ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

event notification destination modify

Modify an event notification destination

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The event notification destination modify command modifies an event notification destination. More detailed information about parameters can be found in the man page for the event notification destination create command.

The following system-defined notification destination is configured for your use:

  • snmp-traphost - This destination reflects the configuration in "system snmp traphost". To modify traphost addresses, use the system snmp traphost command.


-name <text> - Destination Name

Use this mandatory parameter to specify the name of an event notification destination to be modified. The name of the destination must already exist.

{ [-email <mail address>] - Email Destination

Use this parameter to specify a new value of email address to replace the current address in the event notification destination. The parameter is specified only when the event notification destination type is already "email". It is not allowed to specify the parameter for a destination that already has another type of destination address.

| [-syslog <text>] - Syslog Destination

Use this parameter to specify a new syslog server host name or IP address to replace the current address of the event notification destination. The parameter is specified only when the event notification destination type is already "syslog". It is not allowed to specify the parameter for a destination that already has another type of destination address.

[-syslog-port <integer>] - Syslog Port

Use this parameter to specify a new syslog server port value to replace the current port value of the event notification destination. The parameter is specified only when the event notification destination type is already "syslog". It is not allowed to specify the parameter for a destination that already has another type of destination address.

[-syslog-transport {udp-unencrypted|tcp-unencrypted|tcp-encrypted}] - Syslog Transport

Use this parameter to specify a new syslog transport to replace the current transport of the event notification destination. The parameter is specified only when the event notification destination type is already "syslog". It is not allowed to specify the parameter for a destination that already has another type of destination address.

[-syslog-message-format {legacy-fujitsu|rfc-5424}] - Syslog Message Format

Use this parameter to specify a new syslog message format to replace the current message format of the event notification destination.

[-syslog-timestamp-format-override {no-override|rfc-3164|iso-8601-utc|iso-8601-local-time}] - Syslog Timestamp Format Override

Use this parameter to override the default syslog timestamp format (based on the syslog-message-format parameter) of the event notification destination.

[-syslog-hostname-format-override {no-override|fqdn|hostname-only}] - Syslog Hostname Format Override

Use this parameter to override the default syslog hostname format (based on the syslog-message-format parameter) of the event notification destination.

| [-rest-api-url <text>] - REST API Server URL

Use this parameter to specify a new REST API server URL to replace the current address of the event notification destination. Enter the full URL, which must start either with an http:// or https:// prefix.
To specify a URL that contains a question mark, press ESC followed by the "?".
If a https:// URL is specified, then ONTAP verifies the identity of the destination host by validating its certificate. If the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is enabled for Event Management System (EMS), then ONTAP uses that protocol to determine the certificate’s revocation status. Use the security config oscp show -application ems command to determine if the OCSP-based certificate revocation status check is enabled for EMS. The parameter is specified only when the event notification destination type is already "rest-api". It is not allowed to specify the parameter for a destination that already has another type of destination address.

[-certificate-authority <text>] - Client Certificate Issuing CA

Use this parameter to specify a new value of the certificate authority (CA) to replace the current value in the event notification destination. There can be multiple client certificates installed for the admin vserver in the cluster, and this parameter, along with the certificate-serial parameter, uniquely identifies which one.

Use the security certificate show command to see the list of certificates installed in the cluster.

[-certificate-serial <text>] - Client Certificate Serial Number }

Use this parameter to specify a new serial number of the client certificate to replace the current value in the event notification destination.

[-access-control-role <text>] - Access Control Role (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify a new access control role to replace the current value in the event notification destination.


The following example shows the modification of event notification destinations:

cluster1::> event notification destination show

Name            Type        Destination
--------------  ----------  ---------------------
                email       Storage@example.com
                syslog      example.com
snmp-traphost   snmp (from "system snmp traphost")
3 entries were displayed.

cluster1::> event notification destination modify -name StorageAdminEmail -email StorageAdmin@example.com

cluster1::> event notification destination show

Name            Type        Destination
--------------  ----------  ---------------------
                email       StorageAdmin@example.com
                syslog      example.com
snmp-traphost   snmp (from "system snmp traphost")
3 entries were displayed.

The following example shows how to clear the client certificate configuration when mutual authentication with the REST API server is no longer required:

cluster1::> event notification destination show -name RestApi -instance
Destination Name: RestApi
             Type of Destination: rest-api
              Destination Values: https://rest.example.com/rest
   Client Certificate Issuing CA: cluster1-root-ca
Client Certificate Serial Number: 052213E60B7088
       Client Certificate Valid?: -
                     Syslog Port: -
                Syslog Transport: -
           Syslog Message Format: -
Syslog Timestamp Format Override: -
 Syslog Hostname Format Override: -
      System-Defined Destination: false

cluster-1::> event notification destination modify -name RestApi -certificate-authority - -certificate-serial -

cluster-1::> event notification destination show -name RestApi -instance
Destination Name: RestApi
             Type of Destination: rest-api
              Destination Values: https://rest.example.com/rest
   Client Certificate Issuing CA: -
Client Certificate Serial Number: -
       Client Certificate Valid?: -
                     Syslog Port: -
                Syslog Transport: -
           Syslog Message Format: -
Syslog Timestamp Format Override: -
 Syslog Hostname Format Override: -
      System-Defined Destination: false
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