ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node show

Display the list of nodes in the cluster

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system node show command displays information about the nodes in a cluster. You can limit output to specific types of information and specific nodes in the cluster, or filter output by specific field values.

To see a list of values that are in use for a particular field, use the -fields parameter of this command with the list of field names you wish to view. Use the system node modify command to change some of the field values that this command displays.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-inventory ]

Use this parameter to display inventory information such as serial numbers, asset tags, system identifiers, and model numbers.

| [-messages ]

Use this parameter to display system messages for each node.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects information for node names that match this parameter value.

[-owner <text>] - Owner

Selects nodes that have owner values that match this parameter value.

[-location <text>] - Location

Selects nodes at specific physical locations that match this parameter value.

[-model <text>] - Model

Selects nodes that have model numbers that match this parameter value.

[-serialnumber <text>] - Serial Number

Selects nodes that have serial numbers that match this parameter value.

[-assettag <text>] - Asset Tag

Selects nodes that have asset tags that match this parameter value.

[-uptime {<seconds>|[<d> days] <hh>:<mm>[:<ss>]}] - Uptime

Selects nodes that have uptimes that match this parameter value. This parameter is most useful when used with a range indicator such as less than or greater than, as in:

          show -uptime >"30 days 00:00"
[-nvramid <nvramid>] - NVRAM System ID

Selects nodes that have NVRAM system IDs that match this parameter value.

[-systemid <text>] - System ID

Selects nodes that have system IDs that match this parameter value.

[-vendor <text>] - Vendor

Selects nodes that have vendor names that match this parameter value.

[-health {true|false}] - Health

Selects nodes that have health values that match this parameter value. Specify true to display healthy nodes, and false to display unhealthy nodes.

[-eligibility {true|false}] - Eligibility

Selects nodes that have voting eligibility values that match this parameter value.

[-epsilon {true|false}] - Epsilon (privilege: advanced)

Selects nodes that have epsilon holding designations that match this parameter value. This is useful to find out which node, if any, in the current cluster has been designated as epsilon. Specify true to display the node holding epsilon, and false to display nodes not holding epsilon.

[-uuid <UUID>] - UUID (privilege: advanced)

Selects nodes that have the specified universal unique identifiers that match this parameter value.

[-is-diff-svcs {true|false}] - Differentiated Services

If true, the corresponding node is considered to be part of differentiated services storage infrastructure.

[-is-all-flash-optimized {true|false}] - All-Flash Optimized

Selects nodes that have "All-Flash Optimized" personality values that match this parameter value. Specify true to display nodes which support only SSD drives, and false to display nodes which support all kinds of drives.

[-is-capacity-optimized {true|false}] - Capacity Optimized

Selects nodes that have "Capacity Optimized" personality values that match this parameter value. Specify true to display nodes which support only SSD drives with Capacity Optimized personality enabled and set false otherwise.

[-is-qlc-optimized {true|false}] - ETERNUS HX QLC Optimized

Selects nodes that have "QLC Optimized" personality values that match this parameter value. Specify true to display nodes which support only SSD drives with QLC Optimized personality enabled and set false otherwise.

[-is-all-flash-select-optimized {true|false}] - All-Flash Select Optimized

Selects nodes that have "All-Flash Select Optimized" personality values that match this parameter value. Specify true to display nodes which support only SSD drives, and false to display nodes which support all kinds of drives.

[-sas2-sas3-mixed-stack-support {all|direct-attached|bridge-attached|none}] - SAS2/SAS3 Mixed Stack Support

Selects nodes that have "SAS2/SAS3 Mixed Stack Support" values that match this parameter value. The possible values are:

  • all : SAS2/SAS3 mixing supported on all stacks

  • direct-attached : SAS2/SAS3 mixing supported on direct-attached stacks

  • bridge-attached : SAS2/SAS3 mixing supported on bridge-attached stacks

  • none : SAS2/SAS3 mixing not supported


The following example displays information about all nodes in the cluster:

cluster1::> system node show
Node   Health Eligibility Uptime        Model    Owner  Location
------ ------ ----------- ------------- -------- ------ -------------
node0  true   true        89 days 23:47 MODELXX  IT     Data Center 2
node1  true   true        15 days 22:37 MODELXX         Data Center 2
node2  true   true        15 days 23:00 MODELXX         Data Center 2
node3  true   true        15 days 22:37 MODELXX         Data Center 2
4 entries were displayed.

This example displays the locations and model numbers of all nodes that are in physical locations that have names beginning with "Lab":

cluster1::> system node show -location lab* -fields location, model
node          location model
------------- -------- ------
node5         Lab 1    MODELXX
node7         Lab 3    MODELXX
node9         Lab 5    MODELXX
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