ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • lun igroup show

    Display a list of initiator groups

    Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


    This command displays status information for initiator groups (igroup). By default, the command displays status for all initiator groups.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

    [-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

    Specifies the Vserver.

    [-igroup <text>] - Igroup Name

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value.

    [-protocol {mixed|fcp|iscsi}] - Protocol

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value (FCP , iSCSI , or mixed ).

    [-t, -ostype <Initiator Group OS Type>] - OS Type

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value. The operating system types are

    • solaris

    • windows

    • hpux

    • aix

    • linux

    • netware

    • vmware

    • openvms

    • xen

    • hyper_v

    [-a, -portset <text>] - Portset Binding Igroup

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value.

    [-initiator <text>,…​] - Initiators

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value.

    [-child-igroups <text>,…​] - Child Igroups

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value.

    [-uuid <UUID>] - Igroup UUID

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value.

    [-delete-on-unmap {true|false}] - Delete on Last Unmap

    Selects the initiator groups that match this parameter value. A value of true displays all the initiator groups that will be deleted automatically when they are no longer used in a LUN mapping relationship.

    [-comment <text>] - Igroup Comment

    Selects the igroups that match this parameter value.


    cluster1::> igroup show -instance
              Vserver Name: vs0
               Igroup Name: ig1
                  Protocol: mixed
                   OS Type: linux
    Portset Binding Igroup: -
               Igroup UUID: 358338ba-cfd6-11df-a9ab-123478563412
                Initiators: iqn.1992-08.com.mv:abc (not logged in)
    Vserver Name: vs0
               Igroup Name: ig2
                  Protocol: mixed
                   OS Type: linux
    Portset Binding Igroup: -
               Igroup UUID: 3fb136c7-cfd6-11df-a9ab-123478563412
                Initiators: -
    Vserver Name: vs1
               Igroup Name: ig1
                  Protocol: mixed
                   OS Type: windows
    Portset Binding Igroup: p1
               Igroup UUID: 03accf6b-d08c-11df-a9ab-123478563412
                Initiators: -
    3 entries were displayed.

    The example above displays information about all initiator groups.

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