ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

snapmirror abort

Abort an active transfer

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The snapmirror abort command stops SnapMirror transfers that might have started and not completed. A SnapMirror transfer is an operation on a given SnapMirror relationship and the relationship is identified by its destination endpoint, which can be a volume, a Vserver, an Application Consistency Group or a non-Data ONTAP endpoint. You identify the SnapMirror relationship with this command and the command aborts the transfer for the relationship. For load-sharing mirrors, the command also aborts transfers for other relationships that are part of the same load-sharing set. For SolidFire destination endpoints, the snapmirror abort command is only supported if the endpoint is in a SnapMirror relationship.

Load-sharing mirrors are either up to date and serving data to clients, or they are lagging and not serving data to clients. If the snapmirror abort command identifies an up-to-date load-sharing mirror, then SnapMirror transfers to the up-to-date load-sharing mirror and associated up-to-date load-sharing mirrors in the set of load-sharing mirrors are aborted. If the snapmirror abort command identifies a lagging load-sharing mirror, then only the SnapMirror transfer associated with the lagging load-sharing mirror is aborted.

After the snapmirror abort command successfully completes its operation, the volume on the receiving side of the transfer might contain a restart checkpoint. The restart checkpoint can be used by a subsequent transfer to restart and continue the aborted SnapMirror transfer.

This command is supported for SnapMirror relationships with the field "Relationship Capability" showing as either "9.7 and above" in the output of the snapmirror show command.

This command is not supported for SnapMirror active sync relationships with policy of type automated-failover or automated-failover-duplex in admin privilege level.

The use of wildcards in parameter values is not supported from the source Vserver or cluster for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "9.7 and above" .

You can use this command from the source or the destination Vserver or cluster for FlexVol volume relationships.

For SnapMirror Synchronous relationships, this command aborts any ongoing transfer and takes the relationship OutOfSync. This can result in primary client IO failure for relationships with a policy of type strict-sync-mirror . Instead, the best practice recommendation is to use the snapmirror quiesce command.

Beginning with ONTAP 9.12.1, for SnapMirror Synchronous relationships on platforms that support NDO, snapmirror abort triggered in "InSync" state will not change the relationship status to "OutOfSync" . Instead, it will internally trigger the feature "Fast Resync" which will try to keep the relationship status "InSync" .

For Vserver SnapMirror relationships, this command must be run only from the cluster containing the destination Vserver.


{ [-S, -source-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>}] - Source Path

This parameter specifies the source endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of four path formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver) and/or the volume (volume). For SnapMirror relationships with an AltaVault source, the source endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/share/share-name . For SnapMirror relationships with a SolidFire source, the source endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/lun/name .

| [-source-cluster <Cluster name>] - Source Cluster

Specifies the source cluster of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, the -source-vserver and -source-volume parameters must also be specified.

[-source-volume <volume name>] - Source Volume }

Specifies the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP source endpoints.

{ -destination-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>} - Destination Path

This parameter specifies the destination endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of four path formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver) and/or volume (volume). For SnapMirror relationships with AltaVault destinations, the destination endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/share/share-name . For relationships with SolidFire destinations, the destination endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/lun/name .

| [-destination-cluster <Cluster name>] - Destination Cluster

Specifies the destination cluster of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameters -destination-vserver and -destination-volume must also be specified. This parameter cannot be specified when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "9.7 and above" .

-destination-vserver <vserver name> - Destination Vserver

Specifies the destination Vserver of the SnapMirror relationship. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.

-destination-volume <volume name> - Destination Volume }

Specifies the destination volume of the SnapMirror relationship. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.

[-h, -hard <true>] - Discard Restart Checkpoint

If this option is specified true, the restart checkpoint is discarded and the destination volume is restored to the last Snapshot copy that was successfully transferred. You can use the -hard option to discard the restart checkpoint of a previous transfer attempt which forces the subsequent transfer to start with a fresh Snapshot copy on the destination volume. This option can only be used from the destination Vserver or cluster. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP endpoints.


To stop the active SnapMirror replication to the destination volume vs2.example.com:dept_eng_dp_mirror1 , type the following command:

vs2.example.com::> snapmirror abort -destination-path

To stop the active SnapMirror replication to the destination Vserver dvs1.example.com , type the following command:

cluster2::> snapmirror abort -destination-path

To stop the active SnapMirror replication to the destination Application Consistency Group cg_dst in Vserver vs2.example.com , type the following command:

cluster2::> snapmirror abort -destination-path
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