ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

volume flexcache create

Create a new cache relationship

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The volume flexcache create command is used to create a FlexCache volume. It also creates the relationship between the FlexCache volume and the specified origin volume.

If the vserver and origin-vserver are different, the Vservers must be in a peer relationship.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

This specifies the Vserver on which the FlexCache volume is to be created.

-volume <volume name> - Cache Volume Name

This specifies the name of the FlexCache volume that is to be created.

{ [-aggr-list <aggregate name>,…​] - List of Aggregates for FlexGroup Constituents

Specifies an array of names of aggregates to be used for creating the FlexCache volume. Each entry in the list will create a constituent on the specified aggregate. The root constituent will always be placed on the first aggregate in the list, unless optimize-aggr-list is specified as true . An aggregate may be specified multiple times to have multiple constituents created on it. This parameter only applies to FlexGroups.

[-aggr-list-multiplier <integer>] - Aggregate List Repeat Count

Specifies the number of times to iterate over the aggregates listed with the -aggr-list parameter when creating a FlexGroup. The aggregate list will be repeated the specified number of times. Example:

-aggr-list aggr1,aggr2 -aggr-list-multiplier 2

will cause four constituents to be created in the order aggr1 , aggr2 , aggr1 , aggr2 .

The default value is 4.

[-optimize-aggr-list {true|false}] - Have the System Optimize the Order of the Aggregate List

Specifies whether to create the constituents of the FlexCache volume on the aggegates specified in the aggr-list in the order they are specified, or whether the system should optimize the ordering of the aggregates. If this value is true , the system will optimize the ordering of the aggregates specified in the aggr-list . If this value is false the order of the aggr-list will be unchanged. The default value is false . This parameter only applies to FlexGroups.

| [-auto-provision-as <FlexGroup>] - Automatically Provision as Volume of Type

Use this parameter to automatically select existing aggregates for provisioning the FlexCache volume.

[-use-tiered-aggregate {true|false}] - Automatically Provision FlexGroup on FabricPool }

This parameter specifies whether or not FabricPool-enabled aggregates are selected when provisioning a FlexCache volume using the auto-provision-as parameter. Only FabricPool-enabled aggregates are used if this parameter is set to true and only non-FabricPool-enabled aggregates are used if this parameter is set to false. The default value is false . Tiering-policy is always none for FlexCache.

This parameter only applies to FlexCaches created using the -auto-provision-as parameter.

[-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Volume Size

This optionally specifies the size of the FlexCache volume. The size is specified as a number followed by a unit designation: k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), g (gigabytes), or t (terabytes). If the unit designation is not specified, bytes are used as the unit, and the specified number is rounded up to the nearest 4 KB. If the size parameter in not specified, it defaults to 10% of the origin volume size.

[-origin-vserver <vserver name>] - Origin Vserver Name

This specifies the name of the Vserver where the origin volume is located.

-origin-volume <volume name> - Origin Volume Name

This specifies the name of the origin volume.

[-junction-path <junction path>] - Cache Junction Path

This optionally specifies the FlexCache volume’s junction path. The junction path name is case insensitive and must be unique within a Vserver’s namespace.

[-foreground {true|false}] - Foreground Process

This specifies whether the operation runs in the foreground. The default setting is true (the operation runs in the foreground). When set to true, the command will not return until the operation completes.

[-s, -space-guarantee {none|volume}] - Space Guarantee Style

This optionally specifies the space guarantee style for the volume. A value of volume reserves space on the aggregates for the entire volume. A value of none reserves no space on the aggregates, meaning that writes can fail if an aggregate runs out of space. The default setting for the FlexCache volumes is none .

[-is-smb-enabled {true|false}] - SMB access Enabled/Disabled (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies CIFS access for the volume. The default value is true .

[-preserve-msid {true|false}] - Preserve Origin MSID on the Cache (privilege: advanced)

Create the cache with the same MSID as the origin. Set this parameter to true to create FlexCache DR. The default setting for the FlexCache volumes is false to avoid a situation where a FlexCache create operation using -preserve-msid fails on a Vserver because of collision with a previously used MSID.

[-is-global-file-locking-enabled {true|false}] - Global File Locking Mode Enabled/Disabled

This parameter specifies the global file locking mode for the volume. The default value of global file locking mode is false .

[-is-nfsv4-enabled {true|false}] - NFSv4 access Enabled/Disabled (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies NFSv4 access for the volume. The default value is true .

[-is-writeback-enabled {true|false}] - Is Writeback Enabled (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies whether writeback is enabled for the FlexCache volume. Writeback is a storage method where data is first written to the FlexCache volume and then written to the origin of a FlexCache volume. The default value is false .

[-is-relative-size-enabled {true|false}] - Is Relative Sizing Enabled/Disabled (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies whether the relative sizing is enabled for the FlexCache volume. Relative sizing is introduced as a part of follow the origin feature. When relative sizing is enabled, it will block any modifications done manually in the absolute size of the FlexCache. The size of FlexCache will be calculated and entered automatically based on the size of the origin. The default value for create is false .

[-relative-size-percentage <integer>] - Relative FlexCache Size Percentage (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies the percent size FlexCache should have relative to the total size of the origin. The default value for create is 10%.

[-override-encryption {true|false}] - Override FlexCache Volume Encryption

Use this parameter to create a plaintext FlexCache volume of an encrypted origin volume. The default value is false .

This parameter cannot be modified after the FlexCache volume is created.
[-is-atime-scrub-enabled {true|false}] - Is atime-Based Scrubbing Enabled/Disabled (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies whether automatic scrubbing of inactive files based on atime is enabled. When enabled, inactive files are automatically scrubbed based on specified atime duration. The scrubbing operation will only occur if -atime-update is enabled on the FlexCache volume. The default value for the atime scrubber is false .

[-atime-scrub-period <integer>] - Days After Which An Inactive File Is Scrubbed (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies the number of days for inactivity on a file after which the file will be scrubbed out. The default value is 30 days.

[-is-cifs-change-notify-enabled {true|false}] - Is CIFS CHANGE_NOTIFY Enabled/Disabled (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies whether the FlexCache volume sends change notifications to CIFS clients. The default value is false .


The following example triggers FlexCache volume create:

cluster1::> flexcache create -vserver vs34 -volume fc1 -aggr-list aggr34,aggr43 -origin-volume origin1 -size 400m
  (volume flexcache create)
  [Job 894] Job succeeded: Successful
cluster1::> flexcache create -vserver vs34 -volume fc3 -auto-provision-as flexgroup -origin-volume origin1 -size 400m
  (volume flexcache create)
[Job 898] Job succeeded: Successful
cluster1::> flexcache create -vserver vs34 -volume fc4 -aggr-list aggr34,aggr43 -origin-volume origin1 -size 400m -junction-path /fc4
  (volume flexcache create)
[Job 903] Job succeeded: Successful
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