ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • system switch ethernet switch-count show

    Display the count of cluster-network, management-network and storage-network switches.

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The system switch ethernet switch-count show command displays the Ethernet switch redundancy status of the cluster that the Ethernet switch health monitor is monitoring.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>,…​ parameter, the command displays the fields that you specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed power supply information for all the switches.

    [-unique-name <text>] - Cluster Unique Name

    Displays the cluster name whose Ethernet switch redundancy is monitored.

    [-clus-switch-count <integer>] - Ethernet Switch Count

    Displays the count of cluster network switches in the cluster.

    [-mgmt-switch-count <integer>] - Management Switch Count

    Displays the count of management network switches in the cluster.

    [-switchless-config {true|false}] - 2-Node Switchless

    Displays whether the cluster is in switchless cluster configuration or not.

    [-monitor {node-connect|system-connect|system|controller|chassis|cluster-switch|example|ethernet-switch}] - Health Monitor

    Displays the health monitor monitoring this cluster network switch redundancy information of the cluster.

    [-status {ok|ok-with-suppressed|degraded|unreachable|unknown}] - Ethernet Switch Redundancy Status

    Displays the Ethernet switch redundancy status of the cluster.

    [-display-name <text>] - Cluster Display Name

    Displays the cluster name whose Ethernet switch redundancy is monitored.

    [-stor-switch-count <integer>] - Storage Switch Count

    Displays the count of storage network switches in the cluster.


    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet switch-count show
    Cluster   Management Storage  Switchless
    Sw Count  Sw Count   Sw Count Config
    --------- ---------- -------- ----------
    2         1          2        false

    Shows the count of Ethernet switches (including cluster, management and storage networks) and the switchless configuration status of the cluster.

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