ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • volume flexcache origin show-caches

    Display all the caches connected to origin

    Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The volume flexcache origin show-caches command displays FlexCache relationships for origin of a FlexCache volumes on the origin cluster.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

    [-origin-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

    If this parameter and the origin-volume parameter are specified, the command displays the FlexCache relationship for the specified origin of a FlexCache volume. If this parameter is specified by itself, the command displays all the FlexCache relationships for all origin of a FlexCache volumes in the specified Vserver.

    [-origin-volume <volume name>] - Origin Volume

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays all the FlexCache relationships for the specified origin of a FlexCache volume.

    [-cache-vserver <vserver name>] - Cache Vserver

    If this parameter is specified then the command displays FlexCache relationships for the specified Vserver hosting FlexCache volumes.

    [-cache-volume <volume name>] - Cache Volume

    If this parameter is specified then the command displays FlexCache relationships for the specified FlexCache volume.

    [-cache-cluster <Cluster name>] - Cache Cluster

    If this parameter is specified then the command displays FlexCache relationships for the specified cluster hosting FlexCache volumes.

    [-cache-volume-msid <integer>] - Cache Volume MSID

    If this parameter is specified then the command displays FlexCache relationships for the specified FlexCache volume’s FlexGroup master data-set ID.

    [-relationship-create-time <Date>] - Relationship Create Time

    If you specify this parameter, the command displays FlexCache relationships for which the relationship-create-time option matches the specified input.

    [-relationship-type {Intravserver|Intervserver|Intercluster}] - Relationship Type

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays the origin of a FlexCache volume matching the relationship type

    [-preserve-msid {true|false}] - Preserve Origin MSID on the Cache

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays the origin of a FlexCache volume whose Msid is preserved


    The following example displays information about all origin of a FlexCache volumes on the Vserver named vs34:
    cluster1::> flexcache origin show-caches -origin-vserver vs34
      (volume flexcache origin show-caches)
    Origin-Vserver Origin-Volume  Cache-Vserver  Cache-Volume  Cache-Cluster
    -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
    vs34           origin1        vs56           fc1_c3_origin1
    vs34           origin1        vs34           fc1           cluster-2
    vs34           origin1        vs34           fc2           cluster-2
    vs34           origin2_new    vs56           fc1_c3_origin2
    4 entries were displayed.
    cluster1::> flexcache origin show-caches -origin-vserver vs56 -instance
      (volume flexcache origin show-caches)
    Vserver: vs56
               Origin Volume: origin
               Cache Vserver: vs56
                Cache Volume: fc1
               Cache Cluster: cluster-3
           Cache Volume MSID: 2156002002
    Relationship Create Time: Thu Aug 23 04:36:24 2018
           Relationship Type: intra-vserver
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