Refresh Timestamp

Displays information only about the bridges that match the power supply last data with the last successful refresh timestamp that you specify.

[-node-list {<nodename>|local}] - Node Name List

Displays information only about the bridges that are connected to the nodes you specify.

[-initiator-list <text>,…​] - Initiator List

Displays information only about the bridges that are connected to the nodes hosting the initiators you specify.

[-initiator-side-switch-port-name-list <text>,…​] - Initiator Side Switch Port Name List

Displays information only about the bridges that are connected to the initiator-side switch ports you specify.

[-target-side-switch-port-name-list <text>,…​] - Target Side Switch Port Name List

Displays information only about the bridges that are connected to the target-side switch ports you specify.

[-target-port-wwn-list <text>,…​] - Target Port WWN List

Displays information only about the bridges that match the target ports with world-wide names you specify.

[-target-port-index-list <integer>,…​] - Target Port Index List

Displays information only about the bridges that match the target ports with indexes you specify.


The following example displays information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show
                                                                Is        Monitor
    Bridge     Symbolic Name Vendor  Model     Bridge WWN       Monitored Status
    ---------- ------------- ------- --------- ---------------- --------- -------
               Bridge Number 16 retyped
                             Atto    FibreBridge 6500N
                                               2000001086603824 true      ok
               Not Set       Atto    FibreBridge 6500N
                                               20000010866037e8 true      ok
               Not Set       Atto    FibreBridge 6500N
                                               2000001086609e0e true      ok
               Not Set       Atto    FibreBridge 6500N
                                               2000001086609c06 true      ok
4 entries were displayed.

The following example displays connectivity (node to bridge) information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -connectivity
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.16
          Bridge WWN: 2000001086603824
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 6500N
       Serial Number: FB6500N101405
    Firmware Version: 1.60 A68E 51.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
Initiator Side Target Side                  Port
    Node         Initiator    Switch Port Switch Port Target Port WWN    No
    ------------ --------- -------------- ----------- ---------------- ----
    dpg-mcc-3240-15-b1  0c mcc-cisco-8Gb-fab-3:1-29
                                                      2100001086603824    1
     dpg-mcc-3240-15-b2  0c mcc-cisco-8Gb-fab-3:1-30
                                                      2100001086603824    1

The following command displays cooling (temperature sensors) information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -cooling
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.16
          Bridge WWN: 2000001086603824
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 6500N
       Serial Number: FB6500N101405
    Firmware Version: 1.60 A68E 51.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
Chassis Temperature Sensor:
                        Min Safe  Max Safe
    Sensor Name Reading Oper Temp Oper Temp Status
    ----------- ------- --------- --------- -------
    Chassis          42         0        70 normal

The following command displays the error information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -error
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.16
     Bridge WWN: 2000001086603824
     ATTO_10.226.197.16(2000001086603824):Bridge is Unreachable over Management Network.
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.17
     Bridge WWN: 20000010866037e8
    ATTO_10.226.197.17(20000010866037e8):Bridge is Unreachable over Management Network.
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.18
     Bridge WWN: 2000001086609e0e
    ATTO_10.226.197.18(2000001086609e0e):Bridge is Unreachable over Management Network.
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.19
     Bridge WWN: 2000001086609c06
    ATTO_10.226.197.19(2000001086609c06):Bridge is Unreachable over Management Network.
4 entries were displayed.

The following command displays the detailed information about all the bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -instance
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.16
          Bridge WWN: 2000001086603824
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 6500N
       Serial Number: FB6500N101405
    Firmware Version: 1.60 A68E 51.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -

The following command displays power supply information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -power
         Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.47
          Bridge WWN: 2000001086601506
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 6500N
       Serial Number: FB6500N100526
    Firmware Version: 1.60 069G 51.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
    Last Update Time: -

    Bridge Power Supplies:

    Power Supply Name Status
    ----------------- -------
                    - -

         Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.48
          Bridge WWN: 20000010867002d0
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 7500N
       Serial Number: FB7500N100018
    Firmware Version: 2.00 006U 105.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
    Last Update Time: 10/22/2015 13:37:37 -04:00

    Bridge Power Supplies:

    Power Supply Name Status
    ----------------- -------
                    A up
                    B down

