ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

cluster ping-cluster

Ping remote cluster interfaces and perform RPC server check

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The cluster ping-cluster command probes network connectivity to remote cluster interfaces, and performs an RPC server check.


-node <nodename> - Node (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to send the ping from the node you specify.

[-use-sitelist {true|false}] - Use Sitelist for Cluster Interfaces (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the value true to specify that the command use the sitelist to determine any incomplete cluster IP information. Use this parameter with the value false to specify that the command not use the sitelist.

[-skip-rpccheck {true|false}] - Skip RPC Server Check (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter with the value true to specify that the command not perform the rpcinfo check of remote hosts. Use this parameter with the value false to specify that the command perform the rpcinfo check. The rpcinfo check checks the status of the RPC servers on the remote hosts. By default, the rpcinfo check runs on the program number of the portmapper. Use the -rpc-prognum parameter to override this default.

[-rpc-prognum <integer>] - RPC Server to Check (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to override default behavior and run the rpcinfo check on the program number you specify. By default, the rpcinfo check runs on the program number of the portmapper.


The following example shows typical output for this command.

cluster1::*> cluster ping-cluster -node node1
Host is node1
Getting addresses from network interface table...
Local =
Remote =
Ping status:
Basic connectivity succeeds on 4 path(s)
Basic connectivity fails on 0 path(s)
Detected 1500 byte MTU on 4 path(s):
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
Larger than PMTU communication succeeds on 4 path(s)
RPC status:
2 paths up, 0 paths down (tcp check)
2 paths up, 0 paths down (udp check)
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