ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node autosupport show

Display AutoSupport configuration

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system node autosupport show command displays the AutoSupport configuration of one or more nodes.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-config ]

Use this parameter to display the retry interval, retry count, throttle, and reminder settings of all nodes in the cluster.

| [-recent ]

Use this parameter to display the subject and time of the last AutoSupport message generated by each node in the cluster.

| [-support-http ]

Use this parameter to display whether HTTP support is enabled in the cluster, and identify the transport protocol and the support proxy URL used.

| [-support-smtp ]

Use this parameter to display whether SMTP (e-mail) support is enabled in the cluster, and identify the transport protocol and the "to" e-mail address used.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node
The AutoSupport configuration is identical for all nodes in the cluster.

Use this parameter to display detailed information about the node you specify.

[-state {enable|disable}] - State

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that have the AutoSupport state you specify.

[-mail-hosts <text>,…​] - SMTP Mail Hosts

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the mail hosts you specify.

[-from <mail address>] - From Address

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that have the "from" e-mail address you specify.

[-to <mail address>,…​] - List of To Addresses

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that have the "to" e-mail addresses you specify.

[-noteto <mail address>,…​] - (DEPRECATED) List of Noteto Addresses
This parameter has been deprecated and might be removed in a future version of Data ONTAP.

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that send short-note e-mail messages to the e-mail addresses you specify. Short-note e-mails contain only the subject line of the AutoSupport message, which is easier to view on a mobile device.

[-partner-address <mail address>,…​] - List of Partner Addresses

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that have the "partner-address" e-mail addresses you specify. These addresses are not subject to the delivery limitations configured for the "-to" addresses of AutoSupport triggers.

[-support {enable|disable}] - Send AutoSupport Messages to Vendor Support

Use this parameter with the value "enable" to display information only about nodes that send AutoSupport messages to your vendor’s Fujitsu Support. Use this parameter with the value "disable" to display information only about nodes that do not send AutoSupport messages to your vendor’s Fujitsu Support.

[-transport {smtp|https}] - Protocol to Contact Support

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the protocol you specify to send AutoSupport messages.

[-url <text>] - Support URL for HTTPS

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the URL you specify to send messages through the HTTPS POST operations.

[-put-url <text>] - Support URL for HTTPS PUT

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the URL you specify to send messages through the HTTPS PUT operations.

[-proxy-url <text>] - Support Proxy URL

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the proxy URL you specify.

[-support-address <mail address>,…​] - Support Address

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the external support address you specify.

[-hostname-subj {true|false}] - Hostname Subject

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that include their hostname in the "Subject:" line of AutoSupport messages. If the parameter "remove-private-data" is false , this parameter has no effect.

[-perf {true|false}] - Performance Data Enable

Use this parameter with the value "true" to display information only about nodes that send periodic performance AutoSupport messages. Use this parameter with the value "false" to display information only about nodes that do not send periodic performance messages.

[-retry-interval <[<integer>h][<integer>m][<integer>s]>] - Retry Interval

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the retry interval you specify.

[-retry-count <integer>] - Retry Count

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the retry count you specify.

[-reminder {true|false}] - Reminder Enable

Use this parameter with the value "true" to display information only about nodes that send messages reminding administrators to enable AutoSupport if AutoSupport is not enabled. Use this parameter with the value "false" to display information only about nodes that do not send reminder messages.

[-last-subject <text>] - (DEPRECATED) Last Subject Sent
This parameter has been deprecated and might be removed in a future version of Data ONTAP.

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes whose last AutoSupport message had the "Subject:" line you specify.

[-last-time <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - (DEPRECATED) Last Time Sent
This parameter has been deprecated and might be removed in a future version of Data ONTAP.

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes whose last AutoSupport message was sent at the date and time you specify. Specify the date and time in the format "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS".

[-max-http-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Maximum HTTPS Size

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that limit the maximum size of HTTP transfers to the file size you specify.

[-max-smtp-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Maximum SMTP Size

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that limit the maximum size of SMTP (e-mail) transfers to the file size you specify.

[-remove-private-data {true|false}] - Remove Sensitive Data

Use this parameter with the value "true" to display information only about nodes that remove sensitive data from AutoSupport messages. Use this parameter with the value "false" to display information only about nodes that do not remove sensitive data.

[-validate-digital-certificate {true|false}] - Validate Digital Certificate Received (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the value "true" to display information only about nodes that validate digital certificates they receive. Use this parameter with the value "false" to display information only about nodes that do not validate digital certificates.

[-ondemand-state {enable|disable}] - AutoSupport OnDemand State (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that have the AutoSupport OnDemand state you specify.

[-ondemand-remote-diagnostics-state {enable|disable}] - AutoSupport OnDemand Remote Diagnostics State (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that have the AutoSupport OnDemand Remote Diagnostics state you specify.

[-ondemand-server-url <text>] - AutoSupport OnDemand Server URL

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that have the AutoSupport OnDemand Server URL you specify.

[-node-specific-from {enable|disable}] - Node-Specific From Address (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to display information that matches the specified value - enabled or disabled.

[-validate-smtp-certificate {true|false}] - Validate Certificate of SMTP Server (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the value "true" to display information only about nodes that validate certificates they receive from the SMTP server. Use this parameter with the value "false" to display information only about nodes that do not validate certificates from the SMTP server.

[-smtp-encryption {none|start_tls}] - SMTP Encryption

Use this parameter to display information only about nodes that use the encryption protocol you specify to send SMTP AutoSupport messages.


The following example displays the AutoSupport configuration for a node named node3:

cluster1::> system node autosupport show -node node3
                                       Node: node3
                                      State: enable
                            SMTP Mail Hosts: smtp.example.com
                               From Address: alerts@example.com
                       List of To Addresses: support@example.com
                   List of Noteto Addresses: -
                  List of Partner Addresses: support@partner.com
Send AutoSupport Messages to Vendor Support: enable
                Protocol to Contact Support: https
                          Support Proxy URL: support.proxy.example.com
                           Hostname Subject: true
                    Performance Data Enable: true
                             Retry Interval: 4m
                                Retry Count: 15
                            Reminder Enable: true
                    The Transmission Window: 1h
                          Last Subject Sent: WEEKLY
                             Last Time Sent: 3/1/2019 06:00:03
                          Maximum HTTP Size: 50MB
                          Maximum SMTP Size: 5MB
                      Remove Sensitive Data: false
   Continue Local Collection while Disabled: true
                            SMTP Encryption: none
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