ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • event notification create

    Create an event notification

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The ` event notification create` command is used to create a new notification of a set of events defined by an event filter to one or more notification destinations.


    -filter-name <text> - Filter Name

    Use this mandatory parameter to specify the name of the event filter. Events that are included in the event filter are forwarded to the destinations specified in the destinations parameter.

    The filter name passed to this command must be an existing filter. For more information, see the event filter create command.

    -destinations <text>,…​ - List of Event Notification Destinations

    Use this mandatory parameter to specify the list of destinations to which the notification should be forwarded. Enter multiple destinations separated by a comma.

    The destination passed to this command must be an existing destination. For more information, see the event destination create command.


    The following example creates an event notification for filter name "filter1" to destinations "email_dest, snmp-traphost and syslog_dest":

    cluster1::> event notification destination show
    Name            Type        Params   Destination
    --------------  ----------  ------   ---------------------
    email_dest      email       false    test@example.com
    snmp-traphost   snmp        true (from "system snmp traphost")
    syslog_dest     syslog      false
    3 entries were displayed.
    cluster1::> event filter show -filter-name filter1
    Filter Name Rule     Rule      Message Name           SNMP Trap Type  Severity
                Position Type
    ----------- -------- --------- ---------------------- --------------- --------
                1        exclude   callhome.bad.ram       *               *
                2        include   callhome.*             *               ALERT, ERROR
                3        exclude   *                      *               *
    3 entries were displayed.
    cluster1::> event notification create -filter-name filter1 -destinations email_dest,syslog_dest,snmp-traphost
    cluster1::> event notification show
    ID     Filter Name       Destinations
    -----  ----------------  -----------------
    1      filter1           email_dest, syslog_dest, snmp-traphost
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