ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • system health config show

    Display system health configuration

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The system health config show command displays the configuration and status of each health monitor in the cluster. The command shows a health status for each health monitor. The health status is an aggregation of the subsystem health for each subsystem that the health monitor monitors. For example, if a health monitor monitors two subsystems and the health status of one subsystem is "ok" and the other is "degraded", the health status for the health monitor is "degraded".


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

    [-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

    Use this parameter to list the health monitors present on the specified node.

    [-monitor <hm_type>] - Monitor

    Use this parameter to display the health monitors with the specified monitor name.

    [-subsystem <hm_subsystem>,…​] - Subsystem

    Selects the health monitors with the specified subsystems.

    [-health {ok|ok-with-suppressed|degraded|unreachable|unknown}] - Health

    Selects the health monitors with the specified health status.

    [-mon-version <text>] - Monitor Version

    Selects the health monitors with the specified monitor version.

    [-pol-version <text>] - Policy File Version

    Selects the health monitors with the specified health monitor policy version.

    [-context {Node |Cluster}] - Context

    Selects the health monitors with the specified running context.

    [-aggregator <hm_type>] - Aggregator

    Selects the health monitors with the specified aggregator.

    [-resources <text>,…​] - Resource

    Selects the health monitors with the specified resource name.

    [-init-state {Invalid|Initailizing|Initialized|Starting_Discovery|Starting_Re-Discovery|Discovery_Done_Partially|Discovery_Done}] - Subsystem Initialization Status

    Selects the health monitors with the specified subsystem initialization state.

    [-sub-pol-versions <text>] - Subordinate Policy Versions

    Selects the health monitors with the specified subordinate policy version.


    The example below displays information about health monitor configuration:

    cluster1::> system health config show
    Node          Monitor                Subsystem         Health
    ------------- ---------------------- ----------------- ------------------
    node1         node-connect           SAS-connect       degraded
    node1         system-connect         SAS-connect       degraded
    node1         system                 SAS-connect       degraded

    The example below displays detailed information about health monitor configuration:

    cluster1::> system health config show -instance
    Node: node1
                                   Monitor: node-connect
                                 Subsystem: SAS-connect
                                    Health: degraded
                           Monitor Version: 1.0
                       Policy File Version: 1.0
                                   Context: node_context
                                Aggregator: system-connect
                                  Resource: SasAdapter, SasDisk, SasShelf
           Subsystem Initialization Status: initialized
               Subordinate Policy Versions: 1.0 SAS, 1.0 SAS multiple adapters
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