ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

storage aggregate auto-provision

Recommend and create new aggregates in the cluster

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command analyzes available spare disks in the cluster, and it provides a recommendation how spare disks should be used to create aggregates according to best practices. The command prints the summary of recommended aggregates including their names and usable size. It then prompts the user whether or not the aggregates should be created as recommended. On positive response, ONTAP creates the aggregates as described in the recommendation.

The command parameters allow to restrict the command to some nodes in the cluster, print more details about recommended aggregates, and to skip the prompt.


[-nodes {<nodename>|local}] - List of Nodes

Comma separated list of node names to which the command applies. If this parameter is not used, the command applies to all nodes in the cluster.

[-verbose <true>] - Report More Details

Report additional details about recommended aggregates and spare disks. Per node summary shows number and total size of aggregates to create, discovered spares, and also remaining spare disks and partitions after aggregate creation. RAID group layout shows how spare disks and partitions will be used in new data aggregates to be created. The last table shows spare disks and partitions remaining unused after aggregate creation.

[-skip-confirmation <true>] - Skip the Confirmation and Create Recommended Aggregates

When this parameter is used, the command automatically creates the recommended aggregates. When this parameter is not used, the command checks to proceed with aggregate creation or not.

The command is not affected by the CLI session setting: set -confirmations on /off .


cluster1::storage aggregate> auto-provision
Node               New Data Aggregate            Usable Size
------------------ ---------------------------- ------------
node1              node1_SSD_1                        3.66TB
node2              node2_SSD_1                        3.66TB
------------------ ---------------------------- ------------
Total:             2 new data aggregates              7.32TB

Do you want to create recommended aggregates? {y|n}: n

cluster1::storage aggregate> auto-provision -verbose
Per node summary of new aggregates to create, discovered spares, and also
remaining spare disks and partitions after aggregate creation:
New    Total New -Discovered Spare- -Remaining Spare-
Node               Aggrs  Usable Size  Disks  Partitions  Disks Partitions
------------------ ----- ------------ ------ ----------- ------ ----------
node1                  1       3.66TB      6          48      1          0
node2                  1       3.66TB      6          48      1          0
------------------ ----- ------------ ------ ----------- ------ ----------
Total:                 2       7.32TB     12          96      2          0

New data aggregates to create with counts of
disks and partitions to be used:
Is    Usable  -Devices To Use-
Node             New Data Aggregate        Mirrored      Size  Disks Partitions
---------------- ------------------------- --------  --------  ----- ----------
node1            node1_SSD_1                  false    3.66TB      5         48
node2            node2_SSD_1                  false    3.66TB      5         48

RAID group layout showing how spare disks and partitions will be used
in new data aggregates to be created:

RAID Group In New                      Disk       Usable Disk Or   ---Count---
Data Aggregate To Be Created           Type         Size Partition Data Parity
-------------------------------------- ------ ---------- --------- ---- ------
/node1_SSD_1/plex0/rg0                 SSD       81.97GB partition   22      2
/node1_SSD_1/plex0/rg1                 SSD       81.97GB partition   22      2
/node1_SSD_1/plex0/rg2                 SSD       185.5GB disk         3      2
/node2_SSD_1/plex0/rg0                 SSD       81.97GB partition   22      2
/node2_SSD_1/plex0/rg1                 SSD       81.97GB partition   22      2
/node2_SSD_1/plex0/rg2                 SSD       185.5GB disk         3      2

Details about spare disks and partitions remaining after aggregate creation:
Disk         Device Disk Or     Pool Remaining
Node               Type    Usable Size Partition Number    Spares
------------------ ------ ------------ --------- ------ ---------
node1              SSD         185.5GB disk       Pool0         1
node2              SSD         185.5GB disk       Pool0         1

Do you want to create recommended aggregates? {y|n}: y

Info: Aggregate auto provision has started. Use the "storage aggregate
      show-auto-provision-progress" command to track the progress.
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