ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • storage aggregate verify

    Verify an aggregate

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The storage aggregate verify command verifies the two plexes of an aggregate. It compares the data in the two plexes to ensure that the plexes are identical. It can be used whenever the administrator needs to ensure that the two plexes are completely synchronized with each other. To view any discrepancies, use the following command:

    event log show -message-name raid.mirror.verify.mismatch


    -aggregate <aggregate name> - Aggregate

    This parameter specifies the aggregate to be verified. If no aggregate is specified then the action specified by the parameter -action will be taken on all the aggregates.

    -action {start|stop|resume|suspend|status} - Action

    This parameter specifies the action to be taken. The possible actions are:

    • start - Starts a verify.

    • stop - Permanently stops a verify. A stopped verify cannot be resumed.

    • resume - Resumes a suspended verify.

    • suspend - Suspends a verify.

    • status - Displays the current status of a verify.

    [-plex-to-fix <text>] - Plex to be Corrected in Case of Mismatches

    This parameter specifies the name of a plex to fix in case the two plexes of the aggregate do not match. The default behavior is to log any discrepancies instead of fixing them.

    This parameter is only applicable when the command is used to start a verify.


    The following example starts a verify on an aggregate named aggr1.

    cluster1::> storage aggregate verify -aggregate aggr1 -action start

    The following example queries the status of a verify on an aggregate named aggr1.

    cluster1::> storage aggregate verify -aggregate aggr1 -action status
        Aggregate:aggr1, Is Suspended:false, Percentage Completed:19.03%

    The following example starts a verify on all the aggregates.

    cluster1::> storage aggregate verify -action start
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