ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • system controller sp upgrade show

    Display the Service Processor Upgrade Table

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The system controller sp upgrade show command displays the following information about the service processor firmware of all the nodes in the cluster:

    • Node name

    • Is new firmware available?

    • Is autoupdate enabled?

    • Status of autoupdate

    • Health monitor status

    To display more details, use the -instance parameter. These commands are available for 80xx, 25xx and later systems. Earlier models are not supported.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    Selects the fields that you specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    Displays detailed upgrade information of the service processor.

    [-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

    Use this parameter to list the upgrade information of the service processor on the specified node.

    [-new-fw-avail {true|false}] - New Firmware Available

    Selects the information of the service processors which have new firmware available.

    [-new-fw-version <text>] - New Firmware Version

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified firmware version.

    [-auto-update {true|false}] - Auto Update

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified state.

    [-auto-update-stat {installed|corrupt|updating|auto-updating|none}] - Auto Update Status

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified auto update status.

    [-auto-update-sttime <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Auto Update Start Time

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified start time.

    [-auto-update-entime <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Auto Update End Time

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified end time.

    [-auto-update-per <integer>] - Auto Update Percent Done

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified auto update percentage completed.

    [-auto-update-maxret <integer>] - Auto Update Maximum Retries

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified maximum number of retries.

    [-auto-update-curret <integer>] - Auto Update Current Retries

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified number of current retries.

    [-auto-update-prevstat {failed|passed}] - Previous AutoUpdate Status

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified automatic update status.

    [-monitor {node-connect|system-connect|system|controller|chassis|cluster-switch|example|ethernet-switch}] - Health Monitor Name

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified monitor name.

    [-status {ok|ok-with-suppressed|degraded|unreachable|unknown}] - Status

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified health monitor status.

    [-name <text>] - Display Name

    Selects the information about service processors with the specified display name.


    The example below displays service processor upgrade information for all nodes in the cluster:

    cluster1::> system controller sp upgrade show
    New   Firmware         Auto Update   Auto Update
    Node  Available        Feature       Status          Status
    ----  ---------------  ------------  --------------  ---------
    node1 false            true          installed        ok
    node2 false            true          installed        ok
    2 entries were displayed.

    The example below displays the detailed service processor upgrade information for a specific node:

    cluster1::> system controller sp upgrade show -instance -node node1
    Node: node1
         New Firmware Available: false
           New Firmware Version: Not Applicable
                    Auto Update: true
             Auto Update Status: installed
         Auto Update Start Time: Thu Oct 20 20:06:03 2012 Etc/UTC
           Auto Update End Time: Thu Oct 20 20:09:19 2012 Etc/UTC
       Auto Update Percent Done: 0
    Auto Update Maximum Retries: 5
    Auto Update Current Retries: 0
     Previous AutoUpdate Status: passed
            Health Monitor Name: controller
                         Status: ok
                   Display Name: SP Upgrade
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