ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • system node virtual-machine hypervisor show

    Display hypervisor information about Data ONTAP-v nodes

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The system node virtual-machine hypervisor show command displays information for each hypervisor that is hosting a Data ONTAP virtual machine. The output contains the hypervisor-specific information, such as host name and IP address, as well as network configuration details. The command only scans hypervisors on which Data ONTAP virtual machines are installed. To filter command output, specify any number of optional fields listed below.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

    [-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

    The name of the Data ONTAP node running in a virtual machine for which information is to be displayed. If this optional parameter is not specified, the command displays information about all nodes in the cluster.

    [-vm-uuid <UUID>] - UUID of the Virtual Machine

    The hypervisor-supplied unique ID for this virtual machine. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisor on which the Data ONTAP virtual machine is running with the specified UUID. Since UUID is unique per host, an alternative and easier way is to use -node to filter out the same information.

    [-vmhost-bios-release-date <text>] - Release Date for the Hypervisor BIOS

    The release date for the currently running hypervisor BIOS. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that have the specified BIOS release date.

    [-vmhost-bios-version <text>] - Current BIOS Version of the Hypervisor Physical Chassis

    The current BIOS version of the hypervisor physical chassis. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified BIOS version.

    [-vmhost-boot-time <text>] - Time When Hypervisor was Last Booted

    The time when the hypervisor was last booted. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors which were last booted at the specified boot time.

    [-vmhost-cpu-clock-rate <integer>] - Speed of the Hypervisor CPU Cores (MHz)

    The speed of the hypervisor CPU cores. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified CPU clock rate.

    [-vmhost-cpu-core-count <integer>] - Number of Physical CPU Cores on the Hypervisor

    The number of physical CPU cores on the hypervisor. Physical CPU cores are the processors contained by a CPU package. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified CPU cores.

    [-vmhost-cpu-socket-count <integer>] - Number of Physical CPU Packages on the Hypervisor

    The number of physical CPU packages on the hypervisor. Physical CPU packages are chips that contain one or more processors. Processors contained by a package are also known as CPU cores. For example, one dual-core package is comprised of one chip that contains two CPU cores. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified CPU sockets.

    [-vmhost-cpu-thread-count <integer>] - Number of Physical CPU Threads on the Hypervisor

    The number of physical CPU threads on the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified CPU threads.

    [-vmhost-gateway <text>] - Default Gateway for the Hypervisor

    The default gateway for the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors with the specified gateway address.

    [-vmhost-hardware-vendor <text>] - Hardware Vendor of the Hypervisor

    The name of hypervisor hardware manufacturer. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors with the specified hardware vendor.

    [-vmhost-hypervisor <text>] - Complete Product Name, including the Version Information for the Hypervisor

    The complete product name, including the version information for the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified hypervisor version.

    [-vmhost-ip-address <text>] - Primary IP Address Assigned to the Hypervisor

    The primary IP address assigned to the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors with the specified IP address.

    [-vmhost-memory <integer>] - Physical Memory Size of the Hypervisor (Bytes)

    The physical memory size of the hypervisor in bytes. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified physical memory.

    [-vmhost-model <text>] - Hypervisor Manufacturer-Supplied Hardware Model Name

    The hypervisor manufacturer-supplied hardware model name. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors with the specified hardware model.

    [-vmhost-name <text>] - Hostname of the Hypervisor

    The host name assigned to the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisor with the specified host name.

    [-vmhost-netmask <text>] - Subnet Mask Address for the Hypervisor

    The subnet mask address for the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors with the specified netmask address.

    [-vmhost-processor-id <text>] - Processor ID of the Hypervisor

    The processor ID of the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors with the specified processor ID.

    [-vmhost-processor-type <text>] - CPU Model of the Hypervisor

    The CPU model of the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors that are running with the specified processor type.

    [-vmhost-software-vendor <text>] - Name of the Virtual Machine Software Manufacturer

    The name of the virtual machine software manufacturer. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisors with the specified software vendor.

    [-vmhost-uuid <UUID>] - UUID of the Hypervisor

    A unique ID for the hypervisor. This optional parameter selects information about the hypervisor with the specified UUID.

    [-vmhost-error <text>] - Error in case Hypervisor Info Retrieval Fails

    Displays a list of nodes on which the hypervisor has received the specified error. This parameter is most useful when entered with wildcards.

    [-vm-custom-max-capacity <integer>] - Maximum Storage Capacity of the Virtual Machine (in TB)

    The maximum system capacity (in TB) that can be configured on the VM. This optional parameter selects information about the node’s storage capacity.


    The following example shows typical output from the system node virtual-machine hypervisor show command for the Data ONTAP virtual machines running in the cluster.

    cluster1::> system node virtual-machine hypervisor show
    Virtual Machine Info
                   Node:  node1
                VM UUID:  123abcde-4f5g-6h78-i9j0-k12l3m4567np
    Hypervisor Info
        Hardware Vendor:  VMware, Inc.
                  Model:  VMware Virtual Platform
        Software Vendor:  Unknown
             Hypervisor:  VMware ESX 4.1.0 build-12345
              Host Name:  myesx.example.com
         Last Boot Time:  2014-01-01T01:23:45.678901-23:45
              Host UUID:  00000000-0000-0000-0000-0012a3456789
           BIOS Version:  S1234.
      BIOS Release Date:  2013-01-01T00:00:00Z
           CPU Packages:  2
              CPU Cores:  12
            CPU Threads:  24
           Processor ID:  0000:0000:0000:0010:0010:0100:1100:0010
         Processor Type:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5670 @ 2.93GHz
                CPU MHz:  2925
            Memory Size:  4227858432
     IPv4 Configuration:  IP Address:
    Virtual Machine Info
                   Node:  node2
                VM UUID:  123abcde-4f5g-6h78-i9j0-k98l7m6543yz
    Hypervisor Info
        Hardware Vendor:  VMware, Inc.
                  Model:  VMware Virtual Platform
        Software Vendor:  Unknown
    Error:  ServerFaultCode:
                          InvalidLoginFault type='InvalidLogin'
    2 entries were displayed.
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