ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver http-proxy modify

Change a HTTP Proxy configuration

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver http-proxy modify command modifies an HTTP proxy configuration of a Vserver.


{ -vserver <vserver> - Vserver

Use this parameter to specify the Vserver for which the HTTP proxy server configuration is to be modified.

Note that -vserver and -ipspace are mutually exclusive options.

| [-ipspace <text>] - Ipspace }

Use this parameter to specify the IPspace for which the HTTP proxy server configuration is to be modified.

Note that -vserver and -ipspace are mutually exclusive options.

[-server <text>] - Proxy Server

Use this parameter to specify the Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address of the proxy server.

[-port <integer>] - Port

Use this parameter to specify the port number on which the HTTP proxy service is configured on the proxy server.

[-is-auth-enabled {true|false}] - Authentication Enabled

Use this parameter to specify if authentication is enabled to connect to the HTTP proxy server. By default it is set to false. When set to true, username and password will be prompted.

[-skip-config-validation <true>] - Skip the config validation

Use this parameter to skip the HTTP proxy configuration validation.

The proxy configuration is validated to verify that the specified server is reachable and is providing HTTP proxy service on the specified port.

The validation fails in the following cases:

  • The server is not reachable.

  • The specified port is invalid.

  • HTTP proxy service is not configured on the specified server and port.

  • Route or LIF does not exist.


The following example modifies the HTTP proxy server of the Vserver vs0 with Fully Qualified Domain Name as input for -server parameter:

cluster1::*> vserver http-proxy modify -vserver vs0 -server example.com
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