ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

cluster peer health show

Check peer cluster health

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The cluster peer health show command displays information about the health of the nodes in peer clusters from the perspective of the nodes in the local cluster. The command obtains health information by performing connectivity and status probes of each peer cluster’s nodes from each node in the local cluster.

To enable quick access to remote cluster health information, remote cluster health status is periodically checked and cached. These cached results enable users and system features to quickly assess the availability of remote resources. By default, this command accesses cached results. Use the -bypass-cachetrue option to force a current, non-cached check of remote cluster health.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-originating-node {<nodename>|local}] - Local Node

Selects the node that matches this parameter value.

[-destination-cluster <Cluster name>] - Peer Cluster

Selects the cluster that matches this parameter value.

[-destination-node <Peer Node Name>] - Peer Node

Selects the node that matches this parameter value.

[-destination-cluster-uuid <UUID>] - Peer UUID

Selects the cluster that matches this parameter value.

[-data-ping {unknown_node|internal_error|unreachable|session_reachable|interface_reachable}] - Status of Data Ping Operation

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.

[-icmp-ping {unknown_node|internal_error|unreachable|session_reachable|interface_reachable}] - Status of ICMP Ping Operation

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.

[-node-health {true|false}] - RDB Health of the Node

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value (true means healthy).

[-cluster-health {true|false}] - Cluster Health

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value (true means healthy).

[-availability {true|false}] - Communication Indicator

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value (true means communicating).

[-bypass-cache {true|false}] - Bypass Cache and Determine Health

Bypasses cached results to determine current cluster health (true means bypass the cache). Cached results may not be current, but they are displayed more quickly.

[-last-updated <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Last Update Time

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.


The following example shows typical output for this command in a cluster of two nodes that has a peer cluster of two nodes.

cluster1::> cluster peer health show
Node       Cluster-Name                 Node-Name
             Ping-Status               RDB-Health Cluster-Health Availability
---------- --------------------------- --------- --------------- ------------
           cluster2                    node3
             Data: interface_reachable
             ICMP: -                   true      true            true
             Data: interface_reachable
             ICMP: -                   true      true            true
           cluster2                    node3
             Data: interface_reachable
             ICMP: -                   true      true            true
             Data: interface_reachable
             ICMP: -                   true      true            true
4 entries were displayed.

The following example shows detailed health information for node3 in cluster2 from the perspective of node1 in cluster1.

cluster1::> cluster peer health show -originating-node node1 -destination-cluster cluster2 -destination-node node3 -instance
Local Node: node1
                 Peer Cluster: cluster2
                    Peer Node: node3
                    Peer UUID: 5e4befb2-1f36-11d0-98c9-123476563412
Status of Data Ping Operation: interface_reachable
Status of ICMP Ping Operation: -
       RDB health of the node: true
               Cluster Health: true
      Communication Indicator: true
             Last Update Time: 02/06 18:58:38
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