The following command displays port information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -ports
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.16
          Bridge WWN: 2000001086603824
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 6500N
       Serial Number: FB6500N101405
    Firmware Version: 1.60 A68E 51.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
FC Ports:
          Admin    Oper                      Neg
    Ports Status   Status  Port Mode       Speed WWPN
    ----- -------- ------- ------------- ------- ----------------
        1 enabled  online  n-port            8gb 2100001086603824
        2 enabled  offline unknown       unknown 2200001086603824
Last Update Time: 8/12/2014 12:34:36 -04:00
SAS Ports:
           Neg Data
          Data Rate PHY1    PHY2    PHY3    PHY4    Admin    Oper
    Ports Rate  Cap Status  Status  Status  Status  Status   Status  WWPN
    ----- ---- ---- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------------
               6Gbps online  online  online  online  enabled  online  5001086000603824
               6Gbps offline offline offline offline disabled offline 0000000000000000

The following command displays port SFP information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -sfp
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.47
          Bridge WWN: 2000001086601506
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 6500N
       Serial Number: FB6500N100526
    Firmware Version: 1.60 069G 51.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
    Last Update Time: 10/22/2015 13:27:37 -04:00

    FC SFP:
    Ports Vendor            Serial Number      Part Number              Capability
    ----- ----------------- ------------------ ------------------------ ----------
        1 AVAGO             AD1020A01FC        AFBR-57D7APZ                  8Gbps
        2 AVAGO             AD1020A01F7        AFBR-57D7APZ                  8Gbps

    Last Update Timestamp: 10/22/2015 13:27:37 -04:00


    Ports Vendor            Serial Number       SFP Type       Part Number
    ----- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ------------------
        1 Molex Inc.        005820292           passive-copper 112-00176
        2 -                 -                   unknown        -

    Last Update Timestamp: -

    Mini-SAS HD:

    Ports Vendor            Serial Number       SFP Type       Part Number
    ----- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ------------------
        - -                 -                   -              -

         Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.48
          Bridge WWN: 20000010867002d0
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 7500N
       Serial Number: FB7500N100018
    Firmware Version: 2.00 006U 105.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
    Last Update Time: 10/22/2015 13:27:37 -04:00

    FC SFP:
    Ports Vendor            Serial Number      Part Number              Capability
    ----- ----------------- ------------------ ------------------------ ----------
        1 AVAGO             AC1442J00L5        AFBR-57F5MZ                  16Gbps
        2 AVAGO             AC1442J00L0        AFBR-57F5MZ                  16Gbps

    Last Update Timestamp: -


    Ports Vendor            Serial Number       SFP Type       Part Number
    ----- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ------------------
        - -                 -                   -              -

    Last Update Timestamp: 10/22/2015 13:27:37 -04:00

    Mini-SAS HD:

    Ports Vendor            Serial Number       SFP Type       Part Number
    ----- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ------------------
        1 Amphenol          APF14510026548      Passive Copper 1m ID:00
        2 -                 -                   -              -
        3 -                 -                   -              -
        4 -                 -                   -              -

The following command displays port statistics information about all bridges:

cluster1::> system bridge show -stats
Bridge Name: ATTO_10.226.197.16
          Bridge WWN: 2000001086603824
              Vendor: Atto
               Model: FibreBridge 6500N
       Serial Number: FB6500N101405
    Firmware Version: 1.60 A68E 51.01
       Management IP:
              Errors: -
FC Ports:
          Oper                      Neg    Link   Sync   CRC         Rx         Tx
    Ports Status  Port Mode       Speed Failure Losses Error      Words      Words
    ----- ------- ------------- ------- ------- ------ ----- ---------- ----------
        1 online  n-port            8gb       0      0     0 2721271731 3049186605
        2 offline unknown       unknown       1      1     0          0          0
Last Update Time: 8/12/2014 12:34:37 -04:00
SAS Ports:
                                 Invalid Disparity  Sync   PHY    Link   CRC
     SAS  PHY     Neg      Speed   Dword     Error  Loss Reset Changed Error
    Port Port   Speed Capability   Count     Count Count Count   Count Count
    ---- ---- ------- ---------- ------- --------- ----- ----- ------- -----
       1    0   3Gbps      6Gbps   28262     26665     2     0       1     0
       1    1   3Gbps      6Gbps    2110      1794    20     0       1     0
       1    2   3Gbps      6Gbps   20435     18857    13     0       1     0
       1    3   3Gbps      6Gbps    4573      3353    16     0       1     0
       2    0   6Gbps      6Gbps      66        53     0     0       0     0
       2    1   6Gbps      6Gbps   27478     25137     2     0       0     0
       2    2   6Gbps      6Gbps   20537     17322     9     0       0     0
       2    3   6Gbps      6Gbps   23629     21767    10     0       0     0
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