ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • cluster peer ping

    Initiate intercluster connectivity test

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The cluster peer ping command displays the status of the network mesh used by the peering relationship. The command checks the network connection to each remote IP address known by the cluster. This includes all intercluster addresses. It is possible for a known address to be not present during the ping. These addresses are not checked, but the absence is temporary.

    The most useful parameters for diagnosing problems are -count and -packet-size . Use the -count and -packet-size parameters to diagnose problems similarly to how you use them with the standard ping utility.

    To display network connection status within a cluster, use the network ping command.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

    [-originating-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node that Initiates Ping

    Use this parameter to send the ping from the node you specify.

    [-destination-cluster <Cluster name>] - Cluster to Ping

    Use this parameter to specify the peer cluster you wish to ping.

    [-destination-node <Peer Node Name>] - Node to Ping in Destination Cluster

    Use this parameter to specify a specific node in the destination cluster to ping.

    [-ip-address <IP Address>] - Active IP Address

    Use this parameter to specify the active IP address you wish to ping.

    [-count <integer>] - Ping Count

    Use this parameter to specify the number of requests to be sent to the destination.

    [-status {unknown_node|internal_error|unreachable|session_reachable|interface_reachable}] - Status of Ping Operation

    Use this parameter to display only ping results that have the status you specify.

    [-timeout <integer>] - Ping Timeout in Seconds

    Use this parameter to specify a timeout value in seconds for the ping operation.

    [-packet-size <integer>] - Size of Packet

    Use this parameter to specify the number of data bytes to be sent in the ping packet.

    [-ttl <integer>] - Time to Live/ Number of Hops

    Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of network hops a packet may make before it is considered a failure.

    [-response-time <double>] - Response Time (ms)

    Use this parameter to display only nodes that have the response time (in milliseconds) that you specify. This parameter is most useful when specified with a range of values, such as >500


    This example shows a ping of cluster1 and cluster2 from cluster2. All nodes are reachable.

    cluster2::> cluster peer ping
    Node: node1                  Destination Cluster: cluster2
    Destination Node IP Address       Count  TTL RTT(ms) Status
    ---------------- ---------------- ----- ---- ------- -------------------------
    node1          1  255   0.209 interface_reachable
    node2          1  255    0.42 interface_reachable
    Node: node2                  Destination Cluster: cluster2
    Destination Node IP Address       Count  TTL RTT(ms) Status
    ---------------- ---------------- ----- ---- ------- -------------------------
    node1          1  255   0.358 interface_reachable
    node2          1  255    0.17 interface_reachable
    Node: node1                  Destination Cluster: cluster1
    Destination Node IP Address       Count  TTL RTT(ms) Status
    ---------------- ---------------- ----- ---- ------- -------------------------
    node3           1  255   0.336 interface_reachable
    node4           1  255   0.354 interface_reachable
    Node: node2                  Destination Cluster: cluster1
    Destination Node IP Address       Count  TTL RTT(ms) Status
    ---------------- ---------------- ----- ---- ------- -------------------------
    node3           1  255   0.354 interface_reachable
    node4           1  255   0.336 interface_reachable
    6 entries were displayed.
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