ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • snaplock legal-hold begin

    Starts an operation to place files under legal-hold in the user specified path on a SnapLock compliance volume.

    Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The snaplock legal-hold begin command is used to place specified file or files under legal-hold for a given litigation. Only a user with security login role vsadmin-snaplock is allowed to perform this operation.


    -vserver <vserver name> - Vserver Name

    Specifies the name of the Vserver which owns the volume. The specified file or files to be placed under legal-hold reside on this volume.

    -litigation-name <text> - Litigation Name

    Specifies the name of the litigation for which the file or files have to be placed under legal-hold.

    -volume <volume name> - Volume

    Specifies the name of the SnapLock compliance volume on which the file or files to be placed under legal-hold reside.

    -path <text> - Path

    Specifies a path relative to the volume root. The path can be either a file path of the single file to be placed under legal-hold or a directory path where all regular files under it must be placed under legal-hold.


    The following example starts a legal-hold begin operation on file file1 in volume slc_vol1 :

    vs1::> snaplock legal-hold begin -litigation-name litigation1 -volume slc_vol1 -path /file1
    SnapLock legal-hold begin operation is queued. Run "snaplock legal-hold show -operation-id 16842773 -instance" to view the operation status.

    The following example starts a legal-hold begin operation on all files in the volume slc_vol1 :

    vs1::> snaplock legal-hold begin -litigation-name litigation1 -volume slc_vol1 -path /
    SnapLock legal-hold begin operation is queued. Run "snaplock legal-hold show -operation-id 16842775 -instance" to view the operation status.
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