ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver iscsi session parameter show

Display the parameters used to establish an iSCSI session

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command displays session parameter information. This command is intended for troubleshooting performance problems.

Most of the parameters are read-only. However, some parameters can be modified with the vserver iscsi modify command.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver

Use this parameter to display session information that matches the Vserver name that you specify.

[-tpgroup <text>] - Target Portal Group

Use this parameter to display session information that matches the target portal group name that you specify.

[-tsih <integer>] - Target Session ID

Use this parameter to display session information that matches the target session ID that you specify.

[-cmd-window-size <integer>] - Max Commands per Session

Use this parameter to display session information that matches the command window size that you specify.

[-data-pdu-in-order {true|false}] - Data PDU in Order

Use this parameter to display session information with the value of the Protocol Data Units (PDU) in order flag you specify. This parameter indicates if the data within a sequence can be in any order or must be in sequence. If you enter this command without using this parameter, it is set to true, and the command displays all session information that supports PDUs in order. If you provide a false value, the command displays all session information that does not support PDUs in order.

[-data-sequence-in-order {true|false}] - Data Sequence in Order

Use this parameter to display session information with the value of the data sequence in order flag that you specify. If you enter this command without using this parameter, it is set to true, and the command displays all session information that supports data sequence. If you set the values to false, the command displays all session information that does not support data sequence.

[-default-time-to-retain <integer>] - Default Time to Retain

Use this parameter to display session information that matches the retain time that you specify. This value specifies the amount of time before active reassignment is possible after an unexpected connection termination or a connection reset. A value of 0 means the connection task state is immediately discarded by the target.

[-default-time-to-wait <integer>] - Default Time to Wait

Use this parameter to display session information that matches the logout or active task assignment wait time that you specify. Wait time refers to the amount of time before attempting an explicit or implicit logout or active task assignment after an unexpected connection termination or connection reset.

[-error-recovery-level <integer>] - Error Recovery Level

Use this command to display session information that matches the error recovery level that you specify.

[-first-burst-length <integer>] - First Burst Length

Use this parameter to display session information that matches the first burst length that you specify. First burst length is the maximum amount of unsolicited data in bytes that can be sent during the execution of a single iSCSI packet. First burst length covers the total amount of immediate data and the unsolicited data-out PDU. The first burst length must not exceed the maximum burst length.

[-immediate-data-enabled {true|false}] - Immediate Data

Use this parameter to display session information with the value of the immediate data-enabled flag that you specify. If you enter this command without using this parameter, it is set to true, and the command displays all session information that supports immediate data. If you set the value to false, the command displays all session information that does not support immediate data.

[-initial-r2t-enabled {true|false}] - Initial R2T Enabled

Use this parameter to display session information with the value of the R2T data-enabled flag that you specify. If you enter this command without using this parameter, it is set to true, and the command displays all session information that supports R2T data. If you set the value to false, the command displays all session information that does not support R2T data.

[-initiator-alias <text>] - Initiator Alias

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the initiator alias name you specify.

[-initiator-name <text>] - Initiator Name

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the initiator name you specify.

[-isid <text>] - Initiator Session ID

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the initiator session identifier you specify.

[-max-burst-length <integer>] - Max Burst Length for Session

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the maximum burst length that you specify. Maximum burst length is the maximum iSCSI data payload in bytes for a data-in or solicited data-out sequence.

[-max-connections <integer>] - Max Connections for Session

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the maximum number of connections that you specify.

[-max-outstanding-r2t <integer>] - Max Outstanding R2T for Session

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the maximum number of outstanding R2T per task that you specify.

[-session-type <iSCSI Session Type>] - Session Type

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the session type you specify.

[-tpgroup-tag <integer>] - Target Portal Group Tag

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the target portal group tag you specify.

[-initiator-mrdsl <integer>,…​] - Initiator Max Recv Data Len

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the initiator maximum receivable data segment length you specify. An iSCSI initiator declares the maximum data segment length in bytes it can receive in an iSCSI PDU during the iSCSI login phase.

[-target-mrdsl <integer>,…​] - Target Max Recv Data Len

Use this parameter to display iSCSI session information that matches the target maximum receivable data segment length you specify. An iSCSI target declares the maximum data segment length in bytes it can receive in an iSCSI PDU during the iSCSI login phase.


cluster1::> iscsi session parameter show -vserver vs_1
        Tpgroup      Max  Data PDU Data Seq Time 2 Time 2 Error   Imm   Initial
Vserver Name    TSIH Conn In Order In Order Retain Wait   Rec Lvl Data  R2T
------- ------- ---- ---- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------- ----- -------
vs_1    vs_1.iscsi 6    1 true     true          0      2       0 true  false
vs_1    vs_1.iscsi 7    1 true     true          0      2       0 true  false
2 entries were displayed.

Lists iSCSI session parameters for Vserver vs_1.

